Positive role model for Black people

Hmmm, let's see I believe Lebron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Trey Young, etc. are excellent role models for young black kids and men.

Why because they don't bow down to Trump. Are you calling them son of a bitches like he called black NFL players.
Plenty of black males are role models for their children, it's just sad that the media won't show you those fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
So what "positive model" do you have? If you are not black, how can you tell other people, who are black, who is a "positive model" for them? If you are white, whom do you consider to be "positive models" for white people? Right now, we whites are dealing with scum like trump, pigpence, graham, and the rest of that filth. Fortunately for people of both races, we do have "positive models."

Why are you so concerned about race, anyway? Talk about American role models.

Isn't it amazing how a racist POS is trying to tell black folks who our role models should be. They really want us to be like Uncle Ben Carson, Candace Owen's, Clarence Thomas, etc.

I seriously doubt you have anywhere near the mental capacity or ability to emulate any of those folks. You should look more to the Rodchester or King Fish level where you may fit in comfortably.

This is rich coming from a white guy who supports mental midgets like trump, pigpence, mcconnell, gaetz, etc. Probably graham and jeffress, as well. Pfft.

Stop making white people look like a bunch of uneducated, power-hungry assholes. Some of us are pretty good.
Finally, black people have a hero and role model they can look up to with pride.

For years the only role model black people admired were gang banging thugs like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant, who managed to get themselves shot and killed while committing a crime. Which led to large scale riots and looting.

Now blacks have Kobe Bryant to emulate, a normal family man, sports legend, and business man. ... :cool:
The positive role model blacks SHOULD emulate would be Candace Owens, who used to be a Democrat, but is now a full-fledged conservative who is a big supporter of our president. She is wise beyond her years, I believe she's just 30 or 31 years old and tells it like it is. Especially when she's debating brainwashed liberals. They don't have a chance against her.
Finally, black people have a hero and role model they can look up to with pride.

For years the only role model black people admired were gang banging thugs like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant, who managed to get themselves shot and killed while committing a crime. Which led to large scale riots and looting.

Now blacks have Kobe Bryant to emulate, a normal family man, sports legend, and business man. ... :cool:
The positive role model blacks SHOULD emulate would be Candace Owens, who used to be a Democrat, but is now a full-fledged conservative who is a big supporter of our president. She is wise beyond her years, I believe she's just 30 or 31 years old and tells it like it is. Especially when she's debating brainwashed liberals. They don't have a chance against her.

And what "positive role model" SHOULD whites be emulating? You seem to be arrogant enough to tell African-Americans whom they should look up to, which really, really is supreme arrogance. Where, exactly, do you get off?
While Bryant publicly repented for his bad thing and obviously moved his life in the right direction, the last thing a young black male needs for a role model is another basketball player. That sport has been hijacked by self-segregationist black ghetto culture and has become a black right of passage and a poor substitute for a black male’s father.
Black males desperately need fathers to be role models.

No one thinks basketball players as role models should compensate for someone not having a father. But I’m going to disagree with you on dismissing these guys as legitimate role models. They busted their asses to get to where they are, and yes, a lot of them are prima-donnas, but they also do a lot of work for charity and most conduct themselves in a professional manner with the media. It’s pretty rare for a basketball player to get in trouble like NFL players. Sure NBA players are left wingers, but no more than Lilly white Hollywood stars are.
NBA is as ghetto as NFL. The larger issue is that the sport has become a religion and a moral substitute for black males. Boys need fathers.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

a lot of kids, fatherless or not, white or black want to be the next Lebron. I get that it’s not a realistic goal, but I don’t see it as harmful to anyone’s development
I agree. Every kid looks up to these sports figures as heroes. All that does is put the onus on those athletes to realize the impact they can have on kids. In spite of that, the kids still need fathers first. The athletes are no substitute for that. An enhancement, an influence but not a substitute.
3 of 4 blacks have no daddy.

How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

Media refuses to hammer that as it doesn’t jibe with their left wing agenda.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Basketball has been hijacked by segregationist ghetto black culture. It needs to be downplayed among blacks and actual fathers need to rebound.

Based on what exactly?
You play basketball? One of the stupidest things self-segregating black culture contributed is ‘straight up’ in the half-court game. Totally stupid.

You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
Look at the numbers. You don’t have to visit every single self-segregating black jurisdiction in America to recognize the social demise.
How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Based on what exactly?
You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
Look at the numbers. You don’t have to visit every single self-segregating black jurisdiction in America to recognize the social demise.

