Poster Child for Democrats

Don't forget Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) visiting the Mars Pathfinder Mission Control Center in Pasadena, and asking them if the Mars rover mission would find the flag placed there by the Apollo astronauts.
Don't forget Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) visiting the Mars Pathfinder Mission Control Center in Pasadena, and asking them if the Mars rover mission would find the flag placed there by the Apollo astronauts.
yes! ha, ha, the screamer. "I'm Sheila Jackson LEEEEEE!!!!!!" "Why ain't the government doing more for the PEOPLLLLLE!!!!!!!!
One of the best deadpan satirical lines ever delivered and there are still nuts on the right who believe he was serious;

I guess that's a part of what made it such a great line.
One of the best deadpan satirical lines ever delivered and there are still nuts on the right who believe he was serious;

He was serious, which is obvious to anyone who isn't a severe hyper partisan hack like you, but the incident is years behind us now and old news that nobody gives a shit about except other severe hyper partisan hacks on the other side of the aisle like the OP.
Hank Johnson Worries Guam Could "Capsize" After Marine Buildup - CBS News

Hank Johnson, poster child for the quality representation Blacks get by voting Democrat.

Really? You just heard about this today?

The guy was suffering from Hepititis C. He has since been successfully treated and is back in the pink of health.

From the American Medical Jorunal:

Symptom of hepatitis C: Delusional thinking. Loss of cognizant abilities. Tendency to believe that islands will capsize.
One of the best deadpan satirical lines ever delivered and there are still nuts on the right who believe he was serious;

He was serious, which is obvious to anyone who isn't a severe hyper partisan hack like you, but the incident is years behind us now and old news that nobody gives a shit about except other severe hyper partisan hacks on the other side of the aisle like the OP.

It would be old news if the democrat party would have gotten any smarter. But as long as there are 57 states I would have to say that hasn't happened.
this is always good for a laugh, another ignorant democrat:

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“You know what I heard… that it’s not black on black crime that’s killing kids in Chicago, it’s actually cops shooting those kids.”

This load of horse hockey was uttered by Chicago Democrat Monique Davis.

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