Posting Time and Losing an Entire Post...


Gold Supporting Member
Oct 18, 2012
Heaven and Hell
...contrary to what most may believe, not all of us are glued to our keyboards typing away answering posts or beginning a thread and pushing the 'submit new post/thread' at light speed.

Some of us do have REAL LIFE happening around us as we type a post, either answering, commenting or even creating a new thread...some of us even multitask while we read, answer or begin a new thread and or I was doing a couple of hours ago when I was up and down doing this or that, answering the phone..etc.

It wasn't a long post, it wasn't a short was however, a post that spoke my truth and how I truly felt about a matter that has really bugged me for quite some time..........after I had the time to finally finish my post (after a very important phone call with my son) I pushed 'submit new post' and guess what? Poof. Gone. Just like that. I had been booted from the site and had to sign in all over again. Pissed me off.

What kills me about the log in time here, is that i can be signed in when NOT typing a new post for quite some time and sitting idle...for how long? I never really timed it because it didn't seem to matter...I was just glad I did not get booted for 'inactivity'...
BUT I do KNOW that my time on the thread I had opened and had already posted on and had addressed another poster on her *cough* absurd belief about a certain group of people in the post that went POOF, had been way shorter time and I was very active every few minutes typing my thoughts, while doing other things (talking to daughter...answering a yell from the other room, answering the phone)

WTF was I fkng booted even though I was active typing my post??? Really??? Yet I can sit idle for about the same time and still be signed in when I decide to come back to this page???
Makes absolutely NO fking sense...none. I haven't the patience to go back to the thread I had lost my post on...

May I please make a suggestion to admin. to allow more time to type a post, or at the least let be known in writing just how long one is allowed to have to start and complete a post so that one may at least be able to copy it just in case he/she gets booted?
...contrary to what most may believe, not all of us are glued to our keyboards typing away answering posts or beginning a thread and pushing the 'submit new post/thread' at light speed.

Some of us do have REAL LIFE happening around us as we type a post, either answering, commenting or even creating a new thread...some of us even multitask while we read, answer or begin a new thread and or I was doing a couple of hours ago when I was up and down doing this or that, answering the phone..etc.

It wasn't a long post, it wasn't a short was however, a post that spoke my truth and how I truly felt about a matter that has really bugged me for quite some time..........after I had the time to finally finish my post (after a very important phone call with my son) I pushed 'submit new post' and guess what? Poof. Gone. Just like that. I had been booted from the site and had to sign in all over again. Pissed me off.

What kills me about the log in time here, is that i can be signed in when NOT typing a new post for quite some time and sitting idle...for how long? I never really timed it because it didn't seem to matter...I was just glad I did not get booted for 'inactivity'...
BUT I do KNOW that my time on the thread I had opened and had already posted on and had addressed another poster on her *cough* absurd belief about a certain group of people in the post that went POOF, had been way shorter time and I was very active every few minutes typing my thoughts, while doing other things (talking to daughter...answering a yell from the other room, answering the phone)

WTF was I fkng booted even though I was active typing my post??? Really??? Yet I can sit idle for about the same time and still be signed in when I decide to come back to this page???
Makes absolutely NO fking sense...none. I haven't the patience to go back to the thread I had lost my post on...

May I please make a suggestion to admin. to allow more time to type a post, or at the least let be known in writing just how long one is allowed to have to start and complete a post so that one may at least be able to copy it just in case he/she gets booted?

You may wish to research how to set your browser to auto refresh a page, but this won't help you if you leave a post unfinished and get logged out. If you leave a page without autorefresh, and it logs you out, then just copy the work you have done, refresh the page and log in. Then restart the post and paste your words back.

For the Auto Refresh:

You can try the ReloadEvery add-on for Firefox.

Or you can try the ReloadFever add-on for Chrome.
That happened to me the other day too but I don't remember how long it was that I took to reply to the thread. Next time just enter it on NotePad or WordPad then copy/paste.

That also works for stripping out the fonts, pictures and hyperlinks when you post text from a link.
This fix is free:

Highlight your post and hit copy before you submit it. Oh, and quit your whining, the board is not here to serve posters. Sheesh!
Hey, thanks for the suggestions, guys...and yeah, maybe I should have added 'whining' along with just pissed me off when I pushed the button to submit it and was redirected to sign in again...grrrrrr.
HAD to come here to blame someone other than myself for it, yanno?...:dev2:
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Hey, thanks for the suggestions, guys...and yeah, maybe I should have added 'whining' along with just pissed me off when I pushed the button to submit it and was redirected to sing in again...grrrrrr.
HAD to come here to blame someone other than myself for it, yanno?...:dev2:

At the moment there's some disagreement on who's whines take priority, so don't let it bother you AngelsNDemons.

