Post Christian ethics

You can 'assure' us? Please demonstrate how you can assure us.

Even using the logic of religion, the odds are wildly against you.

It can't be Jesus and Zeus. Its Jesus OR Zeus (*). Which means that for Christianity to be right, all other products of faith, prayer or scripture have to be wrong. By the logic of religion, the recipe of faith, prayer or scripture almost always produces delusion.

And even within Christianity, there's wild inconsistency. The puritans would put you to death for adultery or homosexuality. The founders just for homosexuality. And modern Christians, neither.

Did God change his mind? Or did Christians?

So in order to believe that that the most modern incarnation of the Christian Faith is right, you have to ignore all other religions in the whole of human history AND almost the entire history of the Christian faith. With only modern say the last 50 years, finally getting it right.

That's.......wildly unlikely.

(*) none of the above is also definitely an option, logically.
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And since then as they decline so does western society

So we can attribute laws and policies of the past to our Christian influence, yes

Would you care to compare what what our nation did in the past when Christians had more influence and power than they do now?

Its not a pretty picture.
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Even using the logic of religion, the odds are wildly against you.

It can't be Jesus and Zeus. Its Jesus OR Zeus (*). Which means that for Christianity to be right, all other products of faith, prayer or scripture have to be wrong. By the logic of religion, the recipe of faith, prayer or scripture almost always produces delusion.

And even within Christianity, there's wild inconsistency. The puritans would put you to death for adultery or homosexuality. The founders just for homosexuality. And modern Christians, neither.

Did God change his mind? Or did Christians?

So in order to believe that that the most modern incarnation of the Christian Faith is right, you have to ignore all other religions in the whole of human history AND almost the entire history of the Christian faith. With only modern say the last 50 years, finally getting it right.

That's.......wildly unlikely.

(*) none of the above is also definitely an option, logically.

Interesting opinion you have there. To each his own. :dunno:
Interesting opinion you have there. To each his own. :dunno:

Yeah, I wouldn't try to debate me on this topic either.

Modern Christianity being the only true faith is a position that logically, doesn't hold up. Especially using the logic of religion.

There's a reason why Christians try to indoctrinate folks young. To an adult, the inconsistencies are overwhelming.
Yeah, I wouldn't try to debate me either.

Modern Christianity being the only true faith is a position that logically, doesn't hold up.

There would be no 'debate', it's called a 'belief/faith' for a reason. Your 'logic' is not my 'logic' either.
There would be no 'debate', it's called a 'belief/faith' for a reason. Your 'logic' is not my 'logic' either.

When by the logic of religion the product of faith, prayer and scripture is almost always self delusion.....what is there to debate?

The odds that you got it right and aren't among the overwhelming mass of deluded.....are ludicrously low.

Its probably best you don't think too hard about that.
Who didn't know this was coming? It will usher in legal government murder, plain and simple. What better way to depopulate than just deciding who should live and who should die.

Do you want to delve into our nation's past and see what decisions about 'who should live and who should die' were made when Christian influence was stronger?

There was nothing elective about it.
Do you want to delve into our nation's past and see what decisions about 'who should live and who should die' were made when Christian influence was stronger?

There was nothing elective about it.
Yes, go ahead and delve and let me know when you find such a bill backed by Christians.
Our government has never passed a law like the one Canada passed. But we are going to. And it will evolve just like the one in Canada has.

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