Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

Another bullshit post from the idiot. The States may rise again through Article 5 and put the leviathan back in its cage. BTW you still owe me an apology child.

Tell the truth....you wear grey all the time, whistle Dixie and cuss that Emancipation Proclamation under your breath. ALL

Lincoln's greatest mistake is to not let you morons secede. We could then be building a "beautiful" wall along the Mason-Dixon line.

More proof of exactly how clueless you really are. LMAO What, still no apology you dishonorable gutter slime. Honorable intelligent people are willing to apologize and admit it when their slurs are proven wrong.
Of course it's my bed time and I don';t have time for a lengthy debate on this but, you are incorrect when you read the BOR's to conclude that we "the people" only have a right to assemble to petition the government. (you are wrong when you conclude that we don't have the right to form militias)

You acknowledge the fact that the founders "wanted the people to be able to overthrow a bad government" and I appreciate that. But! To then suggest that that same "bad government" gets to "appoint the officers" for the militias that are being formed to overthrow that "bad government?"

That is ridiculous.

I think you might want to think that through again.

Well, I didn't say the people only have the right to assemble to petition the government. I said this was the reason it was in the Constitution. Just because something isn't protected by a constitutional right, doesn't mean you can't do it.

The point being that the STATES appoint the officers, not the Federal government. Thereby stating that if the Feds have overreached their position, that the States are the ones who are basically going to organize the militias.

And what about when the State and the Federal Governments are (tyrannically) in collusion with each other against the "people?"

What then?

Well then you're fucked, aren't you.

If you've managed to sit idly by and have done nothing up until this point, then there's a problem anyway.

Then the people can take up arms against the govt. Even with state governments appointing officers it's still ILLEGAL to fight against the Federal Government. So, if it's you v. state and federal governments, it's still illegal and doesn't really matter anyway.

What happens is, like the Civil War, the strongest wins.

The 2nd amendment was the founder's way to insure the people's rights as individuals to keep and to bear arms so that if and when the time comes for us to "unfuck" ourselves against a tyrannical government. . . We can.

Yes, I know.


Now explain how allowing the "bad government " to appoint the officers of the militia and dictate which weapons can and can not be used is a reasonable means to that end.

Oh, yeah, let's just say this was all about people buying guns because they're feared Saddam Hussein would come back and invade the US, and this PROVES IT (because one piece of evidence is enough for most people, right?).

There was a major "panic" and a run on firearms when Shit for Brains was elected in 2008 and reelected in 2012. There was another panic and upsurge in firearm sales when Shit for Brains started all his anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit after Sandy Hook.

There has even been a mild panic after Shit for Brains and Crooked Hillary started in with their vile disgusting anti Constitutional ranting after Orlando.

However, if Crooked Hillary gets elected (god forbid) the biggest upsurge in firearms purchases are yet to come.


Translation. Obama is interested in upholding the US Constitution, for example, the freedom of religion.

Shit for Bains got overturned by the Supreme Court on a couple of his decrees limiting the freedom of religion, didn't he?

That sonofabitch has never read the Constitution of the US and probably wouldn't know it from a roll of toilet paper.

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There was a major "panic" and a run on firearms when Shit for Brains was elected in 2008 and reelected in 2012. There was another panic and upsurge in firearm sales when Shit for Brains started all his anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit after Sandy Hook.

There has even been a mild panic after Shit for Brains and Crooked Hillary started in with their vile disgusting anti Constitutional ranting after Orlando.

However, if Crooked Hillary gets elected (god forbid) the biggest upsurge in firearms purchases are yet to come.

The NRA and their partial funders, the weapons' manufacturers, OWN you.....Buy more, MORE !!! LOL
The first shots of the Revolution, 1775, centered around the British plans to confiscate the armaments of the Massachusetts MILITIA.

The right of an individual to 'keep and bear arms' however, never needed the second amendment per se.

It surprises me that you say that - but you are correct

" I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colourable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretence for claiming that power."

Alexander Hamilton

The NRA and their partial funders, the weapons' manufacturers, OWN you.....Buy more, MORE !!! LOL

You are obsessed with the hate towards the NRA, aren't you?

The people that buy firearms are not influenced by the NRA. Most of them are not even NRA members.

I teach firearms training and I am a range officer where people go to shoot. I know a lot more about the people that own firearms than you do. Quite a bit more because all you know is what the jackass Libtards on MSNBC tell you. Most people that buy firearms do it for personal reasons that has nothing to do with the NRA.

You stupid ignorant Libtards demonize the NRA because that is just the kind of jackasses you are but they are not the enemy. The enemy are these shitheads like Obama and Crooked Hillary that wants to take away your Constitutional rights.

Maybe one day when you pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and start thinking for yourself for a change instead of having Libtard pundits do your thinking for you and then you will understand.

