Portland starts the year by firebombing the police

........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.

They are democrats. They are the Brown Shirts, a terrorist shock troop army controlled by and deployed by the democrat party. The democrats wield these exactly the way Hitler did.
........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.

They are democrats. They are the Brown Shirts, a terrorist shock troop army controlled by and deployed by the democrat party. The democrats wield these exactly the way Hitler did.
........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.
Antifa is not anarchist. They are pathologically damaged dingbats who claim to be against fascism yet act like fascist themselves. BLM on the other hand are still dingbats who think thugs are heroes.

A pox on both their hovels and that of their Democrat overlords.
If they were trying to set fire to businesses, then yes. I do. Last time I checked people tend to die from being burned up.

Did anybody die or get seriously injured? Maybe this has been overblown and no death was needed.

No, thanks to dumb luck. And no one on my side will ever die from burns either because I will shoot any asshole who tries to burn us.
........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.

Actually, they are leftist goons hired by billionaires who want to destroy this country. Every one of their actions benefits China, which makes their actions treason.


I don't understand why these people can't be stopped. Professional grade fireworks and firebombs can seriously injure, maim and kill. Antifa has pulled this for years. If I lived there, I wouldn't be any too happy about them attacking our police force or trashing area businesses. What in hell is wrong with everyone out there? They've been doing this for 7 months steady. Happy fuckin' New Year, huh?

For clarification I would have no problem with these people being arrested and charged. I just don't think they should have been gunned down in the street.

Who was gunned down in the streets?
........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.

Actually, they are leftist goons hired by billionaires who want to destroy this country. Every one of their actions benefits China, which makes their actions treason.
Don't be a nutcase. Since long before China became your boogeyman du jour, Antifa has been violently stirring up trouble out there. I recall their handiwork in Labor Day rallies and others. Antifa believes all government is corrupt. Maybe they are getting "donations" from those who want us destroyed, professional grade fireworks cost money. I don't think burning the same area of Seattle for 7 months is going to get those evil billionaires with slant eyes very far, though.
........bullshit!!! Mike Brown ATTACKED a cop, and when the cop defended himself, and all the animals go apeshit!!!!!!!!!!!
......Obama sent his AG [ AGs are supposed to be anti-criminal ] to comfort the family of a black CRIMINAL that attacked a white cop!!!

....they protest/riot/etc FOR criminals !!!..Pelosi knelt for a CRIMINAL

That's because these aren't criminals. These Brown Shirts are the terrorist shock troops of the democrat party. The democrats are fighting a revolution. We MUST treat the Brown Shirts as what they are, a hostile army waging war against us.
They aren't Democrats. They're anarchists and they hate all government, including the progressives who are letting them get away with this shit.

Just to be clear, Antifa and BLM are not the same either. I am strictly talking about Antifa.

Actually, they are leftist goons hired by billionaires who want to destroy this country. Every one of their actions benefits China, which makes their actions treason.
Don't be a nutcase. Since long before China became your boogeyman du jour, Antifa has been violently stirring up trouble out there. I recall their handiwork in Labor Day rallies and others. Antifa believes all government is corrupt. Maybe they are getting "donations" from those who want us destroyed, professional grade fireworks cost money. I don't think burning the same area of Seattle for 7 months is going to get those evil billionaires with slant eyes very far, though.

So do i. And originally i thought it was russia doing it. Antifart IS a russian creation, after all. But having watched all of the actions taken over the last four years, it is obvious that the political class of the USA, mainly democrat, but lots of so called repubs too, have been corrupted by the chinese. It is as obvious as the wart on a witches nose.

They should be shot dead on site !!
I am sure even some Democrats agree

I am 83 years old.

When I was a teenager in the 1950s, some cities in the East were just beginning to change, so people had to move to the suburbs.

But here in the West, Oregon was still a peaceful & orderly place for a long time, as was Washington state.

It is devastating to see the demise of Oregon because of the kind of people who are moving there.

The whole country is becoming dysfunctional.

And there's nothing that anyone can do about it.

Russia? China? Abortion? Aliens from Outer Space? Homosexuality? Are any of those responsible for the inevitable downfall of this nation? NO! It's the lack of character of more and more Americans.
Picture Time? You didn't make a point. One is a protest and the other is Antifa ready to roll. No comparison. That's where you folks are going wrong. The make believe you are throwing into the mix is making it harder to stop these guys. It's nothing but CT noise. You want law and order? So do I, so do all of us. Join THIS planet and deal with reality. We might accomplish something to tone this group down.
The only way to stop this is “deadly force “
It seems many right wingers are hyped at the prospect of killing left wingers.
Who are you? There are only 2 sides

You think you won’t be affected by any of this going on.

You seem to enjoy watching 2 sides fight each other.

You don’t have to be a DemonRat to be a jackass
In the midst of an attacking mob, how do you expect the police to identify who threw the firebomb? That's why they're back at it the next night. Okay, you don't want cops shooting willy nilly into a crowd. I surely understand that. How about every blessed one of them be thrown into police wagons and thrown in jail until the guilty ones are identified? No, of course our legal rights don't allow that, but maybe when a crowd is trying to kill cops, those laws ought to be suspended. It's real easy not to lose your rights...don't go out in a crowd fixin' to kill cops!

At least your views aren't insane like others in here. You correctly pointed out that if we can't identify who is doing it it's insane to start shooting.
Fireworks? Explosives and laser lights can blind--that is why we have laws against using them in that manner. Do you believe that our laws should be exercises in futility or should they be enforced? If you don't believe in enforcement of our laws then you are as much an anarchist as they are and you should be subject to the penalty of death too.

I believe killing people should be a last resort. It's a good thing that nobody died.

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