Pot is becoming illegal in California again

you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
not hearing things at all....geezus read the replies to your posts....i aint the holy person here who gets on your bullshit...
Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.
did they have medical pot back then?...

Why, is it different than any other pot?
its not,but the reasons for smoking it might be...

I agree, but I also think it's a small percentage, or people that enjoy pot and use ailments as an excuse to use it.
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
They need to vote for decriminalization so that people can grow their own.
House committee approves landmark bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Agreed, and I do. Gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, and any excessive entertainment. Fast food is bit questionable, since you can in fact eat frugally from fast food. A Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese burger, is still more than enough, and only costs a buck and a half. Nevertheless, I would advocate responsible use of money.

I oppose legalized gambling for the very same reason I oppose legalized pot. These are things that are a drain on the economy, not a benefit to the economy.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

Agreed again. I have three separate stories of pot users, who all either directly flushed their life down the drain for pot, or basically were stuck at the lowest rung of the income ladder, because they either couldn't move up while hooked on pot, or simply didn't have the motivation to do so.

We had a guy in here just a few months ago. He never did anything. Useless. Found out later he was high all the time.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
As always no that is not right... I never claimed that my personal experiences apply to EVERYBODY. You said you know NO ONE. I pointed out a bunch. Pretty simple
There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

You have no supporting reliable sources or working links.

You tout various "benefits" but you fail to mention the harm done by legalizing this dangerous drug.


1. Marijuana and the Brain
Regular marijuana use affects parts of the human brain, such as those that govern attention, coordination, decision-making, emotions, learning, memory and reaction time. To see a visual diagram of the brain, highlighting the parts this drug affects; click here.

2. Heavy marijuana use can lower a growing human being’s IQ
Yes, they are plenty of smart people around who used to smoke unholy amounts of marijuana in their youth, but a scientific study conducted in Dunedin, New Zealand, revealed some stark results.

The Dunedin study focused on 1037 people who were born in 1972/73 and followed them into their early 40s. What did the researchers learn?

Subjects who began to smoke pot early and did so frequently lost up to 6 points of their IQ by the time they were 38. Unfortunately, this group of subjects, at the age of 38, had an IQ that was lower than 70% of their peers.

Some subjects began smoking weed as adults with fully developed brains, and they did not suffer a loss in their IQs, though when adults who smoked weed often as teenagers quit the habit, they did not regain the IQ points they had lost, suggesting that the changes to their abilities may be permanent.

3. Daily smokers of pot are less likely to graduate from high school
The Lancet, a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal, published statistics gathered by researchers in Australia and New Zealand that seem to show that teenagers who smoke weed daily are 60% less likely than those who do not smoke weed to graduate from high school.

And with 60% of the jobs offered in the American workforce requiring applicants to have a high school diploma, graduating from high school matters.

Critics of the above statistics suggest that the subjects who smoke weed daily have other things in common that could lead to their dropping out of school, like the judgment of their teachers, problematic family structures and so on. Still, the correlations in the data exist, and point to a worthy concern.

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If you have coverage from a major insurance provider

4. Does pot smoking lead to schizophrenia?
In 2002, the Dunedin study referred to above, revealed a strong correlation between marijuana smoking and schizophrenia in youth. The journal Addiction has published an article that suggests regular users of marijuana have double the risk of developing schizophrenia; so 14 in 1,000 of non-marijuana users will develop schizophrenia as compared to 7 in 1,000 for those who have had no interaction with the drug.

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine reported, in January of 2017, that youth who smoke marijuana do risk schizophrenia. Meanwhile, the Harvard Review has published a study suggesting that schizophrenia is likely passed on throughout a family rather than by being brought on by marijuana use, so it is fair to say that there continues to be some dissension in the medical community.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have put it this way: For youth with a family history of schizophrenia, marijuana use can further this risk.

5. Suicide risk?
The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales conducted research that showed young people who start to smoke marijuana before the age of 17, and do so daily, are 7 times more likely to commit suicide than young people who do not smoke marijuana regularly.

Suicide is the second most common cause of death for teenagers in America.

6. Anti-social behavior
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Teenagers who regularly smoke marijuana may begin to stay away from sports games, social activities and even family get-togethers, as they want to smoke pot. One in 6 teens who regularly use marijuana will become addicted to the drug and will withdraw from social activities as a result.

