Pot is becoming illegal in California again

When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

There is REAL HATE from MORONS who attend "Christian" churches in the South and Midwest over this issue. They must poke their noses into everyone's homes and insist you take aspirin instead of pot. And they are "Republicans" who support "small government?"


Broke Loser attends a church with a Jew disguised as a Christian as the "preacher." He still has yet to figure that out, or ask some simple questions like

When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," um, like, WHO GOT EVERYTHING???

DUH DUH DUH.... duh BiBULL doesn't say....

Actually, I smoked lots of weed through high school and college when I thought I had to be impaired to enhance life....then I grew the fuck up and realized I wanted to be motivated, ambitious, productive and active ...I don’t know a single habitual user that isn’t an ambition lacking lowlife....NOT ONE.
Elon Musk, Bill Maher, just about every comedian and actor and musician. That’s more than one. Now you know
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

There is REAL HATE from MORONS who attend "Christian" churches in the South and Midwest over this issue. They must poke their noses into everyone's homes and insist you take aspirin instead of pot. And they are "Republicans" who support "small government?"


Broke Loser attends a church with a Jew disguised as a Christian as the "preacher." He still has yet to figure that out, or ask some simple questions like

When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," um, like, WHO GOT EVERYTHING???

DUH DUH DUH.... duh BiBULL doesn't say....

Actually, I smoked lots of weed through high school and college when I thought I had to be impaired to enhance life....then I grew the fuck up and realized I wanted to be motivated, ambitious, productive and active ...I don’t know a single habitual user that isn’t an ambition lacking lowlife....NOT ONE.
Elon Musk, Bill Maher, just about every comedian and actor and musician. That’s more than one. Now you know

BL doesn't know Mr. Musk or Mr. Maher, and neither do you. And you don't know if they are "habitually" smoke grass or not either.

Entertainers like Maher might just be saying so, to provide material for their acts. Musk could easily just be saying so as well, as it is part of his "image" and cred with the young stupid generation
Same old tired LefTarded bullshit...always trying to sell America on their filth and justify their degeneracy.

Who really smokes weed....

Who filthy liberals want you to believe smokes weed...
the guy on the bottom could be a pot smoker just as much as the guy with al the piercings.......if you knew anything about pot smoking you would know this...

Again, you stoners have self manipulated...I get it...it makes you feel better to believe that legit people smoke weed...a few do, but the truth is, most do not and most believe those who do are societal liabilities, degenerates and lowlifes...Sorry bud.
you mean self manipulating like you do?...if you actually smoked pot or at least knew anything about the stuff you would know that a hell of a lot of "legit" people smoke the stuff....but then you are a broke loser....so what would you know about it?...sorry bud....

My son, who has smoked pot since he was in his 20;s, looks like the guy in the bottom picture, no tatoos, no piercings, suit and tie job. His sister, who had the same attitude toward pot as Broke Loser, looked more like the guy in the top picture: multiple tacking looking tatoos, piecings, and dreadlocks - which almost always look ridiculous on white people. She insisted I tell the stress counsellor about my "self-medicating" and get some real help for my "problem". When told I was smoking a little pot for my stress - about 1/2 ounce per month, the counsellor said "good". She offered to have a chat with my daughter to straighten her out.

My primary care physician is not thrilled, but he is accepting.
Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.
did they have medical pot back then?...

Why, is it different than any other pot?
When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

There is REAL HATE from MORONS who attend "Christian" churches in the South and Midwest over this issue. They must poke their noses into everyone's homes and insist you take aspirin instead of pot. And they are "Republicans" who support "small government?"


Broke Loser attends a church with a Jew disguised as a Christian as the "preacher." He still has yet to figure that out, or ask some simple questions like

When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," um, like, WHO GOT EVERYTHING???

DUH DUH DUH.... duh BiBULL doesn't say....

Actually, I smoked lots of weed through high school and college when I thought I had to be impaired to enhance life....then I grew the fuck up and realized I wanted to be motivated, ambitious, productive and active ...I don’t know a single habitual user that isn’t an ambition lacking lowlife....NOT ONE.
Elon Musk, Bill Maher, just about every comedian and actor and musician. That’s more than one. Now you know

hahaha..another one of your "I know these few guys" stories to justify yet another one of your LefTarded positions. Funny shit
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.
did they have medical pot back then?...

Why, is it different than any other pot?

