Possible RNC leadership change

1. The Republicans got crushed by young voters who came out in droves to vote for their perceived $10,000 student loan forgiveness, even though it was always a lie. Suckers.

2. Now Biden let in millions of migrants to compete for jobs. Suckers.

3. Republicans got blasted by democrats in the MSM as wanting to make abortions illegal all over the US. A big lie, but it motivated women voters.

4. Republicans got blasted by the MSM for wanting to end Social Security as FL Sen. Rick Scott proposal to fix SS was a disaster. No GOP anyone should publish ANYTHING until the RNC reviews it. That cost the GOP many senior voters, their usual base.

5. Was it Trump's weak candidates? Nope. Every GOP candidate won a primary. What happened was democrats had soooooo much money that they gave millions to nominate the most beatable GOP candidate, like Mastriano in PA, and that sunk Dr. Oz.

6. The MSM's continuous demonizing of Trump, ending democracy, etc., caused weenie GOP voters to stay home instead of voting for either candidate.
Bottom line, more voters wanted Democrats to win than those that wanted reps to win. That seems to be a pattern lately.
Dems STOLE senate seats with $500 billion in taxpayer BRIBES for VOTES. Vote Dem and get your gift check for $20,000 in student loan debt payoff. There's a reason the student loan website CRASHED when Biden announced a free $500 billion in debt payoff.
Dems are crowing because they only LOST by not as much as they thought they would. You must remember that the GOP GAINED seats in the House in 2020. That was good so a further increase in seats was never going to be as big as some predicted. I thought they'd gain 17 seats. Nine's in the ballpark. I did think they'd pick up two Senate seats though; went close but no Ceegar!!!

Okay, please tell me you are NOT a McConnell fan :hands:
He made some bad mistakes. He should either have learned or resigned. Backing the wrong horses in Alaska did it for me.( Both House AND Senate). He's not fought hard enough to take it to the Dems over 1/6 either. He has shortcomings and time for new blood; Cruz for example.

Bottom line, more voters wanted Democrats to win than those that wanted reps to win. That seems to be a pattern lately.
Dems lost the House. You are without credibility.


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Republicans won the House. That was the big one. Yes; the Senate would have been nice but well; learn for next time.

The AZ seat was straight-up stolen....GA & NV are sketchy AF.....You don't "learn for next time" when you get openly ripped off.
He made some bad mistakes. He should either have learned or resigned. Backing the wrong horses in Alaska did it for me.( Both House AND Senate). He's not fought hard enough to take it to the Dems over 1/6 either. He has shortcomings and time for new blood; Cruz for example.

2016 was too early for Cruz, I think 2024 is his best shot at POTUS. I have been watching Cruz season nicely. He's less boring, drones on less. Say more with less Cruz. Sadly the GOP senate old guard hates his guts so he'll never rise to power in the Senate.
Okay, please tell me you are NOT a McConnell fan :hands:
Whenever I see your posts I think of this.

I'm not much up this way; mostly I dwell in the badlands.


(True Blue: sorta like Truth, Justice and the American Way...as it was....down under)
The AZ seat was straight-up stolen....GA & NV are sketchy AF.....You don't "learn for next time" when you get openly ripped off.
I was thinking of he should have learned after 2020; yes; too bloody late now unless they can have fraud convictions and 10 year sentences........unlikely imo.

But the Gavel is still red!!!

It's now up to the GOP House members to start ripping the Dems apart!!! Get it done, folk!!!

Dems are crowing because they only LOST by not as much as they thought they would. You must remember that the GOP GAINED seats in the House in 2020. That was good so a further increase in seats was never going to be as big as some predicted. I thought they'd gain 17 seats. Nine's in the ballpark. I did think they'd pick up two Senate seats though; went close but no Ceegar!!!

With Biden's abysmal record and the scope of damage stupid shit Biden/Dem policies did Dems should have been obliterated at the polls. You have to hand it to the lowlife scum Democrats, they put together an effective package of lies, propaganda, election rigging and vote purchasing schemes. The shit for brains SCOTUS repealing Roe vs Wade only a few months before the midterms was also an historic display of stupidity.

When we said never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from victory we were only half joking.
2016 was too early for Cruz, I think 2024 is his best shot at POTUS. I have been watching Cruz season nicely. He's less boring, drones on less. Say more with less Cruz. Sadly the GOP senate old guard hates his guts so he'll never rise to power in the Senate.
He took on all seventeen and was the last to drop out in 2016 and he was the toughest apart from The GREAT Trump; he's got the goods. The Times demand him. The "Old Guard" stands in his way at their peril...so to speak. It is attack time NOW; don't wait until January!!!

I think 2024 is Trump's at this stage but the House MUST ATTACK especially the ballot harvesting. I see in some seats in Cal the GOP used some interesting (legal) Ballot Harvesting techniques of their own and WON. I must look into it more.

With Biden's abysmal record and the scope of damage stupid shit Biden/Dem policies did Dems should have been obliterated at the polls. You have to hand it to the lowlife scum Democrats, they put together an effective package of lies, propaganda, election rigging and vote purchasing schemes. The shit for brains SCOTUS repealing Roe vs Wade only a few months before the midterms was also an historic display of stupidity.

When we said never underestimate the GOP's ability to snatch defeat from victory we were only half joking.
Yes, and be that as it may the way the MSM was involved in selling that package should NOT be underestimated. Twitter is cleaning House and that is good; the House should be looking at the links between the DNC and the MSM and cracking it.

But never fall for the Dem slime saying it was a win for them. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST LOSERS!!!

1. The Republicans got crushed by young voters who came out in droves to vote for their perceived $10,000 student loan forgiveness, even though it was always a lie. Suckers.

2. Now Biden let in millions of migrants to compete for jobs. Suckers.

3. Republicans got blasted by democrats in the MSM as wanting to make abortions illegal all over the US. A big lie, but it motivated women voters.

4. Republicans got blasted by the MSM for wanting to end Social Security as FL Sen. Rick Scott proposal to fix SS was a disaster. No GOP anyone should publish ANYTHING until the RNC reviews it. That cost the GOP many senior voters, their usual base.

5. Was it Trump's weak candidates? Nope. Every GOP candidate won a primary. What happened was democrats had soooooo much money that they gave millions to nominate the most beatable GOP candidate, like Mastriano in PA, and that sunk Dr. Oz.

6. The MSM's continuous demonizing of Trump, ending democracy, etc., caused weenie GOP voters to stay home instead of voting for either candidate.
Y'all keep putting up similar candidats, yuh hear!?!?!

It's time for a change in leadership after Republicans faltered in the midterm elections.
That was Trump's fault and the culture war platform. Plus, the divisive anti- election and anti-constitutional norms BS, that just ain't selling. But, like I said, that's trump. I doubt they want to ride that pig to the bottom of the hog wallow, not being much life or light down there. The may have to give up change direction and go back to good governance and balance. Time for nut cutting on the big pig. His pigglets didn't do to well.
3 in 4 voted for the $10,000 to $20,000 Dem student loan BRIBE for their vote, fact!
And I'll enjoy watching them bitch and moan but slo Joe's handlers will simply say - it's Republican's fault that I couldn't do it! And the simps will believe them. Whatever... it's their young asses that Dems are destroying. Screw 'em, they'll deserve it.
So? Historically, you should have gained lots of seats. You only got a few. If your party was any good, you would have gained a lot more.
Are you saying that YOUR Party was such SHIT that it should have been destroyed at the midterms??? Well we agree on that BUT your party still lost the House.



YOU WON......one Senate seat; Trump won TWO!!!!


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