Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

ISIS has killed some Californians and some homos. What's to worry? We should let them buy all the AR-15s they can carry.

They obviously have a conservative agenda. They love guns, and they hate Californians and homos. Even better, they have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents combined.

Come on!
I personally like the fact that the companies that I buy firearms from support a right to keep and bear arms lobby groups. That is a good thing Moon Bat.

True....otherwise they'd be completed idiots, wouldn't they ??? Keep those dollars piling in......LOL
ISIS has killed some Californians and some homos. What's to worry? We should let them buy all the AR-15s they can carry.

They obviously have a conservative agenda. They love guns, and they hate Californians and homos. Even better, they have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents combined.

Come on!
Well, since he wasn't using a fucking AR-15.....you're dumb.
They fight for the right of everyone, except felons and the mentally adjudicated, to keep and bear arms. They are actually one of the most gender, race and sexual orientation neutral groups out there.

YES !!!! they love the color "green" too......
Many historians and biographers have long tried to find a reason as to the why Founders chose to include within the Bill Of Rights, the most controversial amendment regarding the right for everyone to be armed. One must look at some of the papers, diaries and letters written by these Founders to discern the reason why the amendment was included….and is not causing so much discord.

The first issue regards whether the Founders wanted an “armed militia” to fight off an oppressive government….and for that, an objective observer would argue that in forming such a government, the Founders could not really foresee that what they THEMSELVES were forming in a government, could really prompt that government’s citizens to revolt against it.

So, what are the possible reasons for the second amendment, and do these other reasons make a bit more sense:

Well, as written by several of the Founders, a standing army was just too damn expensive to keep (and pay, and feed, and arm, and clothe)….So, arming common citizens, especially in the vast expanses of the new country, made a heck of a lot more sense.

Additionally, arming common citizens had some other “benefits” for the rather young country. For example:

1. There were always threats that those pesky Brits may want the colonies back

2. There was also the constant threat that those Natives who constantly saw their lands taken over by farmers and colonists may launch uprisings and the federal government had not the will, resources and/or capabilities to defend against such uprisings.

3. Finally, we must not also forget that we were a country of slave owners, and the threat of revolts by the slaves was also a key reason to encourage colonists to remain armed.
What is the purpose of the Second Amendment?

To prevent arrogant, know-it-all Liberal pricks from taking our guns away.

Next slide, please.
That means the ability to keep them in our possession, not to have them placed in a state run armory, or taken from us because an abusive government doesn't like our ability to defend ourselves from a fascist government bent on subjugation.

Hey, MORON, who the hell told you that we "want to take your guns away"?????

However, your ilk DOES facilitate the purchase of ANY gun a terrorist may want, don't you think?
He is stupid.

The Moon Bat is speaking out of his ass.

The NRA welcomes the Pink Pistol and has helped them set up gun ranges across the US.

How charming and altruistic........Fantastic....LOL
If the intent was that only the militia be armed then they could of stopped with those words, but they didn't. The framers of the Constitution chose to include the people's rights to bear arms.

What gives you or the government the right to infringe on mine ? Be specific.
Your reasons 1, 2 and 3 boil down to the same reason we need it today, Self Defense,

Meaning that we still fear the Brits invading, Indian uprising and slave revolts, correct???

Thomas Jefferson wrote: "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
Any you don't?

I have OTHER interests also....The NRA....not so much...Scare the shit out of rednecks and watch the sales go up.

If anybody is scared is you little chickenshit Moon Bats.

Not only afraid of those scary firearms but afraid of liberty.

Just go hide under your bed Moon Bat. That way you don't have to worry about being shot.
ISIS has killed some Californians and some homos. What's to worry? We should let them buy all the AR-15s they can carry.

They obviously have a conservative agenda. They love guns, and they hate Californians and homos. Even better, they have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents combined.

Come on!
Well, since he wasn't using a fucking AR-15.....you're dumb.
The San Bernardino shooter used TWO AR-15s. So YER dum!

I say we arm ISIS with more weapons. They kill more Muslims than Putin, Bush, and Obama put together. What's not to like?
20+ years of FBI data - "Assault Rifles" pose little threat to public safety - Knowledge Glue

20+ years of FBI data – “Assault Rifles” pose little threat to public safety

Since 1995 (the year after the 1994-2004 Assault Weapons Ban), the FBI has maintained a very detailed list of how many people have died at the hands of assault weapons and/or rifles, which are merged into the same group. Therefore, we can make a solid comparison on what gun violence looks like.

In 2014, you are 67% less likely to be murdered by an assault weapon or rifle than you were in 1995.

As a total share of the responsibility of murders in America, rifles are half as likely to be used in 2014 (2.07%) as they were during the peak year during the AWB in 1997 (4.08%).

Averaging out all years of the Assault Weapons Ban (1995 – 2003), we find that Assault Weapons/Rifles were used in 3.29% of all murders in the US, including mass murders and other crimes.

In the 10 years following the sunset of the ban (2005 – 2014), we find that Assault Weapons/Rifles were used in 2.62% of all murders in the United States. Therefore, there was a sizable decrease in the frequency of deaths caused by Assault Weapons/Rifles.
That means the ability to keep them in our possession, not to have them placed in a state run armory, or taken from us because an abusive government doesn't like our ability to defend ourselves from a fascist government bent on subjugation.

Hey, MORON, who the hell told you that we "want to take your guns away"?????

However, your ilk DOES facilitate the purchase of ANY gun a terrorist may want, don't you think?
Well, since Homeland Security under the Obama Administration removed over 1000 terrorists from the watch list early in his first term, where the fuck do you get off?

72 members of the DHS are on that list.


Hannity on DHS whistleblower revelations: ‘This is unconscionable’

Congressman: 72 DHS employees on terrorist watchlist
Your reasons 1, 2 and 3 boil down to the same reason we need it today, Self Defense,

Meaning that we still fear the Brits invading, Indian uprising and slave revolts, correct???

Thomas Jefferson wrote: "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
"No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms (within his own lands or tenements)"
Thomas Jefferson.
Your reasons 1, 2 and 3 boil down to the same reason we need it today, Self Defense,

Meaning that we still fear the Brits invading, Indian uprising and slave revolts, correct???

Thomas Jefferson wrote: "I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
"No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms (within his own lands or tenements)"
Thomas Jefferson.
That proposed line was not adopted into the Virginia constitution.

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