Possible Causes and Solutions to the California Drought

A twistedly-funny thought just occurred to me: Los Angeles is destroying the United States! Why does that come as no shock to me? :lmao: That's where Hollywood is also..
I'm curious. How many billions of dollars does Hollywood bring into the country? More than many Red States?
How much money in agriculture does California bring in for itself and for strategic food trade on the world market?

Hollywood doesn't have to skip a step. It can turn to desalination to fill its reservoirs. PLENTY of sunshine over there and PLENTY of ocean water to distil.
A twistedly-funny thought just occurred to me: Los Angeles is destroying the United States! Why does that come as no shock to me? :lmao: That's where Hollywood is also..
I'm curious. How many billions of dollars does Hollywood bring into the country? More than many Red States?
How much money in agriculture does California bring in for itself and for strategic food trade on the world market?

Hollywood doesn't have to skip a step. It can turn to desalination to fill its reservoirs. PLENTY of sunshine over there and PLENTY of ocean water to distil.

it works in the mid east. the environmentalists in Cal must not like abusing the ocean by desalinating it.
The Cal drought is caused by evil corporations, wealthy CEOS, conservatives, SUVs, and evil oil.

That's what Republicans believe that Democrats believe. They also believe the earth is only thousands of years old and snow is too cold to be a sign of climate change.
Below are my pet theories. I've included diagrams to help illustrate them. Note the area of highest drought hovers around exactly the area of suspect in the first diagram at "Region Affected" in the whitish overlay on red..the LA Aquaduct in that diagram is roughly located where the black line is indicating the area.

A solution would be to have the City of Los Angeles begin aggressive desalination using solar thermal means of heating/evaporating/distilling.



The draining of the natural water tables has had an effect on the microclimate of the High Sierra, a place where CA relies most heavily for its Central Valley irrigation during the long hot Summers there. Without that water, California is hosed, pardon the pun. The shrinking/disappearing highcountry glaciers that were lasting all through Summer slowly melting is the big problem. So it is a vicious cycle. LA's urban/residential use (not even for agriculture!) is sucking the more and more arid region East of the Sierras drier and drier via the Aquaduct. That area in turn is sucking more and more (or refusing to evaporate more and more water) from/to High Sierra's microclimate weather system & snowpack.

My theory is that the lack of evaporation and Summer storms from the old Owens Lake region is causing Pacific air flow and weather to more rapidly "skip" over the Sierra range, carrying a heavier payload to the Midwest while starving California's agriculture regions of rain and high snowmelt it used to get. No blockade of upward evaporation effect and the air rushes right on past to the East.

It's important to understand that this isn't just some temporary glitch in our nation's biggest money maker. This is a downward spiral. This glacial shrinking has been virtually uninterrupted since the 1950s...just about the time the LA Aquaduct's thirsty straw pushed that microclimate over a tipping point. "Save Mono Lake"... Everyone who has been to California has at one time or another seen that bumper sticker. Owen's Lake is long gone now. It's just an immense dry valley now where much water once stood. Vital water to snowpack 9-14,000 feet above.

It isn't an exaggeration to say that this issue affects the US's only hold left on world power: Food. A tremendous amount of our nation's food to trade is produced in California. Food for oil, food for favors, food for ...etc. etc. So this isn't just a California emergency and downward spiral. It's a national emergency and downward spiral.

**Please don't talk about how illegal aliens are causing the drought. They may be exacerbating it, but they are not causing it by themselves...ridiculous..!

Rich evil capatalist are consuming the resources. Capitalism must be stopped...I mean save the enviroment from industry by making it impossible for them to rape and pillage the land. I fear that one day people will discover my true motives behind environmentalism.
Every now and again a proposal resurfaces to build a undersea pipeline to bring Alaska's excess fresh water to California.

But The EPS shuts it down out of fear over the possibility of a leak.
While the sun beats down upon their dashboards warming their beer in their metal cans faster than they want, they wonder wonder wonder how they can heat water to run turbines and produce power and to distill seawater into fresh...

...it's the damndest thing..
You can only get so much power from the sun per square meter.........which is why Solar energy is so expensive..............even though many say it isn't..............A gas turbine system provides more bang for the buck and is not shut down on cloudy days or at night.....................

It's simple cost analysis versus the science of the deal..............it doesn't mean we don't believe Solar can produce power.......It means when we need more power from a reliable source you have to go by other means..........Distilling Salt water takes a LOT OF BTU'S...........and you simply don't get the bang for the buck to produce that power via Solar.
A twistedly-funny thought just occurred to me: Los Angeles is destroying the United States! Why does that come as no shock to me? :lmao: That's where Hollywood is also..
I'm curious. How many billions of dollars does Hollywood bring into the country? More than many Red States?
How much money in agriculture does California bring in for itself and for strategic food trade on the world market?