The NRA is a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights and is the largest gun safety organization in the world. If they are your enemy then you are one sick Moon Bat puppy.
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LGBT gun rights group sees membership skyrocket after Orlando shooting

LGBT gun rights group sees membership skyrocket after Orlando shooting

Because the LGBT community is often the target of violent attacks, it’s important for LGBT people to carry guns to protect themselves, said Dave Kopel, an attorney and gun rights advocate.

“People have to be their own first responders,” he said. “Law enforcement tries to get there as fast as possible to intervene, but they can’t be there all the time and it’s good when people have the tools and abilities to stay alive until law enforcement shows up.
The NRA is a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights

Indeed, the NRA was right out there fighting and lobbying and spending tons of money for blacks' rights, gay rights, women's rights, etc. I had forgotten what sweethearts they are.

Did you ever wonder how much money the NRA spends on lobbying versus what they take in dues??? Where DOES that additional funding come from?
The NRA is a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights

Indeed, the NRA was right out there fighting and lobbying and spending tons of money for blacks' rights, gay rights, women's rights, etc. I had forgotten what sweethearts they are.

Did you ever wonder how much money the NRA spends on lobbying versus what they take in dues??? Where DOES that additional funding come from?

Why would the National Rifle Association be involved in gay rights or women's rights?

That's just stu[id.
Why would the National Rifle Association be involved in gay rights or women's rights?

That's just stu[id.

Sarcasm was used because one of your fellow right wing idiots labeled the NRA ".......a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights...." The only "right" they're focused on is the selling of MORE guns as instructed by the gun manufacturers.

Apologize now !!!!???
The NRA is a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights

Indeed, the NRA was right out there fighting and lobbying and spending tons of money for blacks' rights, gay rights, women's rights, etc. I had forgotten what sweethearts they are.

Did you ever wonder how much money the NRA spends on lobbying versus what they take in dues??? Where DOES that additional funding come from?

You are one ignorant Moon Bat.

You are fixated on hating the NRA and that is either comical or pathetic, depending upon how you look at it.

The big money makers for arms production in the US is for military sales.

Industry provides support to the NRA but it real support comes from the six million or so members like myself.

I personally like the fact that the companies that I buy firearms from support a right to keep and bear arms lobby groups. That is a good thing Moon Bat.

Years ago the Ruger company's President came out in favor of a magazine ban and because of that I don't buy Ruger products any more.

One of the largest suppliers of AR parts hired one of the government thugs that participated in killing of Randy Weaver's wife at Ruby Ridge and because of that myself and many other people don't buy their products any more.

By the way, who funds all these filthy ass anti right to keep and bear arms organizations that you see spewing their vile despicable garbage? We know George Soros and that idiot Bloomberg funds a lot of it.

Maybe one of these days you will be able to think for yourself when it comes to Constitutional freedoms but I am not going to hold my breath. You Moon Bats very seldom poull your heads out of your asses.

Why would the National Rifle Association be involved in gay rights or women's rights?

That's just stu[id.

He is stupid.

The Moon Bat is speaking out of his ass.

The NRA welcomes the Pink Pistol and has helped them set up gun ranges across the US.
The NRA is the greatest fear of the liberal scum. That by itself makes the NRA a great organization.
Look, man. If ISIS comes into a gun show and wants to buy some AR-15s to kill a bunch of fags in their homo lair, (on Latin Night no less, doubleplusgood!) what right thinking American would want to stop him? 50 dead Latino fags? What's the problem? 90 percent of them were probably illegals.
The only controversy that exist is with morons like you who can not comprehend what the words "shall not be infringe" means.

First of all the term is "infringed"...and the fact that you left out the well-regulated militia part shows what a dunce you surely are....but, carry on other nitwits like you from the right will surely think you're just a brilliant addition to their ilk.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Pretty straight forward.

The right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear
Arms, shall not be infringed.

That means the ability to keep them in our possession, not to have them placed in a state run armory, or taken from us because an abusive government doesn't like our ability to defend ourselves from a fascist government bent on subjugation.
The NRA is a grassroots organization that is focuses upon protecting Constitutional rights

Indeed, the NRA was right out there fighting and lobbying and spending tons of money for blacks' rights, gay rights, women's rights, etc. I had forgotten what sweethearts they are.

Did you ever wonder how much money the NRA spends on lobbying versus what they take in dues??? Where DOES that additional funding come from?

Why would the National Rifle Association be involved in gay rights or women's rights?

That's just stu[id.

They fight for the right of everyone, except felons and the mentally adjudicated, to keep and bear arms. They are actually one of the most gender, race and sexual orientation neutral groups out there.

Just ask the Pink Pistols.
Look, man. If ISIS comes into a gun show and wants to buy some AR-15s to kill a bunch of fags in their homo lair, (on Latin Night no less, doubleplusgood!) what right thinking American would want to stop him? 50 dead Latino fags? What's the problem? 90 percent of them were probably illegals.

That strawman is so big Cows three states over can smell it.

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