Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

Today people like you expect the government to keep them safe and you think you have the right to tell everyone else that they should just let the government be in charge of their safety too.

Yes....sorry that I missed your little get together, anti-government rally where you showed everyone there how to organize themselves to fight off those federal thugs in black boots coming to take our guns away......When's the next one?......LOL

There you go again listening to the voices in your head instead of reading what I wrote.

Where did I mention fighting federal thugs or that they were taking away people's guns?

the ideologues just have to follow the memorized narrative they've been told to repeat; anything said that doesn't fit into their tropes and memes just doesn't compute, and makes them start waving their arms around shouting "Danger! Danger! Danger, Will Robinson! ..."
I used to love Lost in Space when I was a kid

Firearm sales have skyrocket during Obama's administration and that is because of his anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit that has Americans concerned about their Constitutional rights.

You are full blown stupid aren't ya?

What gun confiscation law has Obama had passed? And which party has been pandering g to the gun nutters with Bullshit like you write? When you can answer that question you will know who the marketer has been for the gun industry.

And it ain't Obama. All Obama is guilty of is trying to keep more Americans safe from crazies with a easily obtained gun. How fucking awful is that? Obama doesn't even want your kids or friends gunned down by a crazy person with a brand new AR15.

Damned Obama. Maybe he should.rethink that.
An ar15 is just a sporting rifle just like any other. Shithead
Barry is no friend to this country...
Firearm sales have skyrocket during Obama's administration and that is because of his anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit that has Americans concerned about their Constitutional rights.

Yes, morons.....like you.....have bought into the marketing strategies of the NRA....You are OWNED !!!

Morons like you hate the NRA because it is a grassroots Constitutional rights organization and you hate the liberty that it is protecting.

It is also the largest gun safety organization in the world.

Your hate should be directed towards those assholes like Obama and Crooked Hillary who are determined to take away our Constitutional rights rather than those organizations like the NRA who are protecting them.

The NRA is not your enemy you idiot. Your enemy are those that want to take away your Consitutional rights or they ones that want to kill you when you can't defend yourself.
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You are full blown stupid aren't ya?

What gun confiscation law has Obama had passed? And which party has been pandering g to the gun nutters with Bullshit like you write? When you can answer that question you will know who the marketer has been for the gun industry.

And it ain't Obama. All Obama is guilty of is trying to keep more Americans safe from crazies with a easily obtained gun. How fucking awful is that? Obama doesn't even want your kids or friends gunned down by a crazy person with a brand new AR15.

Damned Obama. Maybe he should.rethink that.

That shithead hasn't passed anything because Congress wouldn't go along with his filthy ass anti right to keep and bear arms agenda but he has tried to circumvent the laws of the country through illegal Executive Orders. He even tried to get the ATF to ban half of the .223 available in the country but a few members of Congress put an end to that bullshit.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle just like any other. Shithead
Barry is no friend to this country...

Hussein is a friend to the Muslims and a friend to the welfare queens and illegals and other despicable elements in the US but no friend to America. He has done more damage to this country than any foreign enemy.
Buy more guns and ammo, it's the American thing to do

Well Obama has been the best gun salesman in the history of the world.

Oh please..... this is nonsense. There are people who are making claims about Obama and have been since BEFORE he was president that he's somehow going to take away all guns. 7 1/2 years later and what?

Firearm sales have skyrocket during Obama's administration and that is because of his anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit that has Americans concerned about their Constitutional rights.

If the jackass would have just keep his mouth shut there would probably would have been a few million less firearms sold.

If America makes the same mistake by electing that bitch Crooked Hillary as it made electing that idiot Obama then you haven't seen nuthin yet when it come to firearm sales.

Firearm sales have increased because of the scaremongering by those in the firearms industry, Republican Party, the right wing of America. Firearms sales increased BEFORE Obama become president.


Yeah, people knew Obama was coming in 2003/04 right? That's why there were increases in gun sales year on year from that point on.



Oh, yeah, let's just say this was all about people buying guns because they're feared Saddam Hussein would come back and invade the US, and this PROVES IT (because one piece of evidence is enough for most people, right?).