I've learned the hard way ... if it's really important type it up in Word or whatever or highlight and copy it before hitting the button.
I believe there iis an option for V Bulletin that auto saves drafts of posts. Maybe CK can get that installed so even if you get logged out you won't lose your post .
...contrary to what most may believe, not all of us are glued to our keyboards typing away answering posts or beginning a thread and pushing the 'submit new post/thread' at light speed.

Some of us do have REAL LIFE happening around us as we type a post, either answering, commenting or even creating a new thread...some of us even multitask while we read, answer or begin a new thread and or I was doing a couple of hours ago when I was up and down doing this or that, answering the phone..etc.

It wasn't a long post, it wasn't a short was however, a post that spoke my truth and how I truly felt about a matter that has really bugged me for quite some time..........after I had the time to finally finish my post (after a very important phone call with my son) I pushed 'submit new post' and guess what? Poof. Gone. Just like that. I had been booted from the site and had to sign in all over again. Pissed me off.

What kills me about the log in time here, is that i can be signed in when NOT typing a new post for quite some time and sitting idle...for how long? I never really timed it because it didn't seem to matter...I was just glad I did not get booted for 'inactivity'...
BUT I do KNOW that my time on the thread I had opened and had already posted on and had addressed another poster on her *cough* absurd belief about a certain group of people in the post that went POOF, had been way shorter time and I was very active every few minutes typing my thoughts, while doing other things (talking to daughter...answering a yell from the other room, answering the phone)

WTF was I fkng booted even though I was active typing my post??? Really??? Yet I can sit idle for about the same time and still be signed in when I decide to come back to this page???
Makes absolutely NO fking sense...none. I haven't the patience to go back to the thread I had lost my post on...

May I please make a suggestion to admin. to allow more time to type a post, or at the least let be known in writing just how long one is allowed to have to start and complete a post so that one may at least be able to copy it just in case he/she gets booted?

This happens to me too, although not from timing out -- it just moves me to another page where I can back up back to the box I was in but all my work is gone and has to be done over.

Sure, we could write beforehand in Notepad and/or copy to the clipboard every few sentences. The point is that shouldn't be necessary, and as we never know when it's going to happen, we'd have to do this every time. It's not at all unreasonable to want an improvement when we see a flaw (and I'll be damned if I'll ever understand the Luddite contingent here who insist nobody should ever want anything fixed ever, but we digress).

When I'm typing e-mail, until it's sent the system automatically saves periodically in a "drafts" folder, so that if I get shunted away there's at least something fairly recent to revert to. Seems like that could be done here.

I haven't had much trouble with getting logged out, although a while back the site suddenly started popping up a box that said "Stop lurking! Join USMB" even though I was already signed in. I wrote in about it, got no response but in a day or two it stopped doing that and went back to normal with no explanation.
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I've learned the hard way ... if it's really important type it up in Word or whatever or highlight and copy it before hitting the button.

See, I've been around mb's long enough know this...I was just pissed off that my post went POOF and there was nothing I could do about it.
It would be nice if there was something that could help prevent that from happening, though.
on a long post (many here have experience here), or one well thought out post (most here are exempt here), hit the Preview Post button. If you are posting a new post in the quick window hit the Go Advanced button, then ht the Preview Post one. If going to be away long do like the savelibrrrrerty idiots and save a copy outside of browser
I've learned the hard way ... if it's really important type it up in Word or whatever or highlight and copy it before hitting the button.

See, I've been around mb's long enough know this...I was just pissed off that my post went POOF and there was nothing I could do about it.
It would be nice if there was something that could help prevent that from happening, though.

there is CK just needs to install it.
...contrary to what most may believe, not all of us are glued to our keyboards typing away answering posts or beginning a thread and pushing the 'submit new post/thread' at light speed.

Some of us do have REAL LIFE happening around us as we type a post, either answering, commenting or even creating a new thread...some of us even multitask while we read, answer or begin a new thread and or I was doing a couple of hours ago when I was up and down doing this or that, answering the phone..etc.

It wasn't a long post, it wasn't a short was however, a post that spoke my truth and how I truly felt about a matter that has really bugged me for quite some time..........after I had the time to finally finish my post (after a very important phone call with my son) I pushed 'submit new post' and guess what? Poof. Gone. Just like that. I had been booted from the site and had to sign in all over again. Pissed me off.

