Posting Something Mean About Muslims on Social Media Might Be...Criminal..

Anyone can criticize any religion and be free from fear of the government.
As a believer in human rights I'll keep pointing out the Islamic reality of
-Stoning woman for being raped
-denying woman a right to drive
-Denying woman a education
-beating woman and the government doesn't care. They side with the man.

-teaching hatred of the west to their children.
-and a million other injustices. You want to talk about equality liberals? Well, islam is your enemy. Are you just going to kiss their asses?

These are the things that liberals supposedly hate. Apparently their love of tolerance extends to this as well, which exposes a rampant double standard amongst them. So much for women's rights, breaking the glass ceiling, education for all, and all those nice liberal talking points.

Quite ironic, don't you think?
TemplarKormac has evidenced in his double standard by suggesting any American supports the evils he listed. He is more in line with the jihadists than he is with the mainstream of America.
Anyone can criticize any religion and be free from fear of the government.

You live in a fool's paradise.

What you state is the way things are supposed to be.

But, frankly, one is also supposed to be free from political harassment from the government for having a political point of view at odds with the government's views.

Yet, the abuse the IRS showered on those who have more conservative political ideologies shows us that the government does not always FOLLOW the rule of law.
bripats and those who think like him are "all lunatics who [would] commit murder over the slightest offense" if they could and reveal them as wannabee fascists.

I don't think even you believe that, Jake. Why do you say such things about us? It must be because you have an immense hatred for your fellow man, or the man who holds different viewpoints from yours. I've owned firearms for a while now, and I feel no compulsion to "commit murder over the slightest offense." Just where do you get these stereotypical notions from? Who feeds you this crap?
TemplarKormac has evidenced in his double standard by suggesting any American supports the evils he listed. He is more in line with the jihadists than he is with the mainstream of America.

Explain this double standard in which you accuse me of exercising. I'll raze you to the recesses of these boards the next time you equate me with one of those jihadist animals. Got it? There are lines you do not cross with me. But what was I expecting? You specialize in these low blows.

I'm a Christian, not a crazed fanatic. And I'm far more rooted in tolerance and reality than you, any other liberal, or fundamentalist Muslim which professes to be.
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I don't think even you believe that, Jake.

Yes, I am beginning to believe just that. I merely quoted his comments in a mirror fashion.

Our post-modern world is atomizing the links of family, church, community links that once helped us to recognize and control those individuals who are dangerous in society.

Thus the anonymity of the message board attract sociopathiologically deranged individuals where they can develop and empower their wares without fear of discovery.

I truly believe we witness daily on our boards here the dark dangerous message from some on the far left, the far right, and the libertarian wing who would have managed well as social defuncts in the world of fascism, communism, an militarism.
TemplarKormac has evidenced in his double standard by suggesting any American supports the evils he listed. He is more in line with the jihadists than he is with the mainstream of America.

Explain this double standard in which you accuse me of exercising. I'll raze you to the recesses of these boards the next time you equate me with one of those jihadist animals. Got it? There are lines you do not cross with me. But what was I expecting? You specialize in these low blows.

I'm a Christian, not a crazed fanatic. And I'm far more rooted in tolerance and reality than you, any other liberal, or fundamentalist Muslim which professes to be.

You are a blowhard, TemplarKormac, and I will expose you any time you cross the line. You live a double standard, and I won't permit it to go unchallenged. Do you understand me?
I want the same to be applied to Christianity, Jews and all religions. No more bashing Christians you Liberals!!!! This means that you can't bash Christians anymore or I can report you to the police!

What's good for one is good for all ;) This is equality and fairness. Want to play this game? Do you? ;) Let's play.
I don't think even you believe that, Jake.

Yes, I am beginning to believe just that. I merely quoted his comments in a mirror fashion.

Our post-modern world is atomizing the links of family, church, community links that once helped us to recognize and control those individuals who are dangerous in society.

Thus the anonymity of the message board attract sociopathiologically deranged individuals where they can develop and empower their wares without fear of discovery.

I truly believe we witness daily on our boards here the dark dangerous message from some on the far left, the far right, and the libertarian wing who would have managed well as social defuncts in the world of fascism, communism, an militarism.

Fakey believes that moderates have the answer.

He is fanatical about moderation. :lol:

But he is also a phony.

He also pretends to be a "Republican" when he is obviously and clearly a liberal Democratic.

And his notion of "moderating" the GOP is to make it virtually indistinguishable from the Democrat Party.

Which raises the question about what he pretends to stand for.