Reading about the potential effects of marijuana on the growing human brain can be a downer; no parent (or child) wants to feel defeated upon learning that using marijuana may have already negatively affected your child’s brain. Learning more about this drug and how it may affect your child will provide you with the tools you will need to confront this issue in a positive, useful way.

California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.
They need to vote for decriminalization so that people can grow their own.
House committee approves landmark bill legalizing marijuana at the federal level

The ability to grow my own pot legally has been the greatest boon to me financially. I don't own my home. If I grew pot in my apartment, my landlord could evict me on the basis that I was carrying out illegal activities on the premises, so of course I wouldn't grow it. Now that I can legally grow up to 4 plants, this year I grew one as a house plant. All legal and above board.

Anyone I know in a private home with a private yard, is growing their own.
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Agreed, and I do. Gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, and any excessive entertainment. Fast food is bit questionable, since you can in fact eat frugally from fast food. A Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese burger, is still more than enough, and only costs a buck and a half. Nevertheless, I would advocate responsible use of money.

I oppose legalized gambling for the very same reason I oppose legalized pot. These are things that are a drain on the economy, not a benefit to the economy.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

Agreed again. I have three separate stories of pot users, who all either directly flushed their life down the drain for pot, or basically were stuck at the lowest rung of the income ladder, because they either couldn't move up while hooked on pot, or simply didn't have the motivation to do so.

We had a guy in here just a few months ago. He never did anything. Useless. Found out later he was high all the time.

And yet you have all of these very high achieving, high income upper and middle class people like Steve Jobs who was a well known pot user. Or Brad Pitt, Justin Trudeau, or the original stoners, Cheech and Chong. When I go to social events put on by my wealthier friends, literally ALL of them use marijuana, in some form. I recently attended a social even with a research psychologist friend who has just has one of his research papers on alzheimers accepted for publication, and he immediately offered me some CBD oil.

The only hopeless stoner, wasted lives types I've ever met, weren't derailed by drugs. They were derailed by abuse, neglect, lack of education, and the lack of sufficient emotional maturity to cope with any of it. Their drug use was the sympton, not the cause.
you are going to have more people using that product and misusing that product, possibly to the point of leading to other illegal actions.

There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Agreed, and I do. Gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, and any excessive entertainment. Fast food is bit questionable, since you can in fact eat frugally from fast food. A Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese burger, is still more than enough, and only costs a buck and a half. Nevertheless, I would advocate responsible use of money.

I oppose legalized gambling for the very same reason I oppose legalized pot. These are things that are a drain on the economy, not a benefit to the economy.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

Agreed again. I have three separate stories of pot users, who all either directly flushed their life down the drain for pot, or basically were stuck at the lowest rung of the income ladder, because they either couldn't move up while hooked on pot, or simply didn't have the motivation to do so.

We had a guy in here just a few months ago. He never did anything. Useless. Found out later he was high all the time.

And yet you have all of these very high achieving, high income upper and middle class people like Steve Jobs who was a well known pot user. Or Brad Pitt, Justin Trudeau, or the original stoners, Cheech and Chong. When I go to social events put on by my wealthier friends, literally ALL of them use marijuana, in some form. I recently attended a social even with a research psychologist friend who has just has one of his research papers on alzheimers accepted for publication, and he immediately offered me some CBD oil.

The only hopeless stoner, wasted lives types I've ever met, weren't derailed by drugs. They were derailed by abuse, neglect, lack of education, and the lack of sufficient emotional maturity to cope with any of it. Their drug use was the sympton, not the cause.

Yep, most of the hopeless stoner types I've known were liberals too.
There really isn't any hard evidence to back up that statement, which is used by the Prison Industrial Complex to argue against legalizing.

Let's look at the full picture...

Legalizing marijuana in the US....

1. new jobs + taxes = +$300 billion per year to Uncle Sam
2. stop enriching and empowering the criminals dealing it now, most of them out of the country
3. create new jobs in the US, not just growing selling and transporting, but the HEMP stuff too is huge...

