Positive role model for Black people

Finally, black people have a hero and role model they can look up to with pride.

For years the only role model black people admired were gang banging thugs like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant, who managed to get themselves shot and killed while committing a crime. Which led to large scale riots and looting.

Now blacks have Kobe Bryant to emulate, a normal family man, sports legend, and business man. ... :cool:

You left out rapist......:afro:

I'm not sure he was a rapist, unless we are obligated to "believe all women".

On the other hand, leftists keep saying that settlement in court is admittance of guilt.

Bottom line, despite of his success in sport, and for his work ethics that he can be praised for... he cheated on his wife, not really a role model in my book.
Why should blacks have different role models than whites?

Jesus the Christ - Fraud Jew who Jews knew was a fraud - assuming he ever existed
Mozart - Brilliant Whitey
Shakespeare - Brilliant Whitey
MLK - Fraud Blackie
Mother Teresa - Fraud whatever the fuck

That said I saw some interviews and Bryant was ugly as fuck of course, but seemingly a very nice dude who was narcissistic like most Negroids who get million dollar contracts for being able to stuff a basketball in a hoop, but was just starting to mature from that stage.
Finally, black people have a hero and role model they can look up to with pride.

For years the only role model black people admired were gang banging thugs like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant, who managed to get themselves shot and killed while committing a crime. Which led to large scale riots and looting.

Now blacks have Kobe Bryant to emulate, a normal family man, sports legend, and business man. ... :cool:

You left out rapist......:afro:

I'm not sure he was a rapist, unless we are obligated to "believe all women".

On the other hand, leftists keep saying that settlement in court is admittance of guilt.

Bottom line, despite of his success in sport, and for his work ethics that he can be praised for... he cheated on his wife, not really a role model in my book.

So you have lived the perfect life.
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy. Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap
So what "positive model" do you have? If you are not black, how can you tell other people, who are black, who is a "positive model" for them? If you are white, whom do you consider to be "positive models" for white people? Right now, we whites are dealing with scum like trump, pigpence, graham, and the rest of that filth. Fortunately for people of both races, we do have "positive models."

Why are you so concerned about race, anyway? Talk about American
role models.

Isn't it amazing how a racist POS is trying to tell black folks who our role models should be. They really want us to be like Uncle Ben Carson, Candace Owen's, Clarence Thomas, etc.

Right-wingers do this group by group by group. You should see these same slobs prancing around telling women how to be women, when they themselves are men. They are telling white folks how to be white. They are telling Christians how to be Christian. They are telling Americans how to be American. It's a hoot. Right-wingers think that they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live, including how to live out our particular identities.

It might be fun for all of us, regardless of who we are, to tell white, heterosexual, Christian men who their role models should be. This would be too close for me, though. This is a description of my near and dear relatives, including my late father, a decent, humble, faithful, polite, well-read, respectful, and spiritual man who never hurt a soul in his life, and never uttered a prejudiced word or even a profanity in his house.The men in my family were and are honorable.

We had a saying when I was a kid: who died and made you God?
The problem is we are all taxed for our misbehaving And the help or payouts to people who are misbehaving is very uneven also. If we can cut the taxes on this by a good amount would you have an issue with it?
Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
So what "positive model" do you have? If you are not black, how can you tell other people, who are black, who is a "positive model" for them? If you are white, whom do you consider to be "positive models" for white people? Right now, we whites are dealing with scum like trump, pigpence, graham, and the rest of that filth. Fortunately for people of both races, we do have "positive models."

Why are you so concerned about race, anyway? Talk about American
role models.

Isn't it amazing how a racist POS is trying to tell black folks who our role models should be. They really want us to be like Uncle Ben Carson, Candace Owen's, Clarence Thomas, etc.

Right-wingers do this group by group by group. You should see these same slobs prancing around telling women how to be women, when they themselves are men. They are telling white folks how to be white. They are telling Christians how to be Christian. They are telling Americans how to be American. It's a hoot. Right-wingers think that they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live, including how to live out our particular identities.

It might be fun for all of us, regardless of who we are, to tell white, heterosexual, Christian men who their role models should be. This would be too close for me, though. This is a description of my near and dear relatives, including my late father, a decent, humble, faithful, polite, well-read, respectful, and spiritual man who never hurt a soul in his life, and never uttered a prejudiced word or even a profanity in his house.The men in my family were and are honorable.

We had a saying when I was a kid: who died and made you God?
The problem is we are all taxed for our misbehaving And the help or payouts to people who are misbehaving is very uneven also. If we can cut the taxes on this by a good amount would you have an issue with it?

This theory is very bizarre. Totally off the deep end. Assistance isn't given out for "misbehaving," however that is to be defined. You sound like a disgruntled 19th Century school teacher, Mrs. Grundy.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter
How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Based on what exactly?
You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
The difference between us is that I dont think you are stupid

just misinformed and consumed with emotion
That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
The difference between us is that I dont think you are stupid

just misinformed and consumed with emotion

The difference is I know by your racist comments you ARE stupid.
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player.

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

PG is a relatively poor area. The whites I've known from PG also were from broken homes. Take a ride up 16th St., NW. You will see an entirely different group of African-Americans.

What is wrong with the equal treatment of men and women? Equal partners can and do form stable, loving relationships and families because they know what partnership means.

Any family-structure problem is the result of one or both partners refusing to do their part. Racial segregation, and "race victimhood" (whatever that means), have nothing to do with it. Homosexuality certainly has nothing to do with it. Single motherhood is mostly the result of the father taking a hike. She's there with the kid; he's not.

Whites grapple with the same problems. Why is this ever racial?

Who cares what sport anyone plays. Many whites worship their football players, and treat high school players as heroes who can do no wrong.
You’re saying black people in the ghetto dont get married so they can collect a government welfare check?

No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

but otherwise most black biological fathers live with their baby momma?

what a load of crap

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
The difference between us is that I dont think you are stupid

just misinformed and consumed with emotion

The difference is I know by your racist comments you ARE stupid.
That is the typical smear that you attack every conservative with because you cant support your liberal bias
No, I'm saying you're a fucking idiot. Dumb SOB, you think every black person receives a welfare check.

The load of crap is racist morons like you that don't even know any black folks, so HTF would you know what black folks do or don't do.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
The difference between us is that I dont think you are stupid

just misinformed and consumed with emotion

The difference is I know by your racist comments you ARE stupid.
That is the typical smear that you attack every conservative with because you cant support your liberal bias

You are a one of those folks who will throw a rock and then hide your hand. When you make dumbass, racist comments you ate going to get called on it.
You sound really bitter

You sound really stupid.
The difference between us is that I dont think you are stupid

just misinformed and consumed with emotion

The difference is I know by your racist comments you ARE stupid.
That is the typical smear that you attack every conservative with because you cant support your liberal bias

You are a one of those folks who will throw a rock and then hide your hand. When you make dumbass, racist comments you ate going to get called on it.
I have not made any racist comments

you have a giant mistreated black guy chip on your shoulder

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