Posting User's Information


Jun 12, 2013
Are there any laws against posting another user's address, name, and phone numbers? In the past, I've had people blast my info. Is this legal?
Do I have to tell a joke to get some comments? ok.

Yo mama so dumb, she tried to rob a free clinic.
Yeah, when I was much more naive, I posted a pic, my real name, and city. Then, after getting into e-battles, I was researched and had my info blasted daily. I'm just wondering is that legal.
Yeah, when I was much more naive, I posted a pic, my real name, and city. Then, after getting into e-battles, I was researched and had my info blasted daily. I'm just wondering is that legal.

Stupidity is legal.
You're good to go on that.
The thing is, other members of a user's family is put at risk in this type of foolishness.

What's up with that?
I'm just saying.. even if you research a user, what "intent" is meant by your antagonist by blasting their info daily? Is there a law addressing this?
I'm just saying.. even if you research a user, what "intent" is meant by your antagonist by blasting their info daily? Is there a law addressing this?

You don't find it idiotic to post personal information on the Interwebs?

Obviously not...
I mean, what's up with blasting info anyway? Why not use the info and come settle your issue? Instead of blasting it, and hoping someone else does? Isn't that being kind of like a coward?
Personal info? Look, I mentioned my CITY, and first name. Yet, during the course of months, other tid bits came out just in general discussion. Never imagining that some losers obsess over minutiae about users and savor the slightest details a dude may say to a chick he flirting with.

Then, these net "warriors", spend time to investigate a stranger!

Are there any laws against posting another user's address, name, and phone numbers? In the past, I've had people blast my info. Is this legal?

You can file charges for harrassment and stalking on the internet. The court order will force AOL or whoever has their ip address to surrender the information. You'll also be able to gain their identity, address through that channel. Then you can use Google earth, copy the link and you've got their front yard, driveway, front door in living color. From there the ball is in your court.

A good rule of thumb. Whatever someone uses to intimidate you? Attack you? Identify what that is because whatever they are using as a weapon against you is the weapon they fear being used against themselves. Hope that helps you get a better look inside their heads. Good luck.


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