Potential Black Owners Lining Up To Buy Clippers Already

So it was all a conspiracy to get rid of the white guy and make it possible for a black person to own them. Gosh. It's just one evil thing after another in this world, all directed at the white man.

No, you gullible cretin, it was a diversion to keep peoples minds off relevant news like the chicoms physically tearing down churches across China, new developments that prove the Obama Regime lied about Benghazi, etc.

As long as stupid ass holes like you vote this country is fucked.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Not any more. We have expanded the voting franchise to too many idiots and crooks.

Either we roll it back or the nation crashes.

Sorry to abandon the idea that all adults should be able to vote, but the past six years have schooled me and anyone else that is paying attention.

Our Republic is in danger of being destroyed and it is precisely because we have let too unfit people vote.
ESPN, The Herd with Collin Cowherd says Oprah is interested in buying the Clippers.

Magic Johnson was interested, but swore off it when asked yesterday. Maybe later.

They got rid of that racist Jew, now they want a black owner to replace him.

Great way to effect change.

Al Sharpton earned his keep I'm tellin yah...

What happens if one of the other owners gave to a Christian organization? Will they take his shit too? Call him homophobic?
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I guess no more evidence is needed to prove you're a ditto head, who echoes the words of Rush Limbaugh. Pitiful.

Democrats are infamous for repeating the same damned phrase over and over from their talking points they share with each other, sometimes beyond the point of absurdity.

Democrats have no room to talk about people repeating Limbaugh and not be blithering hypocrits.
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Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Hey Matthew, this is not about freedom, and it's definitely not about freedom of speech. He is losing the team because he did not abide by the terms of his franchise agreement with the NBA. It really is as simple as that.

Sterling is not the only racist NBA owner, dude. He is being thrown under the bus for political reasons as these are old facts and an old story till the Dems wanted a distraction from real news.

The PC Nazis are so fucking bad now that even Bill Maher is complaining bout them, and people like you still cant see it, WTF?
Don't worry Mud your kind still outnumbers them conniving Negro owners 49 - 2

People like you are why this nation will become like Iran. I hope you the worse:mad:

God your grammar is awful


He used the word 'hope' as a verb, dumbass.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

That was in your PC Nazi Talking Points?

Shit, you guys need new sloganeers.
Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

He thinks freedom = no consequences. You can tell he leads an extremely poor life financially and otherwise due to his philosophy on life.

You can tell he is a fucking jester for the pussy brigade by his philosophy on life, nonsense posts, and lack of grammar and spelling skills. My guess, he is in and out of jail and was forcibly indoctrinated into a white hate group...more than likely he traded his mouth and ass for protection from the evil blacks.

Why should anyone listen to a cock sucking fool lie you?

Matthew has three times the intelligence and knowledge than you have on your best day.

Go back to your bath house, shit-for-brains.
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I don't think anyone would argue that this guy is a racist asshole, but don't you guys think its a little weird that a man could be forced to sell his business because of something he said in the privacy of his own home? I don't care if he said "*******, spicks, jews, chinks, faggots and retards should all die in a fire", it still doesn't mean he should be forced to sell his business. That's some Nazi shit and I don't think America should be going down that road.

You get it and most Americans are waking up.

But the PC Nazis will fight till their last breath to defend their lies with more lies. That is what they do; that is ALL they do.
Basketball is the biggest racist fraternity out there. Might as well have a black owner

Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

If you think this happened because the people raised up and decided that this all must stop, you are sorely mistaken.

The reason this happened is because the media, at the behest of race-hustlers, decided to make an example of somebody once again.

The NBA commish is a alumnist of the University of Chicago, where Obama used to be a member of the faculty, and Obama's last nominee for the Supreme Court is from as well. Adam Silver probably knows Obama personally. Oprah 9along with a group of Obama supporters0, who is a great personal friend of Barack Obama, offers immediately to buy the team. The subject of this issue, Magic Johnson, wanted to buy the Clippers up until a few days ago. Now he at least has the sense not to show that he was any more involved in this than he already seemed to be. But friends of our president decided it was time to buy this team that has become available due the this rush to justice, helped along by Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Spike Lee, and all of the usual suspects.

It's all so convenient. Totally innocent. Not a smidgen of corruption to see here.
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Bobo's friends are going to buy the team so they can sell part of it cheap to Bobo after he leaves office.
It may be a long long time before another team is on the market.
You read it here.
I don't think anyone would argue that this guy is a racist asshole, but don't you guys think its a little weird that a man could be forced to sell his business because of something he said in the privacy of his own home? I don't care if he said "*******, spicks, jews, chinks, faggots and retards should all die in a fire", it still doesn't mean he should be forced to sell his business. That's some Nazi shit and I don't think America should be going down that road.

Why would it be weird? Thats covered in the contract he signed not to do retarded hillbilly stuff like that. They are protecting their brand. I know you are just a working bee or unemployed but there is another world above your line of sight that does stuff like this everyday all across the US.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Hey Matthew, this is not about freedom, and it's definitely not about freedom of speech. He is losing the team because he did not abide by the terms of his franchise agreement with the NBA. It really is as simple as that.

Sterling is not the only racist NBA owner, dude. He is being thrown under the bus for political reasons as these are old facts and an old story till the Dems wanted a distraction from real news.

The PC Nazis are so fucking bad now that even Bill Maher is complaining bout them, and people like you still cant see it, WTF?

He is the only one thats been caught on tape dummy. if there are more they havent done anything to hurt the NBA brand. You really have a hard time comprehending how this business thing works don't you?
He thinks freedom = no consequences. You can tell he leads an extremely poor life financially and otherwise due to his philosophy on life.

You can tell he is a fucking jester for the pussy brigade by his philosophy on life, nonsense posts, and lack of grammar and spelling skills. My guess, he is in and out of jail and was forcibly indoctrinated into a white hate group...more than likely he traded his mouth and ass for protection from the evil blacks.

Why should anyone listen to a cock sucking fool lie you?

Matthew has three times the intelligence and knowledge than you have on your best day.

Go back to your bath house, shit-for-brains.
LOL...now we know who indoctrinated and 'protected' Matthew. You neo-nazi disgust me with your amoral behavior.
Over a few words he has to sell his team.

We're not free...

Actually you couldn’t be more wrong.

This is reaffirmation of the right to freely associate, the right to join private organizations, and the right of those private organizations to function within their constitutions and bylaws absent interference by the state.

This is exactly how it is supposed to happen in a free and democratic society, where private individuals and entities are at liberty to resolve conflicts and controversies with private society as the judge, not government.

The irony of this is that you and others on the right should be celebrating this, not reviling it.

I agree. The right has a problem. Some of us chose to latch on to losers like Sterling and Bundy in the name of freedom. In this case Sterling was rightfully punished, and to defend him is to defend the indefensible.

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