Post Christian ethics

They already do that with abortion today, their excuse is how miserable a child's life will be when being born to a mother that doesn't want them or is incapable of financially supporting them, their reasoning is that the child is better off dead. Wouldn't take much to extrapolate that to other scenarios as well.
What is the most blatant anti abortion symbol in the world? The ultimate support of abortion demands that these anti abortion statements must be destroyed. Then you will see the slaughter of the pregnant women. For their own good of course.
I actually support helping the people. Let’s take a favorite of the Right. The Opioid Crisis. Since there is a problem with illegal opioids they restrict access to legal opioids. It becomes harder for the patients with chronic pain to get help. It makes it harder for them to be treated for their never ending agony. That agony is torture.

Think for a moment. How are people tortured? You hurt them. You do things to hurt them so they will break and give information. So they will break and do anything to end the pain. Anything.

Yet we in the interest of helping people force them to be in agonizing pain. We force them to endure torture. Risk of suicide in pain patients is extraordinarily high. But we already know that don’t we? We supported enhanced interrogation or torture because we believed it would work.

If your doctor prescribed pain meds then he will get a letter from the FDA and DEA letting him know you are getting too much. How do they know? Have they seen you? Doctors are persecuted and prosecuted for helping patients. Doctors are shut down for helping people. And patients are left swinging in the wind without any help.

Eventually they have to stop the pain. They take their own lives in desperation. They are suffering torture every minute, every second of the day. There is no relief. No help. Nobody can help.

It’s always curious to me. How so many who aren’t in the situation are so certain how those in the situation really feel. Men who have never been pregnant act like it is no big deal. People who are not in agonizing pain every day say the person should seek other options. Opioids are bad and you can overdose.

The good people pushing those in agony towards suicide do it with good intentions. With an arrogant belief that they know what is best. Now when assisted suicide is discussed it is outrageous. We should help the person beyond that desire.

Make the people suffer. That is what is best for them. Let them suffer like the Bible says. Job. Tortured for the amusement of Satan and God. That is what God really desires.
Letting 200 people a day, including more and more children, overdose on this poison is a more humane approach?

Try again.
Just to make sure we're on the same page......the farther we go into the US past, the more Christian values played a role in society, yes?
Christian influence has greatly been reduced in the country

That much is evident.

Leftism is the most influential religion in the world today.
Yes, go ahead and delve and let me know when you find such a bill backed by Christians.
Our government has never passed a law like the one Canada passed. But we are going to. And it will evolve just like the one in Canada has.

What law are you referring to?

And I don't need to prove Christians backed a law. I need to demonstrate the horrors of our past when Christian influence was stronger.

And anything from lynchings to redlining to women not being allowed to vote to syphilis experiments to segregation to jim crow laws to forced sterilization, to the execution of gays, to child slavery.....demonstrates what happens when Christian influence is stronger.
Christian influence has greatly been reduced in the country

That much is evident.

Leftism is the most influential religion in the world today.

Indeed. We're not executing gays any longer. There's no more slavery. There's apparently less molestation by Christian priests. Interracial marriage is legal. Contraception is legal. Segregation is less pronounced and no longer aggressively enforced by the State. Forced sterilizations are outlawed. Redlining is illegal.
Letting 200 people a day, including more and more children, overdose on this poison is a more humane approach?

Try again.

How is restricting legal prescription medications going to prevent someone from getting illegal imported drugs?
I actually support helping the people. Let’s take a favorite of the Right. The Opioid Crisis. Since there is a problem with illegal opioids they restrict access to legal opioids. It becomes harder for the patients with chronic pain to get help. It makes it harder for them to be treated for their never ending agony. That agony is torture.

Think for a moment. How are people tortured? You hurt them. You do things to hurt them so they will break and give information. So they will break and do anything to end the pain. Anything.

Yet we in the interest of helping people force them to be in agonizing pain. We force them to endure torture. Risk of suicide in pain patients is extraordinarily high. But we already know that don’t we? We supported enhanced interrogation or torture because we believed it would work.

If your doctor prescribed pain meds then he will get a letter from the FDA and DEA letting him know you are getting too much. How do they know? Have they seen you? Doctors are persecuted and prosecuted for helping patients. Doctors are shut down for helping people. And patients are left swinging in the wind without any help.

Eventually they have to stop the pain. They take their own lives in desperation. They are suffering torture every minute, every second of the day. There is no relief. No help. Nobody can help.

It’s always curious to me. How so many who aren’t in the situation are so certain how those in the situation really feel. Men who have never been pregnant act like it is no big deal. People who are not in agonizing pain every day say the person should seek other options. Opioids are bad and you can overdose.

The good people pushing those in agony towards suicide do it with good intentions. With an arrogant belief that they know what is best. Now when assisted suicide is discussed it is outrageous. We should help the person beyond that desire.

Make the people suffer. That is what is best for them. Let them suffer like the Bible says. Job. Tortured for the amusement of Satan and God. That is what God really desires.
Wasn't that enacted on State level? I know in MN it was. Night after night lib "newscasters" pushed that line. Not once did they talk to a person in chronic pain. Had an op on my hand. Only thing they gave me Tylenol 3 which does nothing. Called em up to ask for something better and they claimed one of the other drugs they gave me boosted the Tylenol and asked if I was taking it. I was but I had looked it up in the book of drugs and it said nothing of the sort and told em I'm guessing if it came right down to it, its bs you can't legally claim. Bang went the phone.
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When by the logic of religion the product of faith, prayer and scripture is almost always self delusion.....what is there to debate?

The odds that you got it right and aren't among the overwhelming mass of deluded.....are ludicrously low.

Its probably best you don't think too hard about that.