Yes and no. We didn't know about the medical uses for pot back then, nor did we care. We all smoked to get high back then. It was our only reason for smoking. The herb had been illegal since the 1930's and we knew nothing of its medicinal benefits. All we cared about was potentcy.

Now we have sativa and indica pot. Sativa gets you high Indica has other benefits. When my friend who is an opera singer had cancer, we got her some indica pot that would be gentler on her throat, but she was afraid of even that so we ended up getting her edibles.

When I met my friend she smoked me up on some kind of psychadelic pot that she says nobody else would smoke with her. I didn't know up from down for 3 hours. I couldn't even walk the 4 blocks home and there was no way I could have ridden my bike, safely. I call that "stupid weed". I can see why people don't like it, but I had absolutely no pain whatsoever for the rest of the entire day. I prefer something less drastic so I can be functional and productive, as well as pain free.

There are specific strains of pot being grown for specific medical conditions like epilepsy. None of these notions or products were around when we were younger.
yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity
When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

There is REAL HATE from MORONS who attend "Christian" churches in the South and Midwest over this issue. They must poke their noses into everyone's homes and insist you take aspirin instead of pot. And they are "Republicans" who support "small government?"


Broke Loser attends a church with a Jew disguised as a Christian as the "preacher." He still has yet to figure that out, or ask some simple questions like

When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," um, like, WHO GOT EVERYTHING???

DUH DUH DUH.... duh BiBULL doesn't say....

Actually, I smoked lots of weed through high school and college when I thought I had to be impaired to enhance life....then I grew the fuck up and realized I wanted to be motivated, ambitious, productive and active ...I don’t know a single habitual user that isn’t an ambition lacking lowlife....NOT ONE.
Elon Musk, Bill Maher, just about every comedian and actor and musician. That’s more than one. Now you know

BL doesn't know Mr. Musk or Mr. Maher, and neither do you. And you don't know if they are "habitually" smoke grass or not either.

Entertainers like Maher might just be saying so, to provide material for their acts. Musk could easily just be saying so as well, as it is part of his "image" and cred with the young stupid generation
Oh ok, thank you for clearing that up. So are you supporting BLs claim that nobody who smokes pot can be a productive member of society?
When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

There is REAL HATE from MORONS who attend "Christian" churches in the South and Midwest over this issue. They must poke their noses into everyone's homes and insist you take aspirin instead of pot. And they are "Republicans" who support "small government?"


Broke Loser attends a church with a Jew disguised as a Christian as the "preacher." He still has yet to figure that out, or ask some simple questions like

When Jesus said "give up everything and follow me," um, like, WHO GOT EVERYTHING???

DUH DUH DUH.... duh BiBULL doesn't say....

Actually, I smoked lots of weed through high school and college when I thought I had to be impaired to enhance life....then I grew the fuck up and realized I wanted to be motivated, ambitious, productive and active ...I don’t know a single habitual user that isn’t an ambition lacking lowlife....NOT ONE.
Elon Musk, Bill Maher, just about every comedian and actor and musician. That’s more than one. Now you know

hahaha..another one of your "I know these few guys" stories to justify yet another one of your LefTarded positions. Funny shit
Countering your retarded “NOT ONE” argument with some examples works pretty well. Don’t be butt hurt
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

“But, but, but...alcohol is legal!”

LefTard Logic:
“We legalized alcohol so we’re obligated to legalize heroin. Offering our youth a greater variety of substances to fuck with their minds will only help improve and enhance American society.”

Fuck it, keep dumping whatever we can on this fucked up society full of filth...just keep the degenerate lowlifes out of my bank account.
Funny shit....their filth and ignorance completely escapes them.
Broke Loser never smoked weed.

Broke Loser parroted Reefer Madness 50 years ago and has never stopped parroting it.

Some people are "empirical," they find out truth by observing and testing.

Others, with substantially lower IQ, are "parrots," that they have some person, media outlet, religious leader etc. who is absolutely "omniscient" in their view, and hence their "opinions" are simply the mindless repetition of what said birdbrain heard at church or parroted off Rachel Maddow....

The worst examples of "parrots" in America today....

1. pro Israel Christians
2. global warmers
3. anti marijuana legalization folks
4. ANTIFA, who cannot even come close to defining the word "fascist"
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

“But, but, but...alcohol is legal!”

LefTard Logic:
“We legalized alcohol so we’re obligated to legalize heroin. Offering our youth a greater variety of substances to fuck with their minds will only help improve and enhance American society.”

