Pot is becoming illegal in California again

Edibles in Ontario are about $15 each for chocolate bars, brownies, or a bag of potato chips. Two for $25 is a good price.

At the dispensary I frequent I can get two 100 mg chocolate bars for $21 (+38% tax minus my 15% veterans discount).

The government isn't selling edibles yet which makes them hard to find since they closed the unlicensed dispensaries. My daughter used to bake for a Compassion Clinic in Toronto so she knows all the proper techniques for making butter, and she is a trained pastry chef. Her edibles have potency with no dank taste at all. But it takes a lot of pot to make butter. The last batch used an ounce and a half of pot and made 40 brownies, so I know a price of $15 each isn't unreasonable.

My daughter only makes edibles for family and friends these days, so we don't get them often, and as I said, they use a lot of pot.

I make my own butter...just made some yesterday. I used 2 ounces of home grown. Chocolate isn't easy though and it's so cheap at the club, I just buy them there. Brownies, cookies and granola bars, I make myself. Eventually I want to buy a rosin press and make my own vape oil.

Do you put pot in your butter? Wonder how that would taste with some home made biscuits?

It would taste like pot...it's strong. You take butter, decarb your cannabis, put both in the crock pot with water for a few hours, strain off plant material and put in the fridge until it sets. Pour off the water and you have canna butter.
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

Some evidence files i found once (and stored on a google drive of mine) in favor of pot as medicine against cancer : Evidence - weed marijuana - anti cancer - Google Drive
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
The state should use the extra revenue to educate our youth about the risks to using pot. Look what they did to cigarettes. Go to California, nobody smokes cigs anymore
i just left California 5 years ago....there were many cigarette smokers then....so during the last 5 years they all stopped?..
Well that’s because you’re not very bright. The answer is an overwhelming yes.

Meanwhile outside of LibTardia
Study: Poorer marijuana users smoking the most – The Denver Post
We keep finding new ways to keep filthy bottom feeders feeding on the bottom at our expense. I wonder what taxpayers will spend on all the new weed related medical issues over the next couple decades.
What is it you think you’re proving?

That it's not doctors and lawyers and societies best smoking weed like the pieces of shits want us to believe...you know, just like its only Mexico's finest traversing our border...right?
like with most topics you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I have a friend that owns a dispensary and he tells me that about three quarters of his clients are grey hairs. You sure love to rag on the poor don’t you? What’s up with that?

"I know this one guy"
You always seem to know this one guy...and the experience of that "one guy" is able to dictate your position..That's retarded.
Make no mistake about it; the majority smoking weed are societal liabilities, piece of shits whom cant afford to be smoking weed...trust me.
"But, but, but....ALCOHOL!"
why should someone trust you?...do you know a guy too?...
Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
California pot advocates say tax rates too high

Pot is becoming a black market item again, but not because the state is making it illegal again, but because the taxes are too high.

And yes, the only time dead head Californians seem to complain about the outrageous taxes is when they can't buy their weed.


I think Progressives are making a mistake here. They naturally want to take everyone's money because they are greedy power hungry deplorable people, but it helps to medicate these people into oblivion first.

So I propose that they stop taxing ONLY weed in such an outrageous way, otherwise, their base may be jeopardized.

Some evidence files i found once (and stored on a google drive of mine) in favor of pot as medicine against cancer : Evidence - weed marijuana - anti cancer - Google Drive

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...
In order to compete with the black market, the prices must be competitive. Same prices they have on the street plus around 40 percent total tax is going to hurt.
This was part of the econ lesson I was trying to impart on people.....They somehow thought that weed would become less expensive under legalization, to the point that any taxes would be a wash.....My little riffs about market efficiency flew right over their sativa-addled brains.
i am paying no more than i was with the street dealer with taxes here in vegas....the difference is the pot is way cleaner and better...

I have bought in two medicinal states and was not taxed.
i dont believe medical pot has a tax on it,i could be wrong,i know in Nevada they get a lot off.....recreational does have taxes though.......
I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.
I have bought in two medicinal states and was not taxed.

At $10 to $20 a gram you are paying a tax...

What is the average U.S. cost of marijuana per gram?
When a state “just legalizes” marijuana, the price per gram usually sits between $10 and $20 per gram. However, as the market matures and the supply catches up with the demand, the prices usually level out between $5 – $10 of high-quality weed.
Weed Prices Per Gram - The Breakdown - marijuanally.com


Honestly, $20 a gram is outrageous. That's $560 an ounce. Even $10 a gram is outrageous. Legal weed is being over packaged at great expense too.

My doctor is trying to get me to stop smoking. He considers vaping no different than smoking. I am asthmatic so I have tried to be a good patient but I'm still smoking and vaping.

I have tried the CBD oil and didn't like it. Tastes horrible, but the pain relief simply did not last. I wanted more in less than an hour. Some edibles were better than others, but they're very expensive and most have that dank taste.

As with all forms of treatements, they have different effects on different people. I have one friend who swears by CBD oil. My sister got little relief from edibles but loves the hand cream.
Each? Like, per individual seed?

Holy shit. . . I used to have so many back in school, I ate them. :71:

I wonder if the ones that are in parrot food are sterile? :eusa_think:

Well, there's so much science, botany and technology that goes into growing today. The $10 seeds are all feminized, so that they will bud; male seeds do not bud
The seeds are hybridized strains all across the Indica/sativa spectrum.

The seeds in the nickle bag outside of Madison Square Garden before the Led Zeppelin concert were roughly 50% male and therefore useless

Blue Dream Feminized Marijuana Seeds

These are $28 for 5 seeds. Hmm, Sativa. hmmmm Hmmmm.