If you want to see "social demise," visit West Virginia, the epicenter of the opioid crisis. It's a lot closer than Tennessee or Kentucky. Child welfare agencies in the state are desperately searching for foster homes for all of the kids being taken away from their parents.

Your race-based arguments are absurd.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
Look at the numbers. You don’t have to visit every single self-segregating black jurisdiction in America to recognize the social demise.

If you want to see "social demise," visit West Virginia, the epicenter of the opioid crisis. It's a lot closer than Tennessee or Kentucky. Child welfare agencies in the state are desperately searching for foster homes for all of the kids being taken away from their parents.

Your race-based arguments are absurd.
I agree those Appalachian hell-holes are desperate. But they don’t exist as a result of a culture rooted in skin color and promoted and perpetuated by democrat policy. Big difference.
Role models do NOT affect the behavior of people of any ethnicity.

Those bad people in every ethnicity do NOT say to themselves, "Wow! So that's how I should act."

For example, Ms. Rosa Parks was once robbed and beaten by a young man of her ethnicity. While committing his crime, he knew who she was, but that did NOT stop him.
That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
Give a few examples of this.
You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
Look at the numbers. You don’t have to visit every single self-segregating black jurisdiction in America to recognize the social demise.

If you want to see "social demise," visit West Virginia, the epicenter of the opioid crisis. It's a lot closer than Tennessee or Kentucky. Child welfare agencies in the state are desperately searching for foster homes for all of the kids being taken away from their parents.

Your race-based arguments are absurd.
I agree those Appalachian hell-holes are desperate. But they don’t exist as a result of a culture rooted in skin color and promoted and perpetuated by democrat policy. Big difference.

Quite the fantasy you have going there. Unfortunately, there is much in the history of American life that involves skin color, which is a perfectly ridiculous thing to judge people on, and there is no negative "culture" that has been "promoted and perpetuated by democrat policy." The problems of West Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky must stem from a "culture," as well, according to your reasoning, yet you are judging people differently depending on skin color and trying to pin social problems on one race alone. And you can't even spell "democratic" correctly, which makes you sound like an ignorant hick.

What "culture" was involved in the true-crime case I saw on TV the other day: white Kentucky girl, from a broken home, gets pregnant by a white guy and marries him, has two more kids, divorces, meets and marries another white guy, who already has two kids from a prior marriage and a third from a non-marital relationship, when they've got a kid on the way. Somewhere along the line he becomes a cop. According to the now-grown kids, he moved in and out of the house several times to go live with other women, but the wife always took him back for some reason. He ended up on the den floor with a bullet in his head. The wife's in prison. I believe her mother also had been arrested for drugs. Was this mess the result of "white culture"?
I have always discouraged kids from making athletes role models, white or black; the majority of them are just thugs and cretins with numbers on their backs. They get rich they hire PR hacks to advise them on how to polish their image and con consumers it gets them big fat product endorsement gigs.
Last edited:
Anyone who is lucky enough to get famous in whatever field of endeavor should be praised only for some good thing that they do, not for everything that they do in life regardless of whether it is good or bad. The people whom I like are the ones who own their mistakes.

For instance, I like a certain actor, who will remain nameless and who is just well-known enough, got in trouble over a decade ago for doing a really stupid and embarrassing thing at a time when he was a really hot property in his native country and he really got creamed for it. Years later, he was asked about it in an interview. His reply was that, at the time, he was an arrogant, conceited asshole who believed his own hype. Now he seems like a really nice guy, a bit humble, even, and funny. Humility is a good thing.
So what "positive model" do you have? If you are not black, how can you tell other people, who are black, who is a "positive model" for them? If you are white, whom do you consider to be "positive models" for white people? Right now, we whites are dealing with scum like trump, pigpence, graham, and the rest of that filth. Fortunately for people of both races, we do have "positive models."

Why are you so concerned about race, anyway? Talk about American role models.

Isn't it amazing how a racist POS is trying to tell black folks who our role models should be. They really want us to be like Uncle Ben Carson, Candace Owen's, Clarence Thomas, etc.
And there it is. If a Black person doesn't spew Democratic party dogma verbatim they are labeled an Uncle Tom.
So what "positive model" do you have? If you are not black, how can you tell other people, who are black, who is a "positive model" for them? If you are white, whom do you consider to be "positive models" for white people? Right now, we whites are dealing with scum like trump, pigpence, graham, and the rest of that filth. Fortunately for people of both races, we do have "positive models."

Why are you so concerned about race, anyway? Talk about American role models.

And yet your side is all about skin color and race and you lecture the right when they act like you?

So what is a positive role model to you?

Hillary Clinton?

The woman that bashes every woman her womanizing husband slept with or got a hummer from?