Hollywood doesn't have to skip a step. It can turn to desalination to fill its reservoirs. PLENTY of sunshine over there and PLENTY of ocean water to distil.

it works in the mid east. the environmentalists in Cal must not like abusing the ocean by desalinating it.

I wonder if it had occurred to any of you retards that desalinization is very expensive, it requires a lot of energy. The Navy usually does it with nuclear reactors.
A twistedly-funny thought just occurred to me: Los Angeles is destroying the United States! Why does that come as no shock to me? :lmao: That's where Hollywood is also..
I'm curious. How many billions of dollars does Hollywood bring into the country? More than many Red States?
How much money in agriculture does California bring in for itself and for strategic food trade on the world market?

Hollywood doesn't have to skip a step. It can turn to desalination to fill its reservoirs. PLENTY of sunshine over there and PLENTY of ocean water to distil.

it works in the mid east. the environmentalists in Cal must not like abusing the ocean by desalinating it.

I wonder if it had occurred to any of you retards that desalinization is very expensive, it requires a lot of energy. The Navy usually does it with nuclear reactors.
The Navy and the world has been doing it for many years..............and not just with Nuclear Reactors..............We used 6 staged Evaporators on the old CG's to make water with a Bromide Cartridge for treatment to the water.........But it does use a lot of power........The stages are done on a smaller scale using the Steam from the Furnace and the stages are under Vacuum..............Each stage taking more salt or BRINE as we called it out of the process............ending in Distilled Water...........Without the Bromide Treatment, you'd be drinking Distilled Water and it would give you the shits.................

The plants we are talking about are used in the Middle East and Israel already...........and yes they are VERY EXPENSIVE.................

It's a little easier to desalinate all your water when you sit on a lake of oil.
I'm not the one saying it's cheap or that we should use solar to do it..................

Why not coal.................lol..............to create the steam to run the evaporators...........

That will get a rise out of some............

The tech is old............it works.............period..................I've worked on small ones in the NAVY............we kept a extra motor just for the Evaporator in case one burned up........because we didn't like water hours..........mainly because we lost too much steam from the old rust bucket and the Boiler ate up our fresh water.
It's a little easier to desalinate all your water when you sit on a lake of oil.

Yes, especially if you opted for the vastly more expensive reverse osmosis instead of solar thermal distillation.

Why not coal.................lol..............to create the steam to run the evaporators..........That will get a rise out of some............The tech is old............it works.............period..................I've worked on small ones in the NAVY............we kept a extra motor just for the Evaporator in case one burned up........because we didn't like water hours..........mainly because we lost too much steam from the old rust bucket and the Boiler ate up our fresh water.

Because this is California with tons of sunshine that we're talking about. There is no way that metropolis in the south after just spending three decades cleaning up smog from car emissions is going to sign up for ...coal burning! :lmao:

Besides, California isn't rich in coal. But it does have a lot of sunshine. Put a magnifying glass in the sun on a bottle cap filled with water (the same stuff that runs steam turbines in most power plants) and get back to me.
No comments from ACTUAL hydrologists or scientists on the OP... *sigh*... :hmpf:
Because scientists are over educated and live off their degrees. They are so lazy, they won't to live from free money from the government. They don't add anything to the country. Ask any Republican at the USMB. They'll tell you.
Because scientists are over educated and live off their degrees. They are so lazy, they won't to live from free money from the government. They don't add anything to the country. Ask any Republican at the USMB. They'll tell you.

Scientists don't add anything to the country? Really? :lmao: Most of the scientists/tinkerers I've known have been living on the edge financially. They do seek grants. You're being sarcastic, right?
A twistedly-funny thought just occurred to me: Los Angeles is destroying the United States! Why does that come as no shock to me? :lmao: That's where Hollywood is also..
I'm curious. How many billions of dollars does Hollywood bring into the country? More than many Red States?
How much money in agriculture does California bring in for itself and for strategic food trade on the world market?

Hollywood doesn't have to skip a step. It can turn to desalination to fill its reservoirs. PLENTY of sunshine over there and PLENTY of ocean water to distil.

it works in the mid east. the environmentalists in Cal must not like abusing the ocean by desalinating it.

I wonder if it had occurred to any of you retards that desalinization is very expensive, it requires a lot of energy. The Navy usually does it with nuclear reactors.

sure its expensive and takes a lot of power. How about using the power from that solar panel farm in the Cal desert?---------------oh, thats right, it was never built because the envirowackos said it might endanger a lizard.

Liberals--------------save the lizards, screw the humans.
Dried dung.

There's your answer to America's energy future.

Collect it nightly from each state legislature and ship it by rail to California where it can be laid out trackside and dried in the sun. Hey, they don't get rain anymore and there's all that sunshine going to waste.

Solar panels are expensive, have to be cleaned and have a relatively short life expectancy. Dung is cheap, plentiful, renewable.....in short, the perfect fuel.

Might even provide enough rental revenue from the drying sites to finance one-way tickets to send every "not native born" resident back whence they came.

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