Legalizing marijuana is a huge win win win for America

Keeping it illegal just continues to enrich and empower

prison guards
drug dealers

Personally, I'd like to help America now....

First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Agreed, and I do. Gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, and any excessive entertainment. Fast food is bit questionable, since you can in fact eat frugally from fast food. A Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese burger, is still more than enough, and only costs a buck and a half. Nevertheless, I would advocate responsible use of money.

I oppose legalized gambling for the very same reason I oppose legalized pot. These are things that are a drain on the economy, not a benefit to the economy.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

Agreed again. I have three separate stories of pot users, who all either directly flushed their life down the drain for pot, or basically were stuck at the lowest rung of the income ladder, because they either couldn't move up while hooked on pot, or simply didn't have the motivation to do so.

We had a guy in here just a few months ago. He never did anything. Useless. Found out later he was high all the time.

And yet you have all of these very high achieving, high income upper and middle class people like Steve Jobs who was a well known pot user. Or Brad Pitt, Justin Trudeau, or the original stoners, Cheech and Chong. When I go to social events put on by my wealthier friends, literally ALL of them use marijuana, in some form. I recently attended a social even with a research psychologist friend who has just has one of his research papers on alzheimers accepted for publication, and he immediately offered me some CBD oil.

The only hopeless stoner, wasted lives types I've ever met, weren't derailed by drugs. They were derailed by abuse, neglect, lack of education, and the lack of sufficient emotional maturity to cope with any of it. Their drug use was the sympton, not the cause.

Yep, most of the hopeless stoner types I've known were liberals too.

I don't know of any hopeless stoners who know or care anything about politics. Mind you, I don't know many teenagers or 20 year olds. My children are all adults, as are their friends, and other than one adult grandchildren, the rest of my grandkids are just starting high school, or they're toddlers.
First, any argument that involves "More money to politicians in Washington to blow on special interests!" is not a positive.

Second, jobs is debatable.

Not all jobs, create a benefit to society. For example, a job at a mine creates metal ores. A job at foundry can turn metal into useful casting. A job at a manufacturing plant, can turn casting into useful products.

All these jobs and thousands more create wealth that directly improve the lives of people. Creating houses, creating automobiles, creating products, and so on.

Pot on the other hand, produces nothing of actual value. People are not better off generally.

Now for the sake of simplicity, I'm talking about pure recreational use. I understand that some specific situations, pot can be used to mitigate chronic pain, and specific other illnesses.

Another equal example would be gambling. I remember driving through Detroit. The casino in Detroit is huge. But you look all around the Casino, and it's like a massive slum.

There's a reason. The people are dumping their money at the Casino, while the rest of city is decaying.

Just like Pot, people are blowing their money on Pot, and the rest of society is harmed.

Obviously I can't buy a new car, or repair damage to the house, or renovate a room, which would increase the value of the property.... .if I'm blowing thousands on pot, which the average pot user is blowing almost $1,000 a year on pot.

Equally, there is a large body of evidence, that shows those on pot perform worse than their non-using peers.
How does marijuana use affect school, work, and social life?

This suggests that the money lost on buying pot, is only part of the economic loss to the country. We are also losing the productivity of the users.

So if you really want to help American now.... stop blowing money on pot, and start being more productive in life, and building a future for yourself.

I agree and somewhat disagree.

People like to compare grass to alcohol. Okay, fine, but are we a better off society with or without alcohol? This is a question from a frequent beer drinker.

As for saving money, people are going to buy pot whether it's legal or not, so the state figures if you can't beat em, join em. Now they have a new revenue stream. It only helps the government, not really anybody else. To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Pro marijuana people say that pot is not addictive. I highly disagree there, not just because of personal experience with friends, but the fact a lot of companies can't find workers because they can't pass a drug test. Pot is the only drug that stays in your system for weeks, compared to others that leave your system the next day or two. So in essence, many people are sacrificing income just to smoke pot because they can't stop. It's addictive for a lot of people.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

To suggest giving up pot would benefit one financially can be extrapolated to almost anything else: gambling, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, European vacations, anything.

Agreed, and I do. Gambling, cigarettes, alcohol, and any excessive entertainment. Fast food is bit questionable, since you can in fact eat frugally from fast food. A Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheese burger, is still more than enough, and only costs a buck and a half. Nevertheless, I would advocate responsible use of money.

