Portland Reaches Its Limits, Pepper Sprays Snowflakes

Do tell us how a Republican Congress will impeach a Republican President, dufus.

Hey, moron, do you really "think" that republicans in congress really love the Trumpster??? LOL
Doesn't matter if they "love" him or not, they love power and "the Trumpster" in the Oval Office enhances their power while impeachment proceedings against a fellow ganste-R diminishes it.

So quite dreaming and accept the fact that Donald Duck is going to be in charge for at least the next 4 years and probably 8 if the Democrats don't knock off all this crybaby nonsense and get with the program of figuring out how to win the argument on the ISSUES.
The same was stated about Richard Nixon......How did THAT turn out?

Post-Clinton, no president will ever resign again.

Remember, Nixon was hounded from office for suggesting that the IRS be used against political enemies.

Nixon only suggested it, Obama fucking did it, but since we are so corrupt and there is zero integrity among you Communists, Obama was basically praised for his criminal acts.

Nixon was of an era when we were a nation of laws, we are no longer. Nixon was of a party that had integrity, you of the Khmer Rouge have none and Trump is playing by your sleazy rules.

He will never resign, and you Communists will never have the power to impeach. The ONLY chance you have of defeating Trump is the 2020 ballot box - and even that is a damned slim one, given the behavior of you whiny little fucks.
Who said Nixon was an "illegitimate President" a month after he took office?

If the "illegitimate President" nimrods running around behaving like kindergartners on crack think they have something of Watergate proportions on Trump they're far more delusional than I thought.

NEVER stated that Nixon was illegitimate.....nit wit.......Check out Trump's approval ratings in this country and all over the world.
Nixon cheated when he tried to spy on the democrats and in trying to cover up "leaks".......Trump is headed in the same direction. Trump will need a WAR to re-channel the growing negativism.

ROFLMAO! :disbelief:

Let's rewind the tape .....

I posted about the people calling Trump an "illegitimate President" and YOU replied "The same thing was said about Nixon" to which I replied "Who said Nixon was "illegitimate President" a month after he took office"?

You need to cut back on the LSD.
So quite dreaming and accept the fact that Donald Duck is going to be in charge for at least the next 4

I give him until the 2018 mid-terms........Pence will take over.

Just like Trump would never win the nomination, would be forced out by the GOP, would never win the general, would be forced out by Soros recall efforts, would be forced out by faithless electors.

You Stalinst shits have all kinds of predictions, but they all boil down to..

Which president has the LOWEST approval ratings since Eisenhower, and which president has fucked up more than Trump in just ONE month???........LOL
So making college easier for minorities to go to is a screw up? I knew you was a racist.
What do you think the scuffle with the intelligence community is all about, sploogy?

So, "draining the swamp" REALLY meant bringing in his wall street cronies as cabinet heads.....LOL

You are so used to getting screwed that you actually enjoy it now.......

So, "draining the swamp" REALLY meant bringing in his wall street cronies as cabinet heads.....LOL

You are so used to getting screwed that you actually enjoy it now.......

No. it means kicking the entrenched criminals out. The government is more like the mafia after 8 years of Obama, full of crooks involved in kickbacks, graft, and larceny. You like it that way, think it's oh so clever to be crooked, that only chumps are honest and play by the rules. But America is tired of you crooks and thugs running the show,
The government is more like the mafia after 8 years of Obama, full of crooks involved in kickbacks, graft, and larceny.

Gee, I had NO idea that you were so against all those right wingers that got elected ....but I do agree that all those right wingers are crooks.......(and lap dogs to right wing millionaires)......THANKS for agreeing with me. LOL
LOL granny lib got sprayed, cuffed, and stuffed in the van. Don't worry she will go home smoke a doobie.
Gee, I had NO idea that you were so against all those right wingers that got elected ....but I do agree that all those right wingers are crooks.......(and lap dogs to right wing millionaires)......THANKS for agreeing with me. LOL

Gnat, you are a Communist because you are stupid.

The career bureaucrats are the result of Obama (some still from Bush) and are openly corrupt. The Obama administration was more of the mafia than a legitimate government. We had fucking Eric Holder and Chicago mobster Rahm Emmanuel in top positions.

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