Potential Black Owners Lining Up To Buy Clippers Already

Oprah can go get her face smashed in like the Color Purple. Most racist bitch alive. Oh the irony!

Professional sports only help keep black folks in the chains they're always complaining about. I wouldn't want any those scumbags near me white or black.

You're just mad you cant get paid millions for bouncing a ball or talking to people on TV.
this whole thing stinks to high heaven

I've never seen anything like it
how can they force someone to SELL what they own? over something they said

what country are living in?
Oprah can go get her face smashed in like the Color Purple. Most racist bitch alive. Oh the irony!

Professional sports only help keep black folks in the chains they're always complaining about. I wouldn't want any those scumbags near me white or black.

You're just mad you cant get paid millions for bouncing a ball or talking to people on TV.

Well, you assume too much comrade. I despise professional sports and, most especially, it's influence on college kids, mostly blacks kids, who jump ship to join the racket. That pathetic fiat currency you worship does not impress me anymore than the degenerate Kentucky and Duke basketball teams that feed them.
Oprah can go get her face smashed in like the Color Purple. Most racist bitch alive. Oh the irony!

Professional sports only help keep black folks in the chains they're always complaining about. I wouldn't want any those scumbags near me white or black.

You're just mad you cant get paid millions for bouncing a ball or talking to people on TV.

Well, you assume too much comrade. I despise professional sports and, most especially, it's influence on college kids, mostly blacks kids, who jump ship to join the racket. That pathetic fiat currency you worship does not impress me anymore than the degenerate Kentucky and Duke basketball teams that feed them.

That is the fault of their parents not teaching them to have a plan B. You dont really care about Black kids. You care about a few Black people becoming millionaires for skills you dont have. They are doing nothing different than white kids that aspire to make the pros. Most of the white kids fail getting to the NBA. Where is your outrage over that?
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Oprah can go get her face smashed in like the Color Purple. Most racist bitch alive. Oh the irony!

Professional sports only help keep black folks in the chains they're always complaining about. I wouldn't want any those scumbags near me white or black.

You're just mad you cant get paid millions for bouncing a ball or talking to people on TV.

Well, you assume too much comrade. I despise professional sports and, most especially, it's influence on college kids, mostly blacks kids, who jump ship to join the racket. That pathetic fiat currency you worship does not impress me anymore than the degenerate Kentucky and Duke basketball teams that feed them.

Or the dream of even making it to the pros.

We agree on this, RC...professional sports are being used as the way out for minorities when it should be education.
You're just mad you cant get paid millions for bouncing a ball or talking to people on TV.

Well, you assume too much comrade. I despise professional sports and, most especially, it's influence on college kids, mostly blacks kids, who jump ship to join the racket. That pathetic fiat currency you worship does not impress me anymore than the degenerate Kentucky and Duke basketball teams that feed them.

Or the dream of even making it to the pros.

We agree on this, RC...professional sports are being used as the way out for minorities when it should be education.

You have to dream if you are going to make it anywhere in life. The pros are not the problem just like alcohol is not the problem for the alcoholic. It is preparation for life in the event you dont make it. The pros are just an opportunity like any other opportunity.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Hey Matthew, this is not about freedom, and it's definitely not about freedom of speech. He is losing the team because he did not abide by the terms of his franchise agreement with the NBA. It really is as simple as that.
Having Oprah owning the team will be great, every day the players can discuss the negative impact losing has had on them. Then they can cry and feel good about themselves because it wasn't their fault.

Then Oprah could get them all some USDA Beef.

Oprah would probably be an excellent owner. I would expect that she would pay for the best management team possible and then stay the fuck out of the way since she really doesn't know much at all about running a sports franchise.
Having Oprah owning the team will be great, every day the players can discuss the negative impact losing has had on them. Then they can cry and feel good about themselves because it wasn't their fault.

Then Oprah could get them all some USDA Beef.

Oprah would probably be an excellent owner. I would expect that she would pay for the best management team possible and then stay the fuck out of the way since she really doesn't know much at all about running a sports franchise.

Oprah isnt interested in buying an NBA team. That is false information. He also isnt selling the team, so no one will be buying it.
Don't worry Mud your kind still outnumbers them conniving Negro owners 49 - 2

People like you are why this nation will become like Iran. I hope you the worse:mad:

God your grammar is awful

Having Oprah owning the team will be great, every day the players can discuss the negative impact losing has had on them. Then they can cry and feel good about themselves because it wasn't their fault.

Then Oprah could get them all some USDA Beef.

Oprah would probably be an excellent owner. I would expect that she would pay for the best management team possible and then stay the fuck out of the way since she really doesn't know much at all about running a sports franchise.

Oprah isnt interested in buying an NBA team. That is false information. He also isnt selling the team, so no one will be buying it.

Depending upon what exactly is in his contract, he may have no choice than to sell the team or have it confiscated by the NBA.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

He thinks freedom = no consequences. You can tell he leads an extremely poor life financially and otherwise due to his philosophy on life.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

He thinks freedom = no consequences. You can tell he leads an extremely poor life financially and otherwise due to his philosophy on life.

You can tell he is a fucking jester for the pussy brigade by his philosophy on life, nonsense posts, and lack of grammar and spelling skills. My guess, he is in and out of jail and was forcibly indoctrinated into a white hate group...more than likely he traded his mouth and ass for protection from the evil blacks.
I don't think anyone would argue that this guy is a racist asshole, but don't you guys think its a little weird that a man could be forced to sell his business because of something he said in the privacy of his own home? I don't care if he said "*******, spicks, jews, chinks, faggots and retards should all die in a fire", it still doesn't mean he should be forced to sell his business. That's some Nazi shit and I don't think America should be going down that road.

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