Portland’s Mayor Begs Public To Help Dox Antifa Members, Do The Cops Jobs

You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
Because snitching on terrorists will never put you or your family in danger!
Besides, their just an idea.

So, he was hobnobbing with them when Trump was president, but wants them turned in now that Harris is control.

How shallow can the twit get, anyway

Not about Harris, Biden or even Trump. He is probably has been evaluating the effectiveness or more rightly, the lack there of, regarding his managerial response to the protests/rioting. Permissiveness, to me has always been a problem of the left, whether that is accurate or not. Setting limits is as important as setting goals. I see permissiveness with children in the way they are raised, leading to more permissiveness in general. Though not always bad, by any means, there must be limits, a line at which you must say no and NO MEANS NO. This is where he, his Governor and some others around the few riot torn cities failed, at least in my opinion.

Of course it had to do with them. He encouraged antifa when he saw them as being useful in taking down Trump , but now they are not needed. Also, Harris was having her underlings bailing out those anitifa members who actually did get arrested so they could get back on the street to cause more mayhem.

You are saying he sacrificed his city to get rid of trump and elect Biden? Doubt it was a prime consideration. I think left wing permissiveness is just basically not liking to say no, carried to extreme. Ever seen a kid acting horribly in a store being tolerate by one or both parents, when the kid really needed a butt whipping right there in the store to get the message no means no? You know those will be rotten teens and adult later in life.

These kids are running our country now. Spoiled, undisciplined adults with adolescent minds and no accountability.

There are many endings. All not so good at this point. You have to wonder if we will have a cleansing.
You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
"with housing prices downtown so high it was already unaffordable for most with real jobs, ......... while making piles off of real estate scams."
"then bought up ever last affordable house as rentals ......"

This is not intended as snark, but......but I think an argument can be made that what we are reading above is merely 'sour grapes'.

Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market.

Snooze..... you lose.

Typical idiot 'analysis'.
"with housing prices downtown so high it was already unaffordable for most with real jobs, ......... while making piles off of real estate scams."
"then bought up ever last affordable house as rentals ......"

This is not intended as snark, but......but I think an argument can be made that what we are reading above is merely 'sour grapes'.

Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market.

Snooze..... you lose.

Did you flunk basic math?? Salaries and wages in Portland and Seattle were drastically less than paid in California. Where were native Oregonians and Washingtonians supposed to get the money to complete with out of state buyers flooding in from California with $800k in cash?
"with housing prices downtown so high it was already unaffordable for most with real jobs, ......... while making piles off of real estate scams."
"then bought up ever last affordable house as rentals ......"

This is not intended as snark, but......but I think an argument can be made that what we are reading above is merely 'sour grapes'.

Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market.

Snooze..... you lose.

Typical idiot 'analysis'.

That's weapons grade stupid.
Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market. Snooze..... you lose.
Typical idiot 'analysis'.
Where ...... to get the money to complete with out of state buyers flooding in from California with $800k in cash?

So, local mokes didn't see the economic wave coming.
Didn't know one could leverage their debt.
Maybe didn't have the quality of credit to leverage.

And now are pizzed they missed the rising tide that raised all boats.
So now they stomp.....and stomp .....the grapes of envy.

Snooze....you lose.
Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market. Snooze..... you lose.
Typical idiot 'analysis'.
Where ...... to get the money to complete with out of state buyers flooding in from California with $800k in cash?

So, local mokes didn't see the economic wave coming.
Didn't know one could leverage their debt.
Maybe didn't have the quality of credit to leverage.

And now are pizzed they missed the rising tide that raised all boats.
So now they stomp.....and stomp .....the grapes of envy.

Snooze....you lose.

Adults are talking go sit at the kids table. The economics have been explained to you and you are not capable of understanding. Or you are being a troll. Or both.
Local fellows who weren't astute enough, market savvy enough, to see what was happening and jump on the wave before the bulk of newbie out-of-towners came in and kick-started a moribund market. Snooze..... you lose.
Typical idiot 'analysis'.
Where ...... to get the money to complete with out of state buyers flooding in from California with $800k in cash?

So, local mokes didn't see the economic wave coming.
Didn't know one could leverage their debt.
Maybe didn't have the quality of credit to leverage.

And now are pizzed they missed the rising tide that raised all boats.
So now they stomp.....and stomp .....the grapes of envy.

Snooze....you lose.

lol rubbish. A bunch of amoral idiots who thought nothing of filing bankruptcy every three years pile into a market and drive prices up far beyond any real value aren't 'raising tides', they're screwing over locals who had far smaller incomes and get driven out of their house by increased property taxes and sky high inflation.Not everybody goes around leveraging a tiny 'equity' 35 to 50 times its value, like Californians did in the housing bubbles, costing the country trillions in losses. They should be doing time in prison for felony fraud, not hiding behind bankruptcy laws.
You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.

Wheeler is the mayor AND the police commissioner for Portland. He sucks at both jobs.
omertà and respect for the ladies.

I would totally watch that show!

You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.

Wheeler is the mayor AND the police commissioner for Portland. He sucks at both jobs.
He sucked all last year and most of this one, so far. I don't know if he is really changing or not. He needs to. How the heck can you be Mayor and Police Commissioner? I have never heard of such thing.
You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.

Wheeler is the mayor AND the police commissioner for Portland. He sucks at both jobs.
He sucked all last year and most of this one, so far. I don't know if he is really changing or not. He needs to. How the heck can you be Mayor and Police Commissioner? I have never heard of such thing.

I don't care, I just hope the whole fucking shithole city burns to the ground. It's a blight on humanity.
You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.

Wheeler is the mayor AND the police commissioner for Portland. He sucks at both jobs.
He sucked all last year and most of this one, so far. I don't know if he is really changing or not. He needs to. How the heck can you be Mayor and Police Commissioner? I have never heard of such thing.

I don't care, I just hope the whole fucking shithole city burns to the ground. It's a blight on humanity.
Honestly never considered Portland until last year, though heard of it. Then everything I heard about it and it's administration sucked. I wouldn't want it to burn to the ground. Got to be a few normal people there, but unsure why. My viewpoint would undoubtedly be different if it were just a hundred miles away, instead of 2000 miles away.
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
You know Ted Wheeler used antifa and did himself, ally himself with them, right?
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
You know Ted Wheeler used antifa and did himself, ally himself with them, right?

It's important history remembers that Ted Wheeler let people die, let millions of dollars of private property be destroyed, and let his city burn because he hated Donald Trump personally.
Does Wheeler turning on antifa indicate that Trump is gone so the left has no more need for these nasty psychopathic hoods? I don't think they can be so easily done away with.

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