Possible Mass Shooting at Chiefs Super Bowl Victory Rally

Details are sketchy, as is always the case when this st 1 uff first comes out. Sounds like multiple shots were fired and some people may or may not have been hit. A lot of unknowns at the moment.

1 killed, 3 in critical condition 3 in serious condition, 2 with non life threatening condition. I have two relatives that live in Kansas City and both were at the parade.
So what? There have been hundreds of mass shootings by whites and you bitches made excuses. So just shut up about this one.
The so what racist retard is you chided for No One to jump to “racist” skin color projection and I brought you to knowledge street (and you ran) that pictures were already out
Probably some law abiding gun owners who thought it was a good idea to take a gun to an event with lots of people about. Protect himself in case his order gets messed up at the snack bar

Yeah...you are a dumb fuck.......normal gun owners don't shoot people....gang bangers who have been arrested over and over again by the police, to just be released over and over again by democrat party judges and prosecutors shoot people...then get caught and released again...
Here is some ill-advised speculation:

There is a conspiracy theory going around the pro Palestinian circles that the Rafah invasion was timed with the Superbowl, so people wouldn't notice.

Maybe these nutsacks bought into it and wanted revenge.
If it turns out the shooters are black gang members....this story will go away.....
"Please let it be brown people"

Nope.....you guys are praying it isn't another left wing, democrat party transgender killer........

It's Kansas city...democrat party control since 1991...likely gangs.......and the reporter lied and said there have been 48 mass public shootings this year...that is a lie...

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