That's your opinion, and if you have to resort to insults, you really suck at 'debating' anyway. :dunno:
What law are you referring to?

And I don't need to prove Christians backed a law. I need to demonstrate the horrors of our past when Christian influence was stronger.

And anything from lynchings to redlining to women not being allowed to vote to syphilis experiments to segregation to jim crow laws to forced sterilization, to the execution of gays, to child slavery.....demonstrates what happens when Christian influence is stronger.

Can you show anywhere that atrocities weren't committed that had no 'Christian influence'? Since you're clearing blaming that influence on the atrocities of the past, you should easily be able to pick out where there is none and show the utopia that exists there.
Can you show anywhere that atrocities weren't committed that had no 'Christian influence'?

Do I need fold in what some OTHER society does demonstrate what happens in our society when Christian influence in our society is greater?

Slavery is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Rape and child rape is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Segregation is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

The execution of gays is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Syphilis experiments are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Suffrage being withheld from women is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

RedLining is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Attacks on native American women and children is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Interracial Marriage bans are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Forced Sterilization is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

What about Christianity in a society protects us from all of these attrocities or withholding of rights? And if it does.....why didn't it?
Do I need fold in what some OTHER society does demonstrate what happens in our society when Christian influence in our society is greater?

Slavery is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Rape and child rape is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Segregation is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

The execution of gays is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Syphilis experiments are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Suffrage being withheld from women is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

RedLining is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Attacks on native American women and children is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Interracial Marriage bans are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Forced Sterilization is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

What about Christianity in a society protects us from all of these attrocities or withholding of rights? And if it does.....why didn't it?
Christianity was dominant it was recessive as per your spouts. The first thing that we should negotiate is that most Progs or whatever do not give up their own lifestyles while they push their pious judgements on something a part of European history. So Christian hating Progs, give up the wealth. Live the socialist dream. I do not mind it. It's just that it always ends up with those more equal than others.
Christianity was dominant it was recessive as per your spouts.
And by 'spouts', you mean history. Everything I cited actually happened while Christianity was far more influential and culturally dominant than it is now.

And all were perfectly compatible with a society that is far more influenced by Christianity than ours is now.

Unsurprisingly, you ignore our history entirely.
Do I need fold in what some OTHER society does demonstrate what happens in our society when Christian influence in our society is greater?

Slavery is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Rape and child rape is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Segregation is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

The execution of gays is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Syphilis experiments are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Suffrage being withheld from women is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

RedLining is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Attacks on native American women and children is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Interracial Marriage bans are perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

Forced Sterilization is perfectly compatible with a society more heavily influenced by Christianity than it is now.

What about Christianity in a society protects us from all of these attrocities or withholding of rights? And if it does.....why didn't it?

So, no, you can't name any other society that is non christian that these very same atrocities don't occur. Thanks
And by 'spouts', you mean history. Everything I cited actually happened while Christianity was far more influential and culturally dominant than it is now.

And all were perfectly compatible with a society that is far more influenced by Christianity than ours is now.

Unsurprisingly, you ignore our history entirely.

All those things happen in societies where there is ZERO christian influences as well.

Your argument is that a secular society will have none of those things occurring?
So, no, you can't name any other society that is non christian that these very same atrocities don't occur. Thanks

I can certainlhy name a country in which these atrocities and withholding of rights were perfectly compatible when the Christianity was far more influential than it is now.

The United States.

What about Christianity in a society protects us from all of these atrocities or withholding of rights? And if it does.....why didn't it?
Elective euthanasia for the mentally ill quickly becomes the person being too mentally ill to make that decision so it must be made for them. For their own good of course. Same with the poor. If the poor person were rational, they would choose death rather than poverty. A rational government must make that decision for them.
They already use that as an excuse for abortion. The kid was going to be poor anyway so best if they die.
I can certainlhy name a country in which these atrocities and withholding of rights were perfectly compatible when the Christianity was far more influential than it is now.

The United States.

What about Christianity in a society protects us from all of these atrocities or withholding of rights? And if it does.....why didn't it?

You're too funny, thanks for the laugh. :cool:
All those things happen in societies where there is ZERO christian influences as well.

Your argument is that a secular society will have none of those things occurring?

My argument is simple: that the atrocities...

.... the slavery, the mass killings, the mutilation, the interracial marriage bans, the child rape, the withholding of rights to women, the execution of gays, the human experimentation, the segregation, the lynchings, the slaughter of civilians.....

....are all perfectly compatible with a society that has a far stronger Christian influence than it does now.

And you don't even disagree with me.
My argument is simple: that the atrocities...

.... the slavery, the mass killings, the mutilation, the interracial marriage bans, the child rape, the withholding of rights to women, the execution of gays, the human experimentation, the segregation, the lynchings, the slaughter of civilians.....

....are all perfectly compatible with a society that has a far stronger Christian influence than it does now.

And you don't even disagree with me.

So what? They're also compatible with a society that has zero Christian influence. You're not very good at making your case, are you?

Gee, maybe it's because humans, humans from every strata of life, are capable of committing atrocities. Secularism certainly isn't going to stop it. :cuckoo:
So what? They're also compatible with a society that has zero Christian influence. You're not very good at making your case, are you?

Gee, maybe it's because humans, humans from every strata of life, are capable of committing atrocities. Secularism certainly isn't going to stop it. :cuckoo:

So.....what's the moral utility of a belief system that is perfectly compatible with child slavery? Or the mutilation of people as property? Or denying women rights? Or executing gays?

Or any of the centuries of atrocities that occurred in our nation when Christianity was far more influential than they are now?

You're blaming secularists.......for things that were dwarfed in their evil and morally indefensible acts that were perfectly compatible with our society when Christianity had far more influence.

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