Oh please..... this is nonsense. There are people who are making claims about Obama and have been since BEFORE he was president that he's somehow going to take away all guns. 7 1/2 years later and what?

Obama tried to take firearms away from the Ameircan people but Congress wouldn't go along with it.

The first two years of his administration when he had the filthy ass destructive Democrat Congress his focus was on raiding the treasury for his special interest and welfare queens and didn't pursue gun control. After that it was too late.

He is only one part of the US government, after all. He also has to abide by the Constitution. So....... what?

He wants to stop what many people want to stop, a major problem. Per capita the US murder rate is 4 times higher than most western countries. 3/4 of those murders are with guns.

I don't necessarily think he's going about it the right way, but NOBODY is going about anything the right way these days.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle just like any other. Shithead
Barry is no friend to this country...

Hussein is a friend to the Muslims and a friend to the welfare queens and illegals and other despicable elements in the US but no friend to America. He has done more damage to this country than any foreign enemy.

Translation. Obama is interested in upholding the US Constitution, for example, the freedom of religion.
Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights
Apparently those "many historians and biographers" are dumb fucks, the reasons for the second amendment are well documented and one only need read the words of the amendment to find them.

The founders were concerned about a standing army instituted by a tyrannical national government taking over the Republic and subordinating the rights of the states and the people, which doesn't happen unless the citizenry is disarmed, thus the armed citizenry provides components of the "well regulated militia", which are a check on a national standing army and a guarantor of the rights of the states and the people.

Beyond that there is a recognition of the right of self defense which cannot be exercised without the right to acquire and possess the means of self defense, thus the morons that are arguing against the right enshrined in the second amendment are arguing for their own subjugation and against their own liberty, not to mention the security of the states which make up the Republic.

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe." -- Noah Webster

"To disarm the people; that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -- George Mason
Seeing how the militia did against the British (mostly, not well), I don't think any real military men of the epoch had much fear. The right to arms was and is a political statement about individual freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. When the 'second' originated, the rate of fire of a rifle was about two rounds per minute in experienced hands. We are a lot more dependent upon personal responsibility with firearms today than hundreds of years ago.
Seeing how the militia did against the British (mostly, not well), I don't think any real military men of the epoch had much fear. The right to arms was and is a political statement about individual freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. When the 'second' originated, the rate of fire of a rifle was about two rounds per minute in experienced hands. We are a lot more dependent upon personal responsibility with firearms today than hundreds of years ago.
And the overwhelming vast majority of gun owners exhibit outstanding personal responsibility with their firearms

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle just like any other. Shithead
Barry is no friend to this country...

Hussein is a friend to the Muslims and a friend to the welfare queens and illegals and other despicable elements in the US but no friend to America. He has done more damage to this country than any foreign enemy.

Translation. Obama is interested in upholding the US Constitution, for example, the freedom of religion.

Islam is the enemy of America's major religion, which is Christianity. So why Obama's rush to import as many muslims, and no christians, into this country as possible, under the refugee program?
We did, we now have 50, I guess you don't understand the concept of a federation. It was the Sovereign States that created the feds, they agreed to cede limited sovereignty to the feds and granted them powers to perform the functions agreed to by the States, the 9th and 10th amendments were mere reinforcements of this concept and were also insisted upon by the STATES. The anti-federalist lost at the convention but have been granted a belated victory by the very court systems the federalist created, thus we have the feds consistently encroaching more and more on State sovereignty. We now live in a post constitutional America and we are the worse for it.

Yet another "the south shall rise again" post....

Another bullshit post from the idiot. The States may rise again through Article 5 and put the leviathan back in its cage. BTW you still owe me an apology child.

An ar15 is just a sporting rifle just like any other. Shithead
Barry is no friend to this country...

Hussein is a friend to the Muslims and a friend to the welfare queens and illegals and other despicable elements in the US but no friend to America. He has done more damage to this country than any foreign enemy.

Translation. Obama is interested in upholding the US Constitution, for example, the freedom of religion.

Islam is the enemy of America's major religion, which is Christianity. So why Obama's rush to import as many muslims, and no christians, into this country as possible, under the refugee program?

