Possible "compromise" on the TTP?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
get rid of it , vote it down , why give a lame duck president this kind of power ?? Anyway , that's what I told the guys that I talked to yesterday . Hope that its voted down and garbage canned until we get rid of mrobama . Course , if bad for the USA it will most likely hurt the coming generations of unemployed dems and progressive , lefties anyway Nat .
If the moonbat messiah is behind it I'm damn near certain it's a bad deal. The fact that it's "secret" isn't helpful. Even a broken clock is right for just 2 seconds every day, but I don't have that much confidence in obozo.

I'd go with pismoe on this. Get rid of obozo first, then take up a treaty.

thanks Pete , in my opinion the guy to listen to is Sen. Jeff Session on this and ALL immigration related issues .
I heard him with Eric Ericson yesterday.

I do believe that since half the democrooks do not like this, hopefully the republicrats will "compromise" and defeat this.

You people still don't get it, do you?

The cost of Labor had virtually nothing to do with Manufacturing leaving this Country. Next to nothing.

It takes 30 Man Hours to make the average Car. Thirty. The difference in labor costs to make that car are, at most, around $1,000.

Then, when you factor in the cost of shipping the car ten thousand miles and paying the 2% import tax and losing control of your operation and......

You're behind. But it's worth to Manufacturers. Know why? Of course you don't.

Manufacturing left this Country for one simple reason -- dimocrap scum.

dimocrap scum in Unions and dimocrap scum in the EPA.

Companies can deal with high wages. They can deal with arguing Unions all day long and all year long.

In fact, it's easier having one entity to deal with (the Union) than it is 50,000 different workers.

But what Companies CAN NOT deal with is when Unions shut them down because they're pissed about something extraordinarily simple and stupid. That absolutely KILLS a manufacturer. More than you can possibly understand. Kills them

Next, the dimocrap scum in the EPA.

Know what the Chinese do when the want to build a factory? They build a fucking factory.

Here? You need permission from the Zoning Board, they have have a hearing on it, the County EPA, the State EPA and the Federal EPA, which takes YEARS

Then sure as shit, as soon as they get ready to break ground, some scumbag dimocrap filth group miraculously finds an Eagle's nest on the property. It's abandoned. Been abandoned for years. But the scumbag dimocrap filth finds it, brings it to the EPA's attention and -- That's it boys and girls. Everything stops for five years to make sure the Eagle doesn't return to her next.

Next thing, they find Bear 'scat' (shit) on the grounds and that shuts them down for another year while they look for the bear.

Worse, they find a twin tailed hemorphroditic spotted snail darter in a mud puddle.

Then, the factory is sitting on 20 Million Dollars of worthless land

You want to know why ANYTHING in this Country has turned to shit -- Look to the scum of the earth dimocraps.

You'll find your answer there. Every time.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth Everything they touch, even when they mean well (which isn't often) they turn to shit.


Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.

No, it doesn't.

That's a lie put out by the dimocrap scum Unions
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.

No, it doesn't.

That's a lie put out by the dimocrap scum Unions
I am amazed that so called conservatives do not understand that free trade is the bedrock of conservative values.
That's a lie put out by the dimocrap scum Unions

If you don't have to work this weekend....THANK THE UNIONS, moron.

So..... Unions did away with Weekend work?

You really are a stupid bitch.

There's probably more people working weekends now than at any time since the 19th Century.

You really are one stupid piece of dimocrap scumbaggery
None of you fellow posters are addressing the question that I posed.....i.e., should the TPP (if passed by congress) have a short term to evaluate its efficacy (or be scrapped)???
None of you fellow posters are addressing the question that I posed.....i.e., should the TPP (if passed by congress) have a short term to evaluate its efficacy (or be scrapped)???
OK the answer is No. Free trade agreements work just fine. In any case either side is free to renegotiate later at any time if they find it isnt working.
You really are a stupid bitch.

There's probably more people working weekends now than at any time since the 19th Century.

You really are one stupid piece of dimocrap scumbaggery

You're dumber than most of your fellow scum buckets.....

Let me phrase to your elementary school level...... Are you working more or less than 40 hours per week????

....and, by the way, GFY.
Let me be clear...... I believe in Unions as a concept.

I just don't believe in American Unions. They are THE most corrupt, dishonest, criminal organizations on the Planet next to the dimocrap scum party.

Where do you think the Mafia got the money to build Las Vegas and Atlantic City? Ever heard of Tammany Hall? A coalition of dimocrap scum criminals, mafia criminals and Union criminals that exists TO THIS DAY?

dimocraps are scum. And the people they elect aren't any better.

EVERY place Unions go, you have criminals Guidos and criminal dimocrap scum.

Why do you think Reagan is hated so much in those circles? Reagan didn't fuck around with the criminal mafioso, he locked them the fuck up.

But, dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals themselves.

Just a fact of life people. You vote dimocrap, you're a scumbag.

suck on it
big deal , most of your type , youngsters anyway are unemployed with WEEKS off as they live in their parents basement . I go on to say that working weekends was a good deal at time and a half or double time so unions did do some good but mostly ED is correct Nat !! Unions , especially public employee unions that are mostly 'dim' owned suck Nat .

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