Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

Does it say anything in there about forged documents being used to obtain his employment? No? Until it shows the farmer was complicit in hiring the illegal, he is innocent.

If he knowingly hired an illegal, lock him up in the jail cell with the illegal until the illegal should be executed, and then a few years more to think about it by himself!

its always someone else's fault with you people

Yes, I guess it is my fault that you are such a bumbling dumbass!

It is your fault that your head is so far up Trump's ass that you are suffering brain damage from lack of oxygen.

You are such an arrogant imbecile. I am though reading your bullshit and trying to show how truly stupid you are.

oh, is another snowflake going to run off to their safespace?

The only safe space I need is where your idiocy is shielded from public view. You are simply a classless moron.
We sacrificed more than 4000 of my fellow service members lives to make the region worse off than it was when we went.
Obama is responsible for that.

Obama invaded Iraq? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Damn you people are fucking stupid

He left dumbass@

One of the few good decisions he made in his 8 years.

Good decision? How many innocent Iraqis and Syrians died because of ISIL/ISIS? That lays right at Ohbummer's feet!
According to his lawyer, Rivera has no criminal record - besides being undocumented ofc.

Apparently he is in this country legally according to his lawyer and he passed a e-verify check. Another lie by Trump and his supporters.

Attorney challenges whether Iowa suspect is in US illegally

Good grief Immigration has filed a detainer and his lawyer is using e verify to challenge?

You're a loon
He was here legally is the point. Add another dozen lies to trumps tally.

How on God's green earth could he be here legally? That lawyer is banking on hs 15 minutes of fame, because if he believes that he should be disbarred for incompetence.
According to his lawyer, Rivera has no criminal record - besides being undocumented ofc.

Apparently he is in this country legally according to his lawyer and he passed a e-verify check. Another lie by Trump and his supporters.

Attorney challenges whether Iowa suspect is in US illegally

Good grief Immigration has filed a detainer and his lawyer is using e verify to challenge?

You're a loon

You are the loon.

H e was legal. ICE lies to federal judges so why should we believe them now.

Yeah, ICE lies to federal judges. I am sure you have proof of a widespread problem existing in ICE where everyone lies to federal judges. They have another name for those people - "Inmate".
Time to deploy U.S. Marines and Army Rangers on border. 100% shut down...barricades for I-5 and any other routes into Mexico or out of Mexico. 100% shut down. Screw you if you do business with Mexico and live in United States.

Rangers and Marines are not trained for border patrol. Just shut up about things you know nothing about. You sound like an idiot libtard when you do!

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

Yeah, blame the businesses when they're not allowed to ask about citizenship on hire. Oh yeah and this: INA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of national origin by smaller employers (with four to 14 employees).

Blame the politicians.

We sacrificed more than 4000 of my fellow service members lives to make the region worse off than it was when we went.
Obama is responsible for that.

Obama invaded Iraq? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Damn you people are fucking stupid

He left dumbass@

One of the few good decisions he made in his 8 years.

Good decision? How many innocent Iraqis and Syrians died because of ISIL/ISIS? That lays right at Ohbummer's feet!

Nope, ISIS also lies at the feet of Bush II. ISIS arose due to the removal of Saddam, had that not happened there would have been no ISIS
Mexican man charged in Iowa slaying worked under fake name

"Our employee is not who he said he was," Lang said at a news conference at the farm. "This was shocking to us."

BROOKLYN, Iowa (AP) — A Mexican man charged with killing an Iowa college student worked on a dairy farm for years under a false name just a few miles from where the young woman was allegedly abducted while running last month, his employer said Wednesday.

Cristhian Bahena Rivera was a good employee who showed up on time to take care of the cows and got along well with his co-workers, said Dane Lang, manager of Yarrabee Farms in Brooklyn, Iowa.