Nancy Pelosi?

You mean the woman that got the ACA through Congress, refused to hold impeachment hearing against Bush and allow this shoddy excuse of Impeachment against Trump?

Joe Biden?

Hunter Biden is all I have to say when discussing Joe failure in life...

So who would be a good role model for you?
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.

Really who did Lebron think he would be the next...……..
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

So you have visited every black jurisdiction in America.
Look at the numbers. You don’t have to visit every single self-segregating black jurisdiction in America to recognize the social demise.

If you want to see "social demise," visit West Virginia, the epicenter of the opioid crisis. It's a lot closer than Tennessee or Kentucky. Child welfare agencies in the state are desperately searching for foster homes for all of the kids being taken away from their parents.

Your race-based arguments are absurd.
I agree those Appalachian hell-holes are desperate. But they don’t exist as a result of a culture rooted in skin color and promoted and perpetuated by democrat policy. Big difference.

Quite the fantasy you have going there. Unfortunately, there is much in the history of American life that involves skin color, which is a perfectly ridiculous thing to judge people on, and there is no negative "culture" that has been "promoted and perpetuated by democrat policy." The problems of West Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky must stem from a "culture," as well, according to your reasoning, yet you are judging people differently depending on skin color and trying to pin social problems on one race alone. And you can't even spell "democratic" correctly, which makes you sound like an ignorant hick.

What "culture" was involved in the true-crime case I saw on TV the other day: white Kentucky girl, from a broken home, gets pregnant by a white guy and marries him, has two more kids, divorces, meets and marries another white guy, who already has two kids from a prior marriage and a third from a non-marital relationship, when they've got a kid on the way. Somewhere along the line he becomes a cop. According to the now-grown kids, he moved in and out of the house several times to go live with other women, but the wife always took him back for some reason. He ended up on the den floor with a bullet in his head. The wife's in prison. I believe her mother also had been arrested for drugs. Was this mess the result of "white culture"?
Scum is scum. Legitimizing it is the problem.
Finally, black people have a hero and role model they can look up to with pride.

For years the only role model black people admired were gang banging thugs like Trayvon and the Gentle Giant, who managed to get themselves shot and killed while committing a crime. Which led to large scale riots and looting.

Now blacks have Kobe Bryant to emulate, a normal family man, sports legend, and business man. ... :cool:
they made murals for a black criminal
a plaque for a black criminal
black city councilmen HONORED a black criminal
YES--they love criminals ---for SOME reason
--yet they never honored Kobe until he ----------------------DIED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plaque for mike brown - Google Search
St. Louis aldermen pass resolution remembering Anthony Lamar Smith, angering police
How many do you know that don't have a daddy? Never mind don't answer that, because I know you will just pull a number out of your arse.

What exactly is the left wing agenda when it comes to that?
Based on what exactly?
You clowns are a joke, stop listening to Sean Hannity, Rush Limpbaugh and the likes and get out in the REAL world.
3 out of 4 have no daddy. That perspective comes from decades of working with high school kids here in mostly black PG County, MD for decades.

That's garbage, most fathers live with their children. You do know that if the parents aren't married that count the household as a single family, even though, the father lives in the household. It is totally amazing that you went to every black family in Maryland to figure that out. How long did it take you to do that?
The left wing agenda of feminism and racial segregation obfuscates the family structure problem by supporting single motherhood, homosex and race victimhood.

Give a few examples of this.
Sports that benefit from black skill sets have been dominated and hijacked by segregationist black culture. Basketball has become a Black right of passage.
Watch coverage of NBA and NCAA basketball tournament.
The talk show hosts you cite likely don’t have nearly as much perspective on this as I do so why would I consult them?

You're talking loud, but you aren't saying shit. I watch both and I don't see that bullshit you are spewing, Let's take Lebron James for an example, he is nothing but a great role model for a young black man who came from a single family home. He is an outstanding young man, great husband and father.
LeBron is an anomaly who has skills and had coaches to offset no daddy. Fatherless black males all think they’ll be the next LeBron.
Look at every predominantly black jurisdiction and you’ll find the combination of fatherlessness and social demise. Been that way for over fifty years.

a lot of kids, fatherless or not, white or black want to be the next Lebron. I get that it’s not a realistic goal, but I don’t see it as harmful to anyone’s development
I agree. Every kid looks up to these sports figures as heroes.

How many kids have told you that?

All that does is put the onus on those athletes to realize the impact they can have on kids. In spite of that, the kids still need fathers first. The athletes are no substitute for that. An enhancement, an influence but not a substitute.

Hmmm, who has said that athletes should take the place of someone's father.

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