What kills me about the log in time here, is that i can be signed in when NOT typing a new post for quite some time and sitting idle...for how long? I never really timed it because it didn't seem to matter...I was just glad I did not get booted for 'inactivity'...
BUT I do KNOW that my time on the thread I had opened and had already posted on and had addressed another poster on her *cough* absurd belief about a certain group of people in the post that went POOF, had been way shorter time and I was very active every few minutes typing my thoughts, while doing other things (talking to daughter...answering a yell from the other room, answering the phone)

WTF was I fkng booted even though I was active typing my post??? Really??? Yet I can sit idle for about the same time and still be signed in when I decide to come back to this page???
Makes absolutely NO fking sense...none. I haven't the patience to go back to the thread I had lost my post on...

May I please make a suggestion to admin. to allow more time to type a post, or at the least let be known in writing just how long one is allowed to have to start and complete a post so that one may at least be able to copy it just in case he/she gets booted?

This happens to me too, although not from timing out -- it just moves me to another page where I can back up back to the box I was in but all my work is gone and has to be done over.

Sure, we could write beforehand in Notepad and/or copy to the clipboard every few sentences. The point is that shouldn't be necessary, and as we never know when it's going to happen, we'd have to do this every time. It's not at all unreasonable to want an improvement when we see a flaw (and I'll be damned if I'll ever understand the Luddite contingent here who insist nobody should ever want anything fixed ever, but we digress).

When I'm typing e-mail, until it's sent the system automatically saves periodically in a "drafts" folder, so that if I get shunted away there's at least something fairly recent to revert to. Seems like that could be done here.

I haven't had much trouble with getting logged out, although a while back the site suddenly started popping up a box that said "Stop lurking! Join USMB" even though I was already signed in. I wrote in about it, got no response but in a day or two it stopped doing that and went back to normal with no explanation.

A 'stop lurking' pop up? :laugh:
Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines...'auto save' would be a nice way to solve some posting issues...
What?:eusa_eh: I guess you didn't notice the post did not address anything you may have mumbled either?

par for the course with you

-- what language is that? This is incomprehensible. :dunno:

...contrary to what most may believe, not all of us are glued to our keyboards typing away answering posts or beginning a thread and pushing the 'submit new post/thread' at light speed.

Some of us do have REAL LIFE happening around us as we type a post, either answering, commenting or even creating a new thread...some of us even multitask while we read, answer or begin a new thread and or I was doing a couple of hours ago when I was up and down doing this or that, answering the phone..etc.

It wasn't a long post, it wasn't a short was however, a post that spoke my truth and how I truly felt about a matter that has really bugged me for quite some time..........after I had the time to finally finish my post (after a very important phone call with my son) I pushed 'submit new post' and guess what? Poof. Gone. Just like that. I had been booted from the site and had to sign in all over again. Pissed me off.

What kills me about the log in time here, is that i can be signed in when NOT typing a new post for quite some time and sitting idle...for how long? I never really timed it because it didn't seem to matter...I was just glad I did not get booted for 'inactivity'...
BUT I do KNOW that my time on the thread I had opened and had already posted on and had addressed another poster on her *cough* absurd belief about a certain group of people in the post that went POOF, had been way shorter time and I was very active every few minutes typing my thoughts, while doing other things (talking to daughter...answering a yell from the other room, answering the phone)

WTF was I fkng booted even though I was active typing my post??? Really??? Yet I can sit idle for about the same time and still be signed in when I decide to come back to this page???
Makes absolutely NO fking sense...none. I haven't the patience to go back to the thread I had lost my post on...

May I please make a suggestion to admin. to allow more time to type a post, or at the least let be known in writing just how long one is allowed to have to start and complete a post so that one may at least be able to copy it just in case he/she gets booted?

This happens to me too, although not from timing out -- it just moves me to another page where I can back up back to the box I was in but all my work is gone and has to be done over.

Sure, we could write beforehand in Notepad and/or copy to the clipboard every few sentences. The point is that shouldn't be necessary, and as we never know when it's going to happen, we'd have to do this every time. It's not at all unreasonable to want an improvement when we see a flaw (and I'll be damned if I'll ever understand the Luddite contingent here who insist nobody should ever want anything fixed ever, but we digress).

When I'm typing e-mail, until it's sent the system automatically saves periodically in a "drafts" folder, so that if I get shunted away there's at least something fairly recent to revert to. Seems like that could be done here.

I haven't had much trouble with getting logged out, although a while back the site suddenly started popping up a box that said "Stop lurking! Join USMB" even though I was already signed in. I wrote in about it, got no response but in a day or two it stopped doing that and went back to normal with no explanation.

A 'stop lurking' pop up? :laugh:
Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines...'auto save' would be a nice way to solve some posting issues...

Yeah, everything looked normal except every 30 secs or so a box would pop up "Stop lurking" and take me to sign in/sign up page. If I then tried to sign in the system would insist it had no record of me. Even though I could see my own posts.

And then later it just magically disappeared and stopped happening. :dunno:

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