Post:Arrest Made in Mollie Tibbetts Murder...An Illegal Alien

She laid dead in a cornfield for over a month while her dad frantically searched for her!
Does Iowa have the Death Penalty? If so, I volunteer to help lead that bastard straight to hell!
Lest we forget here is a picture of the young lady Obama's Dreamer killed and probably raped before the murder.

Her blood is on the hands of these dumbass liberals that want open borders and want to release names ICE agents.
Does Iowa have the Death Penalty? If so, I volunteer to help lead that bastard straight to hell!
I posted an article on that...Democrats blocked efforts to reinstate it this February.
She laid dead in a cornfield for over a month while her dad frantically searched for her!
I heard she was tortured for 40 hours before she was killed. Has there been anything else about this?
I have not heard that. Just that he followed her when she was running and she told him to stop or she would call the police! I wouldn’t put torture past that animal though and I hope his spark of divinity puts pelosi’s Eyes out!
She laid dead in a cornfield for over a month while her dad frantically searched for her!
I heard she was tortured for 40 hours before she was killed. Has there been anything else about this?
I have not heard that. Just that he followed her when she was running and she told him to stop or she would call the police! I wouldn’t put torture past that animal though and I hope his spark of divinity puts pelosi’s Eyes out!
Hope one of these illegals perpetrates some violence on Nancy’s family or Chuckie the crybabies family.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...
there is a thread on it....start paying attention.... there ranting over his citizenship status?

Its very true. You are correct. We have our own lowlifes and Murderers in the US. as does every country. The thing is, what LEGAL immigration does for a country is, it gives the host nation an advantage in that it can screen new immigrants of people who may be criminals or have a mental instability that might make them dangerous.

Note, recently the driver with his pregnant wife who was picked up by ICE? he was wanted for murder in Mexico. Who knows who he killed there? maybe it was something really horrible.

So the thing is yeah, we cant screen people when they are born here, we are stuck with what we got...if you could screen out criminals at birth it would be wonderful. So I do believe the reason we do have immigration laws is to make right by the US population in that one area we are capable of controlling. Adults who we allow across the border as does Every other country in the world..... most of whom are probably much tougher than we are.

I think you are probably concerned now that crazed right wingers will single out people with Hispanic last names or have brown skin, and in some cases you might be right but for the most part, people keep level heads about these things. Really though, race doesn't have anything to do with it... the issue is just following the laws which are already on the books. Even then bad apples can get by... but why not try to raise the bar anyway instead of lowering it??
She laid dead in a cornfield for over a month while her dad frantically searched for her!
I heard she was tortured for 40 hours before she was killed. Has there been anything else about this?
I have not heard that. Just that he followed her when she was running and she told him to stop or she would call the police! I wouldn’t put torture past that animal though and I hope his spark of divinity puts pelosi’s Eyes out!
I've been looking and have not seen anything further.
So .....why no thread on the citizen who killed his pregnant wife and two girls? Or is it only significant when the accused murderer is....something...something...
There are plenty of threads about that. This is new information and it is disgusting. Get your head out of your ass and stop being a tool.
Here is a picture of Obama's Dreamer that raped and murdered Mollie Tibbets:

Obama let him in because he thought this would be a potential Democrat voter one day.

Give me 5 minutes alone with this fucker and give me immunity for what I'd do... and you wouldn't have to worry about spending money on prison. Just dig a grave.
Email your Democrat or even rino Republican and tell them Mollie's blood is on their hands and we hold them PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE. Then work like hell to defeat them.

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