Portland’s Mayor Begs Public To Help Dox Antifa Members, Do The Cops Jobs

No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
You know Ted Wheeler used antifa and did himself, ally himself with them, right?
Is that where the mayor opponent in the last election was a member of Antifa, but the sitting mayor won again? If that is the correct city and no someplace in Washington, it might explain why he may be talking a different tac. Not that I am actually accusing him of taking a different stance as political retribution, because I really do not know if I am talking about the same city or not.
He sucked all last year and most of this one, so far. I don't know if he is really changing or not. He needs to. How the heck can you be Mayor and Police Commissioner? I have never heard of such thing.
Company town. It's like being CEO and Chairman of the Board.
"I don't care, I just hope the whole fucking shithole city burns to the ground. It's a blight on humanity.."

Well, right there is why I occasionally surf this website.
It's like going to the zoo.
Like watching re-runs of 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest'.

Poor poster Marvin Martian has gotten so wrought up by his political straightjacket that he is all in on "burning-to-the-ground" a city --- like Portland, Oregon --- that displeases him.

And he loves Don Trump too.
And that is why Don Trump's supporters have the reputation they do.
Uninformed, misinformed, mal-informed, celebrity groupies who live in their partisan silos.

Marvin wants to burn down a city with:

  • 645,000+ inhabitants
Home to such iconic suppliers to American commerce as:
  • Nike ---10,000 employees
  • Columbia Sportswear ----7,000 employees
  • Adidas N.A. ---- 2,000 employees
  • Textonix ......3,400 employees ( Their focus areas include 3D sensing and image characterization, high-speed serial communications, medical devices, wireless and RF testing, and semiconductor design and manufacturing.)
  • FLR ----3,500 employees ( The company’s products include thermal imaging systems, people flow intelligence, traffic detection systems, unmanned aerial systems and gas detection cameras.
  • Consumer Cellular ---2,400 employees ( The company’s wireless phones and plans are available nationwide at retailers such as Target.)
And trust me, Marvin, there are other companies there too.
Companies that employee hard-working, well-educated, tax-paying American citizens.

The very same people who you suggest you want to burn out of house, home, and occupation.

In short, marvelous Marvin you don't know what you are talking about. Worse, you come across as an under-educated hyper partisan who is going all snowflaking over a mayor ---in a city you don't even vote in ----a mayor who you don't like.

Snowflakism squared.

I love this bar.
We've got winners....we've got __________.
I love this bar.
Is that where the mayor opponent in the last election was a member of Antifa, but the sitting mayor won again? If that is the correct city and no someplace in Washington, it might explain why he may be talking a different tac. Not that I am actually accusing him of taking a different stance as political retribution, because I really do not know if I am talking about the same city or not.
It was Wheeler vs. even more radical candidates in a race for mayor that was well funded by uber leftists
that thought Ted Wheeler wasn't nearly radical enough, and that's Portland for you.
It could be Wheeler is trying to nip future political opposition in the bud by trying to neuter antifa. Good luck with that.
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You can definitely turn on a dime and with great credibility if you only will. If you are taking your platoon down the dusty pitted trail and you come upon the remains of the whole company of tried troops that went before and you see the grizzled old Sergeant, shot to shit, holding on to the sign post to the way ahead, feebly waving saying "Go Back, Go Back", you might ought to pay the Fk attention to him.
Learning from what didn't, doesn't and won't work is an important leadership skill.
Okay. Comparing a sleazy politician like Ted Wheeler to a "grizzled old Sergeant" who had been
through a hellacious battle. Interesting. :rolleyes:
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
Its bull though.

That he allowed the riots when it was politically expedient to do so and then abandoned them as soon as it no longer was should tell you that this analogy does not fly.
Good God these leftists are idiots.

What good is doxing antifa going to do when they've defunded the cops and tied their hands from doing anything? What are they going to do if they do dox antifa members, talk badly to them on twitter?

Democrats are mentally retarded. They think like ignorant little children.

Second and third :thup:
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He sucked all last year and most of this one, so far. I don't know if he is really changing or not. He needs to. How the heck can you be Mayor and Police Commissioner? I have never heard of such thing.
Company town. It's like being CEO and Chairman of the Board.
Guess I picture it as a bigger town. If important enough position to need a Police Commission, I figure it to important a position to be an added duty to Mayor. Maybe more common than I thought. Just figured, might have trouble remembering which hat he was wearing that day and a high chance of screwing duties of up both offices.
Is that where the mayor opponent in the last election was a member of Antifa, but the sitting mayor won again? If that is the correct city and no someplace in Washington, it might explain why he may be talking a different tac. Not that I am actually accusing him of taking a different stance as political retribution, because I really do not know if I am talking about the same city or not.
It was Wheeler vs. even more radical candidates in a race for mayor that was well funded by uber leftists
that thought Ted Wheeler wasn't nearly radical enough, and that's Portland for you.
It could be Wheeler is trying to nip future political opposition in the bud by trying to neuter antifa. Good luck with that.
Yep. Thanks for reference. Sarah Iannarone was the Antifa candidate i was thinking of as she declared support for Antifa on Sept 5, 2020 and lost in November. Paid no real attention to the race in general, just keyed on fact after the election that he had beat the Antifa candidate. Also understand and agree, as far as limited knowledge allows, that as you said, a far left candidate beating and even further left candidate. I wish those citizens good luck over there, but sounds like they have been depending on dumb luck for years.
No. Actually was comparing Ted Wheeler to to a green 2nd Lt being sent in down the same road the last people tried to use. Sometimes, knowledge of what is ahead based on what came before is used to formulate a new plan, route or method of attack, ie, turn on a dime and make a new plan to accomplish goals, cause if it didn't work when tried over and over for a year, it's probably not going to work now. Try something else.
In this case, an experienced officer would not have taken this long to realize, the tactic being used was not up to the task at hand, no matter how much the touchy feely people liked it.
You know Ted Wheeler used antifa and did himself, ally himself with them, right?
Did not hear that one. Would not be a bit surprised though.

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