Potheads beware...

It's an idiotic ruling. Can I fire someone if they had a few beers in their off time? Can I fire someone if they're on medication for depression?

What people do in their time off is none of the concern of they're employer. If they're performance slips then fire them for that. But it's idiotic to fire someone just for having residue of a legal substance in their body.

In a free country, an emlpoyer should be able to fire you because he doesn't like your shirt. Or the color of your skin.

On the other hand, this appears to be a non-issue. Considering that due to liability, positions in the workforce that demand skills such as driving, already require testing of their employess.

So while it may be legal to smoke, and you may not be doing it on th ejob. There is no way to tell from an employer standpoint.

Businesses are private property. And the employment is based on the contract under the law in the use of private property. So the ruling makes sense to some degree and is a non-issue in other degrees.
It's an idiotic ruling. Can I fire someone if they had a few beers in their off time? Can I fire someone if they're on medication for depression?

What people do in their time off is none of the concern of they're employer. If they're performance slips then fire them for that. But it's idiotic to fire someone just for having residue of a legal substance in their body.

These lowlife nutball cocksuckers don't care about America. Nutballs are Republicans in name only; in truth, they are the exact same kind of people that in 1946 described themselves as "good Nazis" as they bumbled around in shock wondering how the 1000 year reich fell after just a few years of war mongering.

It his hilarious nutballs praise Reagan and raise hell about Obama but belly up to the Big Brother Bar the first tripled the debt building and the last maintains. The most likely difference between a nutball and a fake liberal is that the nutball probably isn't smart enough to get to the actual Postmodern Promised Land: a government job. The luckiest nutballs can qualify for and maybe even keep mid- to low-level corporate type jobs; the best are grateful that God keeps them in sight of the people they would blow to be like.

I am laughing out loud at what Reagan did to the country using religion and drum beating fake patriotism to stampede white trash into the same corporate-built government corrals Clinton herded fake liberals into. It is hilarious they think they are somehow different from one another.

You're wasting your time trying to get a postmodern partisan to respect individual rights.
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Sure..as long as I can fire people who don't get stoned, or who do any other legal thing that I personally don't approve of.

You know...like talk with a Southern accept or wear a cross or own a gun, or whatEVER I personally think is detrimental/.

If that is what you want to do because you don't believe in guns or whatever... I may not agree with you, but it is your choice to limit your potential employee pool that way...

You don't want a heavy accent because your customers have a hard time with it, so be it.. you don't want a cross wearer or preacher shirt being worn because your porn store customers get weirded out, so be it.. you don't want a pierced or tattooed person because your bible store customers get weirded out because of it, so be it...

but owning a firearm is a protected right, and is not illegal.. NOW, you can not allow even a person with a carry permit to bring it to your place of employment/business.. and you can say if someone is a hunter, talks about it, or has been seen on hunting videos and their use of a firearm to kill animals has driven away your PETA customer base, well I may not agree but you should have every freedom to rid yourself of that employee

That really troubling and giving employers too much power.

That is plain idiotic... You do not get to FORCE the employer.. they have the freedom to discriminate on actions and choices just as you have the freedom not to work for an employer who may seem too strict for your tastes...
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

Employers can do whatever they want. That's their right.

But it's my opinion that if they fire someone for smoking pot sometime within the last few months, they should also fire people who have consumed alcohol in the past few months.

I would like to see the stigma that pot is somehow worse than alcohol dissipate.


People get fired for alcohol all the time, I'm not sure if you are deliberately omitting that fact, or if you honestly believe they don't.
If that is what you want to do because you don't believe in guns or whatever... I may not agree with you, but it is your choice to limit your potential employee pool that way...

You don't want a heavy accent because your customers have a hard time with it, so be it.. you don't want a cross wearer or preacher shirt being worn because your porn store customers get weirded out, so be it.. you don't want a pierced or tattooed person because your bible store customers get weirded out because of it, so be it...

but owning a firearm is a protected right, and is not illegal.. NOW, you can not allow even a person with a carry permit to bring it to your place of employment/business.. and you can say if someone is a hunter, talks about it, or has been seen on hunting videos and their use of a firearm to kill animals has driven away your PETA customer base, well I may not agree but you should have every freedom to rid yourself of that employee

That really troubling and giving employers too much power.

That is plain idiotic... You do not get to FORCE the employer.. they have the freedom to discriminate on actions and choices just as you have the freedom not to work for an employer who may seem too strict for your tastes...

Exactly. Again, a business owner is just that. The owner. Private property and the means of production are private in this country. It is no different than me ejecting you from my party because you're using an illegal substance on my property. The same should apply to employers. in fact, I think employers should be able to discriminate or fire you for whatever reason they wish.

That doesn't mean I promote discrimination. But I do promote other people's right to do so. Whetehr I like it or not. Thats the rub of liberty, folks.
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

Employers can do whatever they want. That's their right.

But it's my opinion that if they fire someone for smoking pot sometime within the last few months, they should also fire people who have consumed alcohol in the past few months.

I would like to see the stigma that pot is somehow worse than alcohol dissipate.


People get fired for alcohol all the time, I'm not sure if you are deliberately omitting that fact, or if you honestly believe they don't.

Obviously, yes, that's true.

My point was that a person can get fired for smoking pot "sometime in the last few months" whereas someone won't get fired for drinking sometime in the last few months (unless they are drunk on the job).

You are at risk of loosing your job if you smoke recreationally (outside of work) whereas that's not the case with alcohol.

Make sense?
If that is what you want to do because you don't believe in guns or whatever... I may not agree with you, but it is your choice to limit your potential employee pool that way...

You don't want a heavy accent because your customers have a hard time with it, so be it.. you don't want a cross wearer or preacher shirt being worn because your porn store customers get weirded out, so be it.. you don't want a pierced or tattooed person because your bible store customers get weirded out because of it, so be it...

but owning a firearm is a protected right, and is not illegal.. NOW, you can not allow even a person with a carry permit to bring it to your place of employment/business.. and you can say if someone is a hunter, talks about it, or has been seen on hunting videos and their use of a firearm to kill animals has driven away your PETA customer base, well I may not agree but you should have every freedom to rid yourself of that employee

That really troubling and giving employers too much power.

That is plain idiotic... You do not get to FORCE the employer.. they have the freedom to discriminate on actions and choices just as you have the freedom not to work for an employer who may seem too strict for your tastes...

You can see why this is troubling no? If not that's fine but I'll know that you don't think ahead of whats in front of you
Employers can do whatever they want. That's their right.

But it's my opinion that if they fire someone for smoking pot sometime within the last few months, they should also fire people who have consumed alcohol in the past few months.

I would like to see the stigma that pot is somehow worse than alcohol dissipate.


People get fired for alcohol all the time, I'm not sure if you are deliberately omitting that fact, or if you honestly believe they don't.

Obviously, yes, that's true.

My point was that a person can get fired for smoking pot "sometime in the last few months" whereas someone won't get fired for drinking sometime in the last few months (unless they are drunk on the job).

You are at risk of loosing your job if you smoke recreationally (outside of work) whereas that's not the case with alcohol.

Make sense?

Or convicted of alcohol offenses, etc

And if something is still in your system, and a test catches it.. it is STILL IN YOUR SYSTEM... and