Fuck it, keep dumping whatever we can on this fucked up society full of filth...just keep the degenerate lowlifes out of my bank account.
Funny shit....their filth and ignorance completely escapes them.
What’s the matter, can’t defend your position? Yes we legalized alcohol and we are now talking about legalizing pot. How dare I compare the two?! I guess when you don’t have a leg to stand on just yell really loud and point at the blimp.
What’s the matter, can’t defend your position? Yes we legalized alcohol and we are now talking about legalizing pot. How dare I compare the two?! I guess when you don’t have a leg to stand on just yell really loud and point at the blimp.

And of the two, alcohol is more debilitating
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

“But, but, but...alcohol is legal!”

LefTard Logic:
“We legalized alcohol so we’re obligated to legalize heroin. Offering our youth a greater variety of substances to fuck with their minds will only help improve and enhance American society.”

Fuck it, keep dumping whatever we can on this fucked up society full of filth...just keep the degenerate lowlifes out of my bank account.
Funny shit....their filth and ignorance completely escapes them.

Prohibition by interdiction and incarceration is a failure. The problems caused by this fascist policy is worse than the problems caused by substance abuse. Imo.

Kids, stay off drugs and stay in school.
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
only a fool would think that support for legalization means those people want more stoners.

I assume you support our right to legally buy booze, right? So by your logic I guess I could say your trying say you want more alcoholics And drunk drivers in this country. Yeah, I know the logic is the definition of stupidity

On that note, would you suppose we have more alcoholics and drunk drivers today than we did during prohibition?

I think that you probably had more drunk drivers as a percentage of the population, because people didn't think anything of drinking or driving when I was a kid. I remember when the first breathalizer laws were passed, sitting with a group of 20 somethings at my friend's house and one of the guys said "They can't do this. The only time I drive is when I'm too drunk to walk", and his friends all nodded in agreement. Not being able to drink and drive was seen as in infringement on their freedom, the same way that smoker's today talk about restrictions on smoking in public.

But what you don't have that you had during prohibition is crime gangs running speak easies, and the bribery and corruption of police and judges looking the other way. You have taxes on the producgtion and sale of alcohol which help to mitigate the damages and costs to the public of dealing with the health and emotional toll alcoholism takes.

And you're not throwing people in jail for the crime of possessing or consuming alcohol, just those who commit crimes under the influence.
I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
The state should use the extra revenue to educate our youth about the risks to using pot. Look what they did to cigarettes. Go to California, nobody smokes cigs anymore
i just left California 5 years ago....there were many cigarette smokers then....so during the last 5 years they all stopped?..
I grew up in California, lived all over for 30 years, then moved to Texas. The difference is night and day
ok...but you said NOBODY smokes cigs anymore....period....so was that some kind of exaggeration?...
Yes that was an exaggeration, a figure of speech... like if I said Nobody uses pagers anymore the all have cell phones. Of course some people still have pagers and not everybody has cell phones. Get it? Apologies if I was confusing.
words have meaning slade....but i get what you are saying....
yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.

So, I should just take the opiods that mainstream medicine is constantly trying to push onto pain sufferers and get addicted to them. Shame on me for not supporting Big Pharma and going with alternatives that are cheaper and healthier.

I'm willing to bet that even at age 70, with arthritis, you'd be hard pressed to keep up with my lifestyle, and I've really slowed down over the past couple of years. I no longer swim three times a week, more like twice a month, but I still ride my bike several miles a day. I frequently dog sit my daughter's standard poodle who needs to run every day, so I ride my bike and let him run beside me for several laps around the soccer field. I played squash several times a week at Squash Canada's national training centre, and regularly in house leagues there until well into my 60's.

I'm pretty sure that you've had a beer or two in your time, and yet you look down your nose at other people's form of recreation, which is natural and healthy. Liquor is a toxic poison which can kill you. But pot smokers are stupid.

Well, lets see...so far this week; I've gone lobster diving, played two rounds of golf, logged six hours at the gym and ran 12 miles...Soooooo
Look, I really don't have a problem with MANY people whom decide to smoke weed...I DO have a problem with lowlifes smoking weed, I have a problem with paying ShaQuita, DaShawn and Gudalupe to sit home, smoke weed and make more babies for me to fund. I have a problem with adults glamorizing weed and telling our youth how cool weed is..Only a fucking fool would think this nation needs more stoners.
you can be anything on the internet ....

“I refuse to believe you, I need to believe that everybody leads the same miserable pathetic life that I do.”

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