Posting Something Mean About Muslims on Social Media Might Be...Criminal..

As a believer in human rights I'll keep pointing out the Islamic reality of
-Stoning woman for being raped
-denying woman a right to drive
-Denying woman a education
-beating woman and the government doesn't care. They side with the man.
-teaching hatred of the west to their children.
-and a million other injustices. You want to talk about equality liberals? Well, islam is your enemy. Are you just going to kiss their asses?
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Killian referred to a Facebook posting made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West that showed a picture of a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at a camera lens with the caption saying, “How to Wink at a Muslim.”

Tullahoma News - Motlow, George Dickel, Manchester, Bonnaroo, Coffee County, Winchester, Monteagle, Tims Ford, Beechcraft, Lynchburg, Exchange, A.E.D.C.

if the purpose of a communication is to incite violence, it is not constitutionally protected. You can look up Brandenburg v. Ohio and RAV v. St. Paul for yourselves.

Exactly. Any hate speech that is meant to incite violence is not protected, no matter to whom it is directed.
Killian referred to a Facebook posting made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West that showed a picture of a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at a camera lens with the caption saying, “How to Wink at a Muslim.”

Tullahoma News - Motlow, George Dickel, Manchester, Bonnaroo, Coffee County, Winchester, Monteagle, Tims Ford, Beechcraft, Lynchburg, Exchange, A.E.D.C.

if the purpose of a communication is to incite violence, it is not constitutionally protected. You can look up Brandenburg v. Ohio and RAV v. St. Paul for yourselves.

Exactly. Any hate speech that is meant to incite violence is not protected, no matter to whom it is directed.

So "hate speech" not intended to incite violence would still be protected.
Killian referred to a Facebook posting made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West that showed a picture of a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at a camera lens with the caption saying, “How to Wink at a Muslim.”

Tullahoma News - Motlow, George Dickel, Manchester, Bonnaroo, Coffee County, Winchester, Monteagle, Tims Ford, Beechcraft, Lynchburg, Exchange, A.E.D.C.

if the purpose of a communication is to incite violence, it is not constitutionally protected. You can look up Brandenburg v. Ohio and RAV v. St. Paul for yourselves.

Exactly. Any hate speech that is meant to incite violence is not protected, no matter to whom it is directed.

So "hate speech" not intended to incite violence would still be protected.

But if you tack on and "they should be hurt", that is not OK.
According to our constitution they cannot be imprisoned but they sure as heck can be sued and I'm amazed they haven't been already. I would think there would be lawsuits out the door by now, Gracie! - Jeri

Be sued for what?

Defamation. Who the heck in their right mind pickets a dead soldier's funeral? I know for a fact God would not condone that kind of behavior. However, free speech is free speech; that includes the right to say stupid shit.

It is legally impossible to defame someone who is dead in the US.
Exactly. Any hate speech that is meant to incite violence is not protected, no matter to whom it is directed.

So "hate speech" not intended to incite violence would still be protected.

But if you tack on and "they should be hurt", that is not OK.

Maybe. Maybe not. The prosecution would have to prove that the person did not mean that they should be "hurt" in a legal and or non-violent manner.
There is a person who went to jail for making an anti muslim film. I wonder what he thinks of this topic.

He actually went to jail for violating his parole by using an alias when he was told not to. Not that Obama wouldn't have tried to stuff him in prison for the movie if he could have, but the guy is actually pretty stupid, and deserves what happened to him.
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Killian referred to a Facebook posting made by Coffee County Commissioner Barry West that showed a picture of a man pointing a double-barreled shotgun at a camera lens with the caption saying, “How to Wink at a Muslim.”

Tullahoma News - Motlow, George Dickel, Manchester, Bonnaroo, Coffee County, Winchester, Monteagle, Tims Ford, Beechcraft, Lynchburg, Exchange, A.E.D.C.

if the purpose of a communication is to incite violence, it is not constitutionally protected. You can look up Brandenburg v. Ohio and RAV v. St. Paul for yourselves.

Exactly. Any hate speech that is meant to incite violence is not protected, no matter to whom it is directed.

ROFL! So-called "hate speech" is precisely the kind of speech the First Amendment was intended to protect. The fact that Muslims are all lunatics who commit murder over the slightest offense doesn't make offending them a crime.

Your post only revealed that you're a boot-licking fascist who is hostile to to the principles of liberty.
Freedom of speech is ok but not when you insult Muslims.
Is it still okay to insult Jews and Christians?

Of course it is, it's actually encouraged in our schools.

If I'm going to be arrested for insulting islam. I want this to be applied equally for all religions and people that insult them. End of story. Let's see how you like that you on the left!

What happen to defending our first amendment?
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The Obama fluffers can't deny it now. They are officially nothing but a gang of fascist thugs.

US Attorney Bill Killian: Posting Something Mean About Muslims on Social Media Might Be...Criminal..
Breitbart ^ | 31 May 2013 | ACE OF SPADES

Posted on Friday, May 31, 2013 2:21:54 PM by barmag25

The First Amendment served us well for a time, but now it's outdated. Remember reading that England had arrested a guy for anti-Muslim Twitter postings in the aftermath of the Woolrich slaughter? And remember thinking, "Well, this is America, that can't happen here"?

Oh yes it can. Obama's Attorney for the Eastern district of Tennessee wants you to know that if you say something untoward about Muslims, the Federal government may imprison you.

Killian and Moore will provide input on how civil rights can be violated by those who post inflammatory documents targeted at Muslims on social media. “This is an educational effort with civil rights laws as they play into freedom of religion and exercising freedom of religion,” Killian told The News Monday. “This is also to inform the public what federal laws are in effect and what the consequences are.” ... Killian said Internet postings that violate civil rights are subject to federal jurisdiction.​


MOST Muslims are decent enough. SOME Muslims are fanatical assholes.

However, it is "Islam" that sucks donkey dick in hell. What a FUCKED-UP bogus "religion."
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Is it still okay to insult Jews and Christians?

Of course it is, it's actually encouraged in our schools.

If I'm going to be arrested for insulting islam. I want this to be applied equally for all religions and people that insult them. End of story. Let's see how you like that you on the left!

What happen to defending our first amendment?

The First Amendment has taken a back seat to Political Correctness.

It still exists, but it's second on the priority list.

bripats and those who think like him are "all lunatics who [would] commit murder over the slightest offense" if they could and reveal them as wannabee fascists.

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