The 24-year-old kept coming to work after Mollie Tibbetts disappeared July 18, and "nobody saw a difference" in his demeanor, Lang said. His colleagues were stunned Tuesday to learn that he was not only the suspect in Tibbetts' death, but that he had a different real name than what he went by on the farm, he said.

"Our employee is not who he said he was," Lang said at a news conference at the farm. "This was shocking to us."

Mexican man charged in Iowa slaying worked under fake name
16,000 Americans are murdered every year. Most of them by citizens.

you don't see anyone getting all that upset about it.

But PretPrett White Girl! OH MY GOD, STOP THE PRESSES
You keep running with that. It ain't working for you.



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You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

Yeah, blame the businesses when they're not allowed to ask about citizenship on hire. Oh yeah and this: INA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of national origin by smaller employers (with four to 14 employees).

Blame the politicians.

Maybe in the country you live in thay can’t ask about legal status, but here in America an employer is required to verify citizenship. This is why we require I9 documents. It’s obvious by your statement you don’t work much. And yes, if a company is going to employ these slaves because they only have to pay them $7.00 an hour. So destroy the business and the owners livelyhood anytime one of their pet mexitrash kills an American.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.

I agree but its kinda hard to do your job when the bastards keep coming back after being deported.

Part of Border Security would be to deal with that.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...

It is significant when the murder could easily have been prevented if the Government was doing it's job.

In this case, Border Security.
The same argument can be made for citizens commiting crimes. How big do you want goverment to get get? How many fortunes do you want to spend on one issue? We have thousands of miles of coast lines. We have thousnads of miles of borders that can be walked over. We have people that come here legaly and over stay, they are already across the border. You expect illegal crime to drop to zero! You have as much chance as getting all crime to drop to zero! Mean while the crooks you elected are about to go to jail, so the system works even though idiots like you are out there jamming it up! Shut the fuck up and lets the adults talk!

Protection from outside dangers is the primary function of a government.

Governments have been putting walls around their territories for thousands of years.

Navies have patrolled and protected coastlines for thousands of years.

To pretend that this is too hard to do, is utterly absurd.

Your side wants to do this, because they want to radically transform America into a place where they get to have their way, without the other side ever having a voice again.
Perhaps American lives are the Repubs exchange currency for profits. Rivera was employed for the last 4 year by a Repub farmer.

You forgot allot.

View attachment 212257

Wonder if he followed the law.


  • Verify the identity and employment authorization of each person hired after Nov. 6, 1986. For employment in the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands (CNMI), this verification requirement applies to persons hired after Nov. 27, 2009.
  • Complete and retain Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for each employee who is required to complete the form.

Had it not been for this man providing financial incentive for the illegal to be here, Millie Tibbits would still be alive. Hope the community remembers this man and his political aspirations at election time.

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' murder passed background check despite immigration status, employer says

Looks like there are some issues with e verify
Serious Problems with E-Verify

Bullshit. No passing the buck. E-verify is stupid, but they know better. No passing the buck because it stops with the owner. Business nation wide know damn well they employ wetbacks. They know full well they steal and buy stolen identities, they also know they can pay these guys 7 bucks an hour and dead women are an acceptable price to pay for cheap labor. STOP EMPLOYING illegals!

Yeah, blame the businesses when they're not allowed to ask about citizenship on hire. Oh yeah and this: INA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of national origin by smaller employers (with four to 14 employees).

Blame the politicians.


Ah yeah, I forget most of ya'll lefties haven't had to deal with business laws

First there's National Origin Discrimination

"The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) makes it illegal for an employer to discriminate with respect to hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, based upon an individual's citizenship or immigration status. The law prohibits employers from hiring only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents unless required to do so by law, regulation or government contract."

See also - Pre-Employment Inquiries and Citizenship (This is kind of like... "best practices" shit when it comes to hiring/firing etc. Like you follow these so you don't run afoul of the above.)

"Most employers should not ask whether or not a job applicant is a United States citizen before making an offer of employment."

