Possible "reasons" for the Second Amendment

The intent was for the populace to be armed, but in state militias. And at that time any large group of men could be armed with the same technology that the best army on Earth was armed with, muskets and cannons. There was parity in weaponry. At that time this idea of an armed militia was viable and functional.

Today the public is banned from owning 99% of modern weapons that are available which gun owners today are just fine with because this is what they've grown up with. There is no parity now between the weapons that the public owns and the weapons that even the weakest army on Earth owns. The days of 'minutemen' ended in the 1890's. The only function a publicly owned weapon has today is hunting or self protection. The US population could never dream of defeating our own military in a war. We'd lose in a week. A harsh reality gun owners just can't own.

You obviously have no concept of what a "butterknife" squad is.

What the fuck is a "butterknife squad?" you may ask.

The butterknife squad is a concept/ strategy that is built around the idea of using what you have to get what you need or want.

I will explain how it works but let me first say that while there is HUGE disparity between the weapons of we "the people" and the weapons of our military. . . if the shit ever really hits the fan, we "the people" knows full well that some significant portion of our military will be making themselves available to the cause of fighting the tyrannical government (as the founding fathers drew help from France and others) and our defecting soldiers will bring their weapons and knowledge with them as they join the efforts.

Now back to the "butterknife squad." Imagine a very small militant group that is running on bare minimal supplies and an un-armed new member shows up to join the fight.

Having no spare or extra weapons for him, they hand him a butterknife (it's a metaphor stay with me) and the new member says "what the hell am I going to do with this?"

The group tells him to go out and use that butterknife to get himself a gun.

If the guy comes back with the butterknife and a new gun of his own. . . they then hand the knife to the next new guy who shows up without a weapon. . . and so on.

If he doesn't come back? Then all you really lost was the butterknife.

The principle is simple. You use what you've got to get what you need.

You live in lala land. How comforting for so many, the thought of 'well many in our military will help us'. Yes they will, but any attempt by the military or a strongman to take over won't be attempted until they've secured most of the heavy weapons in places they know only loyal forces will be able to get them.

How about you go to North Korea or China with your butterknife story and your modified fully auto AK47 and show them how it's done. Explain how the people in North Korea, if they were all secretly armed with AK47's, could overthrow that dictatorship. Our military is more capable than their's by a magnitude of a hundred.

This reality is not pleasant but Jesus H stop living in this world of myth.
The intent was for the populace to be armed, but in state militias. And at that time any large group of men could be armed with the same technology that the best army on Earth was armed with, muskets and cannons. There was parity in weaponry. At that time this idea of an armed militia was viable and functional.

Today the public is banned from owning 99% of modern weapons that are available which gun owners today are just fine with because this is what they've grown up with. There is no parity now between the weapons that the public owns and the weapons that even the weakest army on Earth owns. The days of 'minutemen' ended in the 1890's. The only function a publicly owned weapon has today is hunting or self protection. The US population could never dream of defeating our own military in a war. We'd lose in a week. A harsh reality gun owners just can't own.

You obviously have no concept of what a "butterknife" squad is.

What the fuck is a "butterknife squad?" you may ask.

The butterknife squad is a concept/ strategy that is built around the idea of using what you have to get what you need or want.

I will explain how it works but let me first say that while there is HUGE disparity between the weapons of we "the people" and the weapons of our military. . . if the shit ever really hits the fan, we "the people" knows full well that some significant portion of our military will be making themselves available to the cause of fighting the tyrannical government (as the founding fathers drew help from France and others) and our defecting soldiers will bring their weapons and knowledge with them as they join the efforts.

Now back to the "butterknife squad." Imagine a very small militant group that is running on bare minimal supplies and an un-armed new member shows up to join the fight.

Having no spare or extra weapons for him, they hand him a butterknife (it's a metaphor stay with me) and the new member says "what the hell am I going to do with this?"

The group tells him to go out and use that butterknife to get himself a gun.

If the guy comes back with the butterknife and a new gun of his own. . . they then hand the knife to the next new guy who shows up without a weapon. . . and so on.

If he doesn't come back? Then all you really lost was the butterknife.

The principle is simple. You use what you've got to get what you need.

You live in lala land. How comforting for so many, the thought of 'well many in our military will help us'. Yes they will, but any attempt by the military or a strongman to take over won't be attempted until they've secured most of the heavy weapons in places they know only loyal forces will be able to get them.

How about you go to North Korea or China with your butterknife story and your modified fully auto AK47 and show them how it's done. Explain how the people in North Korea, if they were all secretly armed with AK47's, could overthrow that dictatorship. Our military is more capable than their's by a magnitude of a hundred.

This reality is not pleasant but Jesus H stop living in this world of myth.

The poor people of north Korea are at a deficit that we in the US have never seen. We the people of the US
Have Always had more of a self reliance and self defensive attitude that they dont have. I believe they Could defeat their oppressors if all else was the same and they had the attitudes and the history that we have here
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I don't like Islam either. However I don't like Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and all the other religions either.

Islam may well have spread to harsh countries which will inevitably struggle.

Had the South separated from the North in 1865 maybe the South would be much poorer than the north, like Mexico for example. Sometimes the conditions of the country are what really matter.

Africa is Africa, it doesn't really matter if it's Muslim Africa or Christian Africa, it's still messed up. In fact some of the most stable places are places like Morocco which are Muslim.

There's nothing worse than people seeing one thing and using this as pure fact and then stating they've come to a conclusion based on one fact.
....and said right after ignoring all the Islamic terrorism.

Well, let's be grateful America was a Christian nation for a couple hundred years anyway, since it became the greatest country in the world. I don't think I'd like America if muslims had been in charge all this time. Look what they haven't accomplished in all the countries where they were running the show. I consider islam an anti religion. An Abrahamic rogue offshoot out to destroy any other religion in it's path.

A few years ago I would have told you that I had no fear or concerns about Islam. I had a live and let live attitude towards them. After all freedom of religion and everything.

However, that has changed over the years because the Muslims have proved themselves to be batshit crazy fanatics that are hell bent on killing infidels like my fellow Americans.

The so called moderate Muslims won't do a damn thing of substance to police their own radicals so it is obvious they are either moral cowards or simply support the radicals.

We need to deal with the problem is a forceful manner and Obama does not have the courage or the inclination to oppose the Muslim Terrorist. After all he was raised as a Muslim.

Why these idiot Moon Bats voted for a dickhead that was raised as Muslim and had the middle name of Hussein during the war on terror is absolutely beyond belief. What were those idiots thinking?

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