Pot is becoming illegal in California again

It is like the "conspiracy theory" stuff. If more than half of Americans think the official version of 911 is bullshit, is it still a "conspiracy theory," or is it mainstream.

Supporting marijuana legalization is MAINSTREAM. The only crowd who hasn't figured that out are the members of the PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

Prison guard unions

and those totally sold out to the PIC in Congress.... like... the Dems and the post 1998 GOP....
All the anti-pot crowd can do is parrot lies...

Those whose only "vice" is pot smoking are regularly fine at 70. Mick Jagger is a great example, dancing and singing into his 70s.

Alcohol kills brain cells, and alcoholics lose their brain because of that. Alcohol and the rest "impair."

I could beat you in chess or ping pong while smoking reefer. Easily...

Ping pong, probably, I'm old, retired, and have had cancer for some years. Chess? Not a prayer.

'Marijuana in adolescence can cause permanent brain damage'
New research may give backing to parents telling teens to "just say no." A study in mice from the University of Maryland School of Medicine reveals that regular use of marijuana during adolescence could damage brain function, potentially increasing the risk for schizophrenia and other psychiatric problems.
'Marijuana in adolescence can cause permanent brain damage'


What are marijuana's long-term effects on the brain?
A large longitudinal study in New Zealand found that persistent marijuana use disorder with frequent use starting in adolescence was associated with a loss of an average of 6 or up to 8 IQ points measured in mid-adulthood. Significantly, in that study, those who used marijuana heavily as teenagers and quit using as adults did not recover the lost IQ points.

What are marijuana's long-term effects on the brain?


How marijuana causes memory loss
Researchers have long suggested marijuana can cause memory loss. Now, a new study provides insight on this association, revealing how cannabinoids in the drug activate receptors in the mitochondria of the brain's memory center to cause amnesia.

Because THC and other cannabinoids present in marijuana and synthetic forms are similar to naturally occurring cannabinoids, they are able to bind to cannabinoid receptors situated on neurons and activate certain brain regions.

As a result, cannabinoids can alter normal brain functioning, causing a number of negative mental and physical effects. One such effect may be memory loss; researchers have shown that THC can affect the function of the hippocampus - the brain region responsible for forming memories.

How marijuana causes memory loss

You, on the other hand, "think" this is just fine and dandy! Why?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?
It melted your brain.

It was around 1884 when Sigmund Freud, the Austrian psychoanalyst who developed the Freudian thinking model actually used the drug himself and realized the ability for cocaine to “cure depression and sexual impotence.”
History of Cocaine

How did that work out?


Pervitin was widely manufactured and sold over the counter in Germany just before and during World War II. In fact, it was an integral part of the Nazi battle tactic of Blitzkrieg. What was the chemical used in Pervitin? Crystal Meth.
Crystal Meth in the use of Nazi Germany

How did that work out?


It is like the "conspiracy theory" stuff. If more than half of Americans think the official version of 911 is bullshit, is it still a "conspiracy theory," or is it mainstream.

Supporting marijuana legalization is MAINSTREAM. The only crowd who hasn't figured that out are the members of the PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX

Prison guard unions

and those totally sold out to the PIC in Congress.... like... the Dems and the post 1998 GOP....

If the version that Americans believe has no basis in fact, and the evidence indicates it never happened, it's still a conspiracy theory. Lies based on factual inaccuracy don't become "true" just because people are uninformed or unwilling to learn whether they're true or not.

Even religion, which is based on "faith", rather than fact, cannot claim to be true or fact based, just because millions of people do believe in the truth of it.

Fringe opinions can become mainstream, and things once thought desireable can be found to be harmful, but facts are not subject to opinion.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
/----/ It's nice to see libtards smacked in the face when they walk into the kitchen door.
dog on pot.jpg
Here is some information worth reading. What cannabis will do for a community (like Carpenteria), where the flower industry dried up and went to Brasil, will greatly benefit the small town of 14k residents, local businesses, etc. and others in the surrounding areas of Santa Barbara County. Revival... "It's just a different flower"


UCSB Economic Forecast Project

Like coca and mushrooms?
I bet you Lefties show your teenage children how to use and grow drugs..right? You know, so they become drug addicts responsibly and all.

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.
Here is some information worth reading. What cannabis will do for a community (like Carpenteria), where the flower industry dried up and went to Brasil, will greatly benefit the small town of 14k residents, local businesses, etc. and others in the surrounding areas of Santa Barbara County. Revival... "It's just a different flower"


UCSB Economic Forecast Project

Like coca and mushrooms?
I bet you Lefties show your teenage children how to use and grow drugs..right? You know, so they become drug addicts responsibly and all.
Maybe it would help you find your inner child.
Here is some information worth reading. What cannabis will do for a community (like Carpenteria), where the flower industry dried up and went to Brasil, will greatly benefit the small town of 14k residents, local businesses, etc. and others in the surrounding areas of Santa Barbara County. Revival... "It's just a different flower"


UCSB Economic Forecast Project

Like coca and mushrooms?
I bet you Lefties show your teenage children how to use and grow drugs..right? You know, so they become drug addicts responsibly and all.
Maybe it would help you find your inner child.

As I've said...I did my share of drugs...then I became a productive adult.

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

Far more than that once supported smoking regular cigarettes too. How did that work out?

People tried Prohibition in the 1930's. How did that work out?

They tried a "zero tolerance War on Drugs" in the 1980's. How did that work out?

All of the substances of which you speak, are both addictive and harmful, and cigarettes and alcohol are still legal. And yet marijuana, which has numerous medical uses and is less harmful that any either cigarettes or alcohol, and has been shown to REDUCE crime in jurisdictions where it is legalized, is still illegal in most of the USA.

Whenever anyone tries to ban cigarettes, conservatives rise up about "personal freedoms", and "nanny state". But you've got 16 excuses for keeping something that is less harmful, illegal. Not to mention, you're sending users to jail, at great expense to the taxpayers.

Democrats would never dream of outlawing tobacco. Federally and locally, they taxed the products to death for their social programs. Without tobacco tax, those programs would all collapse.

Ray, once again, your ignorance knows no bounds. The tobacco companies' products are being taxed to death to pay for the added medical costs of cigarette related medical problems and deaths. The amount of taxes are dwindling as the number of smokers has shrunk. Additionally, the amounts being collected didn't come close to covering the public costs of smoking tobacco. That's why governments won big lawsuits against the tobacco companies.

Tobacco is being phased out and will disappear entirely a generation. No one will miss smokers when it does.

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