"Federal law also prohibits employers from conducting the Form I-9 and E-Verify processes before the employee has accepted an offer of employment." (aka you don't find out their illegal until /after/ they've been working for you.)

"the INA prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of national origin by smaller employers (with four to 14 employees)."

EDIT - whoops sent early cause... wait... there's more!

Then we have the IER/INA - Immigrant and Employee Rights Section

"The Immigrant and Employee Rights Section (IER), enforces the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C. § 1324b. Regulations for this law are found at 28 C.F.R. Part 44.

This federal law prohibits: 1) citizenship status discrimination in hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, 2) national origin discrimination in hiring, firing, or recruitment or referral for a fee, 3) unfair documentary practices during the employment eligibility verification, Form I-9 and E-Verify, and 4) retaliation or intimidation."

THEN we get into the finer details like... as an employer when your employees VISA expires they don't have to tell you according to rulings from the IER. And stuff like... if your employee presents an I-9 paperwork, but that paperwork expires in a week or a month (aka short period of time relative to your job opening's expected tenure,) you /cannot/ refuse to hire them based on "they'll soon be illegal."

Businesses can also be sued by potential employees for this stuff - if they for example required I-9 paperwork from an employee and some of it looked false so they ask them for another piece - if they didn't ask every single employee for a "second" piece of I-9 paperwork then they can be sued for national origin discrimination. (That's in the states/counties/municipalities that have actually put in requirements for I-9s and eVerify and stuff, I think most places off the border don't have the requirements [Unless something has drastically changed anyway, I've been retired a while so its been a long time since I actually had to look it up for any specific states. I do know that Alaska doesn't require citizenship documents and I know that N.Dakota hadn't prior to the fracking boom. Outside those two states, I'd be seriously guessing at it, like I can bet that CA doesn't require documents, Texas probably has in some counties, but not all over, etc. But like I said, that's just me guessing] Anyway, if the state/county/muni don't require eVerify/I-9 etc. then they default to the first rule [the Federal IRCA rule] - "cannot discriminate based on citizenship status.")
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According to Washington Post

The guy who just killed his two daughters and wife is a citizen

Most murder s are committed by citizens

Your point?

But thanks for yet another trumpian loon bigot thread, hack


The point is your slight of hand misdirection. And it ain't very good.

The internet is blowing up with your garbage, from most crimes happen in the United States by citizens of the United States" to, we shouldn't be focusing on the Killer, but on Mollie. What utter nonsense.

1. Of course most crimes are committed by legal residents. THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT ARE TO BE RESIDING IN THIS COUNTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE! And the percent of crime by illegals? ALL ARE CRIMINALS, unless you don't understand what the word ILLEGAL means in the first place. You are aware that, an illegal is far less likely to provide information in regards to a crime committed by another illegal in fear of deportation? Correct. So you have no clue as to the percentage of crime committed by illegals. Snitches get stitches.

2. We should be focusing more on Mollie and less on the Killer? Good God, Mollies dead, and believe it or not, no amount of focus will bring her back to the loving hands of her parents and family. All we can do, at this point, IS TO FOCUS ON THE KILLER (OBTW this is EXACTLY THE SAME FOCUS WE GIVE TO EVERY MURDER VICTIM). After the crime is done WE FOCUS ON HOW TO STOP THE NEXT ONE FROM HAPPENING!. The problem is, that each and every time we come up with a solution, we are met with objections FROM THE LEFT.

My focus on Mollie started years before I even knew her name. I started thinking of the next victim of illegal alien Murder the day they buried Sarah Root. Her killer fled the country and is free today.

We will never be able to stop every Murder, but we can stop some. This one was 100% avoidable. 100%. If not for the insanity proctored by the LEFT, Mollie is alive today.

You are simply trying to wash the blood of Mollie's death , and the countless others from your hands, that the left are responsible for, by posting more nonsense. You'd have better luck using soap, cuz nobody but complete idiots are buying what you're selling.

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