A choice between a Democratic and a Republican, given HIS notions of what the respective political Parties should stand for, would be a "choice" not between "A" and "B," but a choice between "A" and "A."
I want the same to be applied to Christianity, Jews and all religions. No more bashing Christians you Liberals!!!! This means that you can't bash Christians anymore or I can report you to the police!

What's good for one is good for all ;) This is equality and fairness. Want to play this game? Do you? ;) Let's play.

I agree. And we can't bash atheism either. :lol:
I want the same to be applied to Christianity, Jews and all religions. No more bashing Christians you Liberals!!!! This means that you can't bash Christians anymore or I can report you to the police!

What's good for one is good for all ;) This is equality and fairness. Want to play this game? Do you? ;) Let's play.

Well...I will tell you, I've bashed the Loser Muslims a couple of times on this thread alone and no one has come after me yet.
According to our constitution they cannot be imprisoned but they sure as heck can be sued and I'm amazed they haven't been already. I would think there would be lawsuits out the door by now, Gracie! - Jeri

Be sued for what?

Defamation. Who the heck in their right mind pickets a dead soldier's funeral? I know for a fact God would not condone that kind of behavior. However, free speech is free speech; that includes the right to say stupid shit.

It is despicable. I have no desire to change one single word of the constitution. I just cannot believe how groups like these are using their laws against us. It isn't right in my opinion. - Jeri
Is it still okay to insult Jews and Christians?

Of course it is, it's actually encouraged in our schools.

If I'm going to be arrested for insulting islam. I want this to be applied equally for all religions and people that insult them. End of story. Let's see how you like that you on the left!

What happen to defending our first amendment?


You won’t be arrested for ‘insulting’ Islam. You’ll be arrested for advocating imminent violence or lawlessness against a person solely due to his religion.

Otherwise, you’re free to insult Islam, up to and including calling for the killing of all Muslims. As long as your hate and ignorance is not directed at anyone in particular, with a specified act and timeline to commit a lawless act.

Consequently, the First Amendment is doing just fine, and is in no need of ‘defending.’
There is a person who went to jail for making an anti muslim film. I wonder what he thinks of this topic.

He actually went to jail for violating his parole by using an alias when he was told not to. Not that Obama wouldn't have tried to stuff him in prison for the movie if he could have, but the guy is actually pretty stupid, and deserves what happened to him.

Yes, he went to jail for violating his parole but I remain suspicious when a swat team in full gear and automatic weapons invades the home of a nonviolent parole breaker.
I don't think even you believe that, Jake.

Yes, I am beginning to believe just that. I merely quoted his comments in a mirror fashion.

Our post-modern world is atomizing the links of family, church, community links that once helped us to recognize and control those individuals who are dangerous in society.

Thus the anonymity of the message board attract sociopathiologically deranged individuals where they can develop and empower their wares without fear of discovery.

I truly believe we witness daily on our boards here the dark dangerous message from some on the far left, the far right, and the libertarian wing who would have managed well as social defuncts in the world of fascism, communism, an militarism.

Fakey believes that moderates have the answer.

He is fanatical about moderation. :lol:

But he is also a phony.

He also pretends to be a "Republican" when he is obviously and clearly a liberal Democratic.

And his notion of "moderating" the GOP is to make it virtually indistinguishable from the Democrat Party.

Which raises the question about what he pretends to stand for.

A choice between a Democratic and a Republican, given HIS notions of what the respective political Parties should stand for, would be a "choice" not between "A" and "B," but a choice between "A" and "A."

Being the hardcore gamer that I am.. Jake would be something similar to "Chaotic Neutral."
The great mainstream of America will not give the crazees of the far right or the far left any chance for control.

Thus all they can do, as here, is whine. That's fine. And they can be toyed with impunity.
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You can quote me on this... Muslims are nothing but trouble. Fuck them all. Everyone of them can kiss my ass.
Of course it is, it's actually encouraged in our schools.

If I'm going to be arrested for insulting islam. I want this to be applied equally for all religions and people that insult them. End of story. Let's see how you like that you on the left!

What happen to defending our first amendment?


You won’t be arrested for ‘insulting’ Islam. You’ll be arrested for advocating imminent violence or lawlessness against a person solely due to his religion.

Otherwise, you’re free to insult Islam, up to and including calling for the killing of all Muslims. As long as your hate and ignorance is not directed at anyone in particular, with a specified act and timeline to commit a lawless act.

Consequently, the First Amendment is doing just fine, and is in no need of ‘defending.’

Hey, genius, the subject of this thread is the alleged claim by a US attorney that inflammatory statements can be prosecuted under civil rights statutes. Do you want to address that, or do you want to pretend this is about making threats?

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