potential witness against Paul Mananfort shot dead

Any payment Manafort got was 12 years ago.

So? What is the statute of limitations?
First, the proper dates have to be used. He is alleged to have been paid ten million per year from 2005 thru 2009. Since he is still under investigation, there may more funds to be discovered. The 12-year claim seems to be disputed.

Even if he is "guilty" of ...whatever... how does that in any way make Trump guilty?

He fired this guy.
Any payment Manafort got was 12 years ago.

So? What is the statute of limitations?
First, the proper dates have to be used. He is alleged to have been paid ten million per year from 2005 thru 2009. Since he is still under investigation, there may more funds to be discovered. The 12-year claim seems to be disputed.

Even if he is "guilty" of ...whatever... how does that in any way make Trump guilty?

He fired this guy.

Trump is just the guy who brought all these Russian connected guys into the government. It's not like Trump knew their past! They've only been in business together for 30 years or so. Totally innocent.
Paul Mnafot had been paid $75000 or more, unlawfully, by Victor Yanukovych, the once Ukranianian President.

Denis Vornonenkove, who said he would testify against Yanukovych, including Manafort, was assassinated on a Kiev street in broad daylight.

You American Alt Right, these are the guys with whom you are associated and are protecting.

Star Witness In Treason Trial Involving Trump's Campaign Chair Was Just Shot Dead
Ladies, and gentlemen... We got him...
Paul Mnafot had been paid $75000 or more, unlawfully, by Victor Yanukovych, the once Ukranianian President.

Denis Vornonenkove, who said he would testify against Yanukovych, including Manafort, was assassinated on a Kiev street in broad daylight.

You American Alt Right, these are the guys with whom you are associated and are protecting.

Star Witness In Treason Trial Involving Trump's Campaign Chair Was Just Shot Dead

Witness' and whistle blowers tend to have a short life span in Russia.

Go Pooty!
Paul Mnafot had been paid $75000 or more, unlawfully, by Victor Yanukovych, the once Ukranianian President.

Denis Vornonenkove, who said he would testify against Yanukovych, including Manafort, was assassinated on a Kiev street in broad daylight.

You American Alt Right, these are the guys with whom you are associated and are protecting.

Star Witness In Treason Trial Involving Trump's Campaign Chair Was Just Shot Dead

Poor Cuckey.

No one cares about a show trial in Ukraine for the last rightfully elected President, Victor Yanukovych.

In case people have forgotten, he was the Ukraine President until the Soros/Obama backed protestors drove him out of the country for rejecting the pro-EU globalist Agenda. The Ukrainian government tried to then legally remove Yanukovych, which failed. So they then proceeded to just create their own new government out of thin air, while declaring the actual President a "traitor", even though he was the President according to their own constitution. Since then, the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine have decided they don't want to be a part of such a regime, and would rather be tied with Russia.

Of course globalists like Soros, Obama, Hilary, and good old JakeCuckey can't have people choosing their own destiny and not wanting to be subjugated by Nazis that completely disregarded their own Constitution. Sorry Cuckey, if a government won't even follow its own constitution, how fair is any court trial they put on going to be?
Nothing to see here. There's nothing but smoke and more smoke and more smoke every day. There couldn't be a fire somewhere could there?
Trumpettes: Absolutely not. Not possible.

This is smoke to you?
Everyone cares about Paul Manafort cavorting with the Russians for Trump's benefit.

In case the Far and Alt Right have forgotten, the Trump campaign and the Russians colluded to pervert American democracy.
So if this is so damaging why the need to imply Manafort is on trial for treason and that this somehow gets back to trump?

All this tells me is Manafort is shady. Something I already knew. Shady doesn't mean all his associates are nor does it mean he is guilty of any crimes against the us.
Everyone cares about Paul Manafort cavorting with the Russians for Trump's benefit.

In case the Far and Alt Right have forgotten, the Trump campaign and the Russians colluded to pervert American democracy.

America doesn't have a democracy to pervert
One, we don't define America by libertarian nonsense, and, two, the OP is straight on.
So if this is so damaging why the need to imply Manafort is on trial for treason and that this somehow gets back to trump?

All this tells me is Manafort is shady. Something I already knew. Shady doesn't mean all his associates are nor does it mean he is guilty of any crimes against the us.

A great example of "extreme vetting" by the Trump campaign.

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