Yes, and of course the geographic locations where they choose to 're-settle' them is obviously shady as well; let's just say south Chicago or near Hubby's office in Harlem are far away, for starters.
Supreme Court Review:

"Most plausibly, the intent of the drafters of the Second Amendment was to protect the individual’s right to bear arms. At the time the Second Amendment was written, it was common for individual-rights provisions of state constitutions to include a prefatory statement of purpose. The common-law rule inherited from England dictated that the effect of a preamble was only to clarify, and not to restrict the effect of, the operative part of the law.

Furthermore, the Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by English republican views on the relationship between arms and democracy. This theory, espoused by Blackstone and other seventeenth- and eighteenth-century English political theorists, held the citizen’s ability to bear arms and use them to defend his rights to be a crucial component of political independence. An armed population was vital to protect against both foreign threats and the threat of a standing army, which could become an instrument of governmental tyranny."

The U.S Government relies on Tax Revenue to run. 'Government tyranny' would cripple it's ability to run itself. Like cutting off both your arms and legs.

Next "argument"?
Another bullshit post from the idiot. The States may rise again through Article 5 and put the leviathan back in its cage. BTW you still owe me an apology child.

Tell the truth....you wear grey all the time, whistle Dixie and cuss that Emancipation Proclamation under your breath. ALL

Lincoln's greatest mistake is to not let you morons secede. We could then be building a "beautiful" wall along the Mason-Dixon line.
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Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights, the most controversial amendment regarding the right for everyone to be armed. One must look at some of the papers, diaries and letters written by these Founders to discern the reason why the amendment was included….and is not causing so much discord.

The first issue regards whether the Founders wanted an “armed militia” to fight off an oppressive government….and for that, an objective observer would argue that in forming such a government, the Founders could not really foresee that what they THEMSELVES were forming in a government, could really prompt that government’s citizens to revolt against it.

So, what are the possible reasons for the second amendment, and do these other reasons make a bit more sense:

Well, as written by several of the Founders, a standing army was just too damn expensive to keep (and pay, and feed, and arm, and clothe)….So, arming common citizens, especially in the vast expanses of the new country, made a heck of a lot more sense.

Additionally, arming common citizens had some other “benefits” for the rather young country. For example:

1. There were always threats that those pesky Brits may want the colonies back

2. There was also the constant threat that those Natives who constantly saw their lands taken over by farmers and colonists may launch uprisings and the federal government had not the will, resources and/or capabilities to defend against such uprisings.

3. Finally, we must not also forget that we were a country of slave owners, and the threat of revolts by the slaves was also a key reason to encourage colonists to remain armed.

The idea of armed revolt as a legitimate means to change the government was already gaining steam. The declaration of independence already said that people had a right to reject their government if they wanted to. Of course, the new government wouldn't ever encourage armed revolt openly as a means of creating 'change' but perhaps they found other, more contemporary arguments such as the ones you listed above. No one is going to say that you can storm in and revolt any time you like but they might say that you can have these military type weapons for hunting, self-defense, repel invasions, etc, etc.
If the state wanted to form a citizen militia in order to defend itself from foreign invasions then how can it do so if all the military grade firearms are taken away? I will accept that the reasons the second amendment exist is to allow the citizens for form a militia and in order to do that they had to have access to weapons capable of repelling any military invasion. That would mean they would have to have military grade weapons so they could compete with them. That might have been then but the second amendment still exist today in the same form and if we needed to form citizen militia's to repel an invasion could they do it if today's citizens are not able to get weapons that are equal to the invader's weapons? The answer would be NO so the federal government has to allow people to get military grade weapons that can compete with an invading army's.
but they might say that you can have these military type weapons for hunting, self-defense, repel invasions, etc, etc.

Yes, Taiwanese have long been planning an invasion of Las Vegas.....We must repel such an invasion.
Seeing how the militia did against the British (mostly, not well), I don't think any real military men of the epoch had much fear. The right to arms was and is a political statement about individual freedom. Freedom comes with responsibility. When the 'second' originated, the rate of fire of a rifle was about two rounds per minute in experienced hands. We are a lot more dependent upon personal responsibility with firearms today than hundreds of years ago.

The people used to be allowed to purchase dynamite at their local supply stores too and use it without a permit.

Your point?

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