I oppose legalized gambling for the very same reason I oppose legalized pot. These are things that are a drain on the economy, not a benefit to the economy.

It reminds me of former tenants of mine. Young couple, both working at fast food restaurants. She had two different room mates, but she was here seven years. They worked fast food jobs because they don't drug test. Think of the money (besides what they spent on pot) they lost by not having a real job and perhaps learn new skills or even get into a professional line of work. In that seven years, we're talking about tens of thousands of dollars just to smoke pot.

Agreed again. I have three separate stories of pot users, who all either directly flushed their life down the drain for pot, or basically were stuck at the lowest rung of the income ladder, because they either couldn't move up while hooked on pot, or simply didn't have the motivation to do so.

We had a guy in here just a few months ago. He never did anything. Useless. Found out later he was high all the time.

And yet you have all of these very high achieving, high income upper and middle class people like Steve Jobs who was a well known pot user. Or Brad Pitt, Justin Trudeau, or the original stoners, Cheech and Chong. When I go to social events put on by my wealthier friends, literally ALL of them use marijuana, in some form. I recently attended a social even with a research psychologist friend who has just has one of his research papers on alzheimers accepted for publication, and he immediately offered me some CBD oil.

The only hopeless stoner, wasted lives types I've ever met, weren't derailed by drugs. They were derailed by abuse, neglect, lack of education, and the lack of sufficient emotional maturity to cope with any of it. Their drug use was the sympton, not the cause.

Yep, most of the hopeless stoner types I've known were liberals too.

I don't know of any hopeless stoners who know or care anything about politics. Mind you, I don't know many teenagers or 20 year olds. My children are all adults, as are their friends, and other than one adult grandchildren, the rest of my grandkids are just starting high school, or they're toddlers.

That "free stuff" tends to be the Democrat dog whistle.
“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
not hearing things at all....geezus read the replies to your posts....i aint the holy person here who gets on your bullshit...

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”
you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
As always no that is not right... I never claimed that my personal experiences apply to EVERYBODY. You said you know NO ONE. I pointed out a bunch. Pretty simple

For fucks sake fellas...just get your shit right....Stop getting behind all the filthy shit you do and just GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT!

LefTard Logic:
"Drugs are fucking cool"
"illegal Wetbacks are fucking cool"
"Faggots and chicks with dicks are fucking cool"
"Criminals are fucking cool"
"Free shit for lowlifes is fucking cool"
"Christians are FUCKED"

you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
not hearing things at all....geezus read the replies to your posts....i aint the holy person here who gets on your bullshit...

you apparently dont believe any stories that others here tell you about themselves...but we have to believe the shit you throw at us?....sorry it dont work that way....

Who said that?
There is no reason for me not to believe every story you’ve ever told here.
and yet in past posts you have said just the opposite to me and others here....you told me in the past your personal stories dont mean much....well same goes for you...

You're hearing things bud...I laugh at people who have a "I know this one guy" story and base their position off their experiences with "one guy"...That's just plain retarded.
"I know this one super cool successful dude who smokes a shit-ton of weed...therefore ALL who smoke a shit-ton of weed are super cool and successful."...ain't that right Slade3200 ?
As always no that is not right... I never claimed that my personal experiences apply to EVERYBODY. You said you know NO ONE. I pointed out a bunch. Pretty simple

For fucks sake fellas...just get your shit right....Stop getting behind all the filthy shit you do and just GET YOUR SHIT RIGHT!

LefTard Logic:
"Drugs are fucking cool"
"illegal Wetbacks are fucking cool"
"Faggots and chicks with dicks are fucking cool"
"Criminals are fucking cool"
"Free shit for lowlifes is fucking cool"
"Christians are FUCKED"

Those are your words, not mine. You are fight a strawman. Weak tactic
a drug that does permanent damage

All the anti-pot crowd can do is parrot lies...

Those whose only "vice" is pot smoking are regularly fine at 70. Mick Jagger is a great example, dancing and singing into his 70s.

Alcohol kills brain cells, and alcoholics lose their brain because of that. Alcohol and the rest "impair."

I could beat you in chess or ping pong while smoking reefer. Easily...

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