Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months

That's a shame, because my life revolves around how well Wall Street does.


Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.

That's a shame, because my life revolves around how well Wall Street does.


Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.


Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.
That's a shame, because my life revolves around how well Wall Street does.


Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.


Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.

I guess we should be impressed. You work and produce an income but you don't give a shit about your investments. You may work but at least you didn't claim to be intelligent with a reply like that. :cool:
Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.


Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.

I guess we should be impressed. You work and produce an income but you don't give a shit about your investments. You may work but at least you didn't claim to be intelligent with a reply like that. :cool:

My investments are fairly large and very conservative. I don't touch Wall Street--it is a fool's paradise, nothing but an institutionalized casino. This has paid off quite well for me.

Wall Street belongs to aristocrats and lazy folks that dream of instant riches without working for it.
Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.

I guess we should be impressed. You work and produce an income but you don't give a shit about your investments. You may work but at least you didn't claim to be intelligent with a reply like that. :cool:

My investments are fairly large and very conservative. I don't touch Wall Street--it is a fool's paradise, nothing but an institutionalized casino. This has paid off quite well for me.

Wall Street belongs to aristocrats and lazy folks that dream of instant riches without working for it.

:clap2: The second door on the left is the EXIT
Well--there are other investments besides the stock markets. And Financial advisors always tell their clients to make use of them in order to keep their portfolio diverse. Because if the stock market fall, so does your investment in the stock markets, but other investments securities not tied to the stock market may be performing better than before, thus you may not lose your shirt as the stock market goes down.
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

You are aware that today's drop is a function of the "fiscal cliff", aren't you? Do you think that perhaps now, Republicans will negotiate in good faith, and be willing to find compromise? Or do you think they'll lead us to the abyss out of spite?
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

Had nothing to do with our election. In fact, because there was no long drawn out recount, that helped the market today.

Europe slashed its growth forecast. That's why there was a slight dip at the opening of trading.

Get an education before you try to talk about complicated things.
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

You are aware that today's drop is a function of the "fiscal cliff", aren't you? Do you think that perhaps now, Republicans will negotiate in good faith, and be willing to find compromise? Or do you think they'll lead us to the abyss out of spite?

stfu you ignorant asswipe. We running toward 20 trillion dollars in debt. there is no way to avoid an economic meltdown so we just as well have it now as later.
Here come the Republicans again, hoping for America's failure in hopes of redeeming their personal beliefs.

How sad.
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

You are aware that today's drop is a function of the "fiscal cliff", aren't you? Do you think that perhaps now, Republicans will negotiate in good faith, and be willing to find compromise? Or do you think they'll lead us to the abyss out of spite?

stfu you ignorant asswipe. We running toward 20 trillion dollars in debt. there is no way to avoid an economic meltdown so we just as well have it now as later.

If there is a meltdown, how are Boehner and the House Republicans going to escape blame? Constitutionally they're supposed to be the originators of the solutions, not the president.
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

Considering the stock market has pretty much doubled under Obama, I don't think investors will be hurt too bad in the long run.
That's a shame, because my life revolves around how well Wall Street does.


Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.


Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.

Are you sure? My husband now has Parkinson's. He may be retiring soon and we just don't have the money. IOW stuff happens.
Perhaps if you actually worked at a productive job... you might have a 401K or an IRA and then Wall Street might matter to you.


Since I work and actually produce an income, though, I don't worry much about my "investments." I will always be able to produce an income through my labor.

Are you sure? My husband now has Parkinson's. He may be retiring soon and we just don't have the money. IOW stuff happens.

And thanks to Obama, he won't really have to worry about his healthcare.
Post-Election Retreat: Dow Plummets Below 13K for First Time in 2 Months | Fox Business

And so it begins. First the stocks and I bet more companies will lay off now so they have less then 50 people to avoid Obama care. I hope you liberals are happy because we as a Nation are on a decline. If our country fails it is on your HEADS ..

Righties moving to France?!?! :D

Yea, they're going to leave the country for all those other bastions of conservatism. :badgrin:

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