Possible Mass Shooting at Chiefs Super Bowl Victory Rally

well that explains the DELAY in identifying the perps and of course the Kansas city police are still having a problem with motive. Probly never figure that one out.
The majority of what the FBI calls "mass shootings" (3 or more) in the US are Negro and Hispanic gang and drug related violence.

Of course recently the Trannies are stepping up to the plate.
Wasn't that private school shooter of children a tranny?

She got mutilated?
Details are sketchy, as is always the case when this stuff first comes out. Sounds like multiple shots were fired and some people may or may not have been hit. A lot of unknowns at the moment.

As everyone knows, I've given up on our nation now. So as tragic as this is--and it is--it doesn't come as any surprise to me. We are swirling the drain.

Only thing left to say is that this has disappeared off social media sites for several reasons, right? The latest perps are not serving the Left, so down the rabbit hole it goes.
Gang members are showing up at these rallies after championships and can’t control their impulses…….,

If these guys are gang members, their leadership is going to be pissed…,,

It is one thing to drive by and shoot up a house in a democrat party controlled city……the democrats don’t care…….there are more than enough minorities to vote in each election no matter how many die because of the democrat crime policies….

But shooting at each other at a big event like this? The democrats are going to have to at least pretend to go after the gangs involved….for a few days…..that will cut into the drug profits of the gangs….,,

then, the democrats will lose interest and continue to release known, violent, gang members with no cash bail policies…..
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They'll bury this pretty fast
Here is some ill-advised speculation:

There is a conspiracy theory going around the pro Palestinian circles that the Rafah invasion was timed with the Superbowl, so people wouldn't notice.

Maybe these nutsacks bought into it and wanted revenge.

And my analysis seems to be getting more and more accurate……..gang bangers who couldn’t control their impulses……

If this holds up, these guys will have long histories of crime and violence, lots of felonies and the democrat party judges and prosecutors in democrat party controlled Kansas City kept releasing them over and over……

And if these guys are gang members, as I suspect they are…..

This story is over in 3……..2……..1….

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