Pot is becoming illegal in California again

If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?
yes of course there are more alcoholI’ve and drunk drivers today than during prohibition. How far down the commie path do you want to go Ray?
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
BL, you really shouldn’t try to translate anymore. You don’t seem to understand the language.
Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?
yes of course there are more alcoholI’ve and drunk drivers today than during prohibition. How far down the commie path do you want to go Ray?

What commie plot? I'm a beer man myself. But the point is, when you make something legal that was previously illegal, you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....
Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?

I think that you probably had more drunk drivers as a percentage of the population, because people didn't think anything of drinking or driving when I was a kid. I remember when the first breathalizer laws were passed, sitting with a group of 20 somethings at my friend's house and one of the guys said "They can't do this. The only time I drive is when I'm too drunk to walk", and his friends all nodded in agreement. Not being able to drink and drive was seen as in infringement on their freedom, the same way that smoker's today talk about restrictions on smoking in public.

But what you don't have that you had during prohibition is crime gangs running speak easies, and the bribery and corruption of police and judges looking the other way. You have taxes on the producgtion and sale of alcohol which help to mitigate the damages and costs to the public of dealing with the health and emotional toll alcoholism takes.

And you're not throwing people in jail for the crime of possessing or consuming alcohol, just those who commit crimes under the influence.

My comparison was between prohibition and today. Without a doubt, a lot of people drove drunk in the 50's,60's and even 70's. Back then, it was no major infraction. Companies used to throw Christmas parties with employees getting drunk. New Years Eve was so festive because that was a drinking holiday for most people.

The cops caught some of the people, but if they were near their home, the police used to follow the drunk until they made it to their driveway and got out of the car. It was no big deal.

Today, if you get busted with a DUI, court fines can exceed over a thousand bucks in some places. Your insurance rates more than double. In our state, for repeat offenders, they have to have a special license plate on their car to display they are a repeat offender to the police. A second offense usually results in a couple days of jail. It's a big deal now.
So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?
yes of course there are more alcoholI’ve and drunk drivers today than during prohibition. How far down the commie path do you want to go Ray?

What commie plot? I'm a beer man myself. But the point is, when you make something legal that was previously illegal, you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.
Yeah, that’s a possibility, but we live in America where freedom and liberty is supposed to be valued. Of course there are lines and boundary’s but pot is not more dangerous than booze and it is positive benefits that booze doesn’t have. Plus the war on drugs does nothing but fund gangs and criminalize our poor and youth. It’s time to move forward
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.
did they have medical pot back then?...

Why, is it different than any other pot?
its not,but the reasons for smoking it might be...
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....
Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
BL, you really shouldn’t try to translate anymore. You don’t seem to understand the language.
he believes in that little world he created for himself...like how tough he is and how much better he is than anyone else.....unless you think like he does of course...
Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

"Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo

6 hours at the gym, lobster diving, at least 2 hours to run 12 miles, probably 3, four hours per golf round - so in total you've spent 14 hours this week exercising, plus lobster diving, all while working full time to support your lovely daughters, and it's only Tuesday. When do you do household chores and spend time with your family.

As for your comments that the world doesn't need more stoners, it doesn't need more racists either.
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.
First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive

Um, the US Federal Debt has risen 4 fold in the past 20 years.... but you apparently haven't noticed.

jobs is debatable.

Laughable - jobs include farming, harvesting, transporting, and selling, all of which would pay taxes and keep US $$$$ here in the US, not in the hands of El Chapo and other narcotrafficantes south of the border...

Jobs would also be aided by the HEMP industry, which is booming. HEMP can be used for many things, and we can make those products here if the HEMP is grown here.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value

That is your opinion, not the opinion of my doctor, me, or millions of others who use marijuana responsibly for various medical issues.

You HATE pot. You have no clue what you are posting. You just HATE and make shit up....

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.


The "harm" to the US is that those $$$$$$$ people spend on pot go to crooks instead of gainfully employed American taxpayers....

You want to continue to enrich Pablo Escobar. I want the US to remain solvent.

.if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

It would be better spent on OXYCONTIN, apparently....

Growing pot legally in the US would make the price DROP and drive the crooks out of business....

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers

This is the same debunked parroted crap we got from REEFER MADNESS....

Apparently, you still parrot it, which shows your true level of "understanding" of the issue = you parrot whatever the anti-pot Prison Industrial Complex puts out....

Tell us, why does it bother you so very much and make you so hateful that so many use marijuana responsibly and claim health benefits from it?
Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...
Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
Go figure, the stoners here ignore the damage done to young brains and people in general.

Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth
American College of Pediatricians – April 2017

ABSTRACT: Although increasing legalization of marijuana has contributed to the growing belief that marijuana is harmless, research documents the risks of its use by youth are grave. Marijuana is addicting, has adverse effects upon the adolescent brain, is a risk for both cardio-respiratory disease and testicular cancer, and is associated with both psychiatric illness and negative social outcomes. Evidence indicates limited legalization of marijuana has already raised rates of unintended marijuana exposure among young children, and may increase adolescent use. Those who used medical marijuana had an earlier age of regular marijuana use, and more marijuana abuse and dependence symptoms than those who did not use medical marijuana. A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, noted there is very little scientific evidence to support the use of medical marijuana. The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana over activates the endocannabinoid system, causing the high and other effects that users experience. These effects include distorted perceptions, psychotic symptoms, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, disrupted learning and memory, and impaired reaction time, attention span, judgment, balance and coordination. THC suppresses neurons in the information-processing system of the hippocampus, thus learned behaviors, dependent on the hippocampus, also deteriorate. Participants who used cannabis heavily in their teens and continued through adulthood showed a significant drop in IQ between the ages of 13 and 38 – an average of eight points for those who met criteria for cannabis dependence. A number of studies have shown an association between chronic marijuana use and mental illness. Therefore, the American College of Pediatricians supports legislation that continues to restrict the availability of marijuana except in the context of well controlled scientific studies which demonstrate medicinal benefit together with evidence-based guidelines for optimal routes of delivery and dosing for specific medical conditions. The College encourages parents to take advantage of the “family table,” and to become involved in drug abuse prevention programs in the community or in the child’s school in order to minimize the risk of their children experimenting with drug use.
Marijuana Use: Detrimental to Youth

That's why it's illegal for people under the age of majority, as is alchohol [alcohol].

A lot of good that does, since the human brain continues to develop through the age of 25.

By making this harmful drug, legal, it is made more easily available to children and young people in their homes. How is that a good thing?
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.
Most of us have figured out that marijuana means JOBS and TAX REVENUE here in the US, which we could use.....

Yep, nothing like a drug that does permanent damage to a developing brain to provide JOBS.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states

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