My friend is spending $20 per seed and they're not sexed. Half of the seeds she started this season were male. She certainly didn't get any guarantees on her seeds. My blueberry plant was much smaller than hers because I grew indoors, and initially she thought it might be a male. Mine turned out to be the only female of that group of seeds. She had to tear hers out She bought 10 seeds and we had 5 female plants.
She needs to buy from different places. There's no reason for that to happen today

I think we already have the key to sexing seeds. I’ll let you know next year. We already have our seeds.

Vegas is expensive too, but Colorado has way better prices.
no it aint....at least it isnt no more expensive than the illegal stuff i used to get in California....
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.
Can't tell you how many times I've had these "polite conversations" with hippie liberoidals, who somehow thought that legalizing and taxing pot was going to work.

"Legalize and tax it" they said....."Use the money to fund schools and programs for the cheeeeeldrennnn" they said.

Asked them how they'd like to pay more for their stash....Tried to give them the lesson in basic econ and how gubmint drives up the costs of everything they lay their covetous little meat hooks onto, but NOOOOOOOOO!
So you think criminalizing pot is the smart way to go? Really?

Once again...this is simple shit for third graders. All one has to do is ask one simple question. “Are we a better, more productive society of people as a result of legal weed?”
Since all we’ve really done is glamorize weed for our youth and compel wetback Cartels to move their operations to Mexifornia and buy grow houses here in residential neighborhoods I’m gonna go with a big FUCK NO!

I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
The state should use the extra revenue to educate our youth about the risks to using pot. Look what they did to cigarettes. Go to California, nobody smokes cigs anymore
i just left California 5 years ago....there were many cigarette smokers then....so during the last 5 years they all stopped?..
I grew up in California, lived all over for 30 years, then moved to Texas. The difference is night and day
I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to pot. On one hand, I think it's stupid to fine people or even put them in jail for smoking pot provided they are not operating a motor vehicle. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to see it get like Colorado where they have pot shops, with huge signs and advertising. I've even heard some have newspaper coupons you can clip out.

I just don't think that's the right environment for our children. Sure, they know what pot is, but they don't need that exposure while growing up.
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit
They are also heavily exposed to liquor, wine, and beer....So what?

Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.
The Democrat zeal for stealing is infinite.

Especially in states where they never lose, because there are more getting government checks then there are not....
Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

yeah, yeah, yeah...suddenly everybody is a fucking headcase....everybody has anxiety, glaucoma, problems eating...etc etc....FUCKING BULLSHIT!
am i wrong with what i said?....or is this just more bullshit from you?..
If BrokeLoser is saying it then it is most likely bullshit

Harry Dresden what is bullshit about what I said?
Every piece of shit I know has concocted a new reason to justify their need to be impaired. Meanwhile, us legitimate folks make money, live ambitious active lifestyles and point and laugh at all you fuck-ups. Haha...thanks for the laughs.
Wow, good one man... definitely no bullshit in that statement... you should print it on a shirt and run for office. I bet you’ll get 1 vote. Bit at least you’ll be repping the true real Americans! #BurpFartChugABeer
Same old tired LefTarded bullshit...always trying to sell America on their filth and justify their degeneracy.

Who really smokes weed....

Who filthy liberals want you to believe smokes weed...
Well, we did something about that years ago. Beer is okay to advertise on television, but not liquor. During the Nixon administration, they outlawed television commercials and billboards for cigarettes.

Are kids exposed to those items anyway? Yes they are. But that's not to say it's good either. With alcohol, some drink it for the taste and no effects. With pot, there is only one reason for smoking, and that is to get high.
people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.
Broke Loser apparently still believes the "Reefer Madness" movie....

There are those who parrot government propaganda and the New York Times

Then there are those who get answers by actually observing themselves...

TRUTH TIME, your side is LOSING....

people drink to get a buzz too....and some smoke pot to ease pain and to get an appetite...

Without a doubt, but what I'm saying is advertising is different. You can advertise an alcoholic beverage simply for taste, but you really can't do that with pot. I've smoked enough pot in my younger days to understand taste is not the draw.
right, but people who drink a few after work are doing that for more than just the taste...they want the buzz too...

Some do, some don't. A close friend of mine stopped over the other day. He brought a six pack with him. It was too early for me to drink, but he had his typical two beers and went home. There is no way to get a buzz on two American beers.

I would say it's pretty common. Alcoholic drinks have a taste to them, and that's why some consume it. As for myself, I drink beer for both, the taste and buzz. But I won't touch a drop before I drive. I have a CDL and they can use CDL standard of "drunk" even if we are not in a truck and driving our personal car.

You explain how you drink responsibly, don't drink and drive, and don't abuse alcohol, and yet you can't seem to wrap your head around the idea that most pot smokers are no different than you are in our use of pot. We don't smoke to get high, we smoke to reduce pain, or anxiety, or other medical reasons. We don't smoke and drive, and we don't abuse the drug.

I didn't smoke while I was working. But after I a day of closings at the registry office, I came home and toked up before cooking dinner. Some days I can go most of the day without smoking, but the days of my going about my daily life with no pain or discomfort are getting fewer and further between. I should have gotten my name on the new knee list two years ago before I was having any pain at all. I'd already have had the surgery, instead of looking a another year of waiting.

I would say that a tiny percentage use pot for medical reasons. Most just want to get high. I've known plenty of them including myself. When I was younger, most everybody smoked pot. Our only goal was to get loaded.

When I was in grad school and the talk of legal ‘medical marijuana’ was all the rage...suddenly every piece of shit came down with glaucoma...Now piece of shits suddenly have unmanageable pain, anxiety, eating disorders....etc etc....Look, pieces of shits are always gonna do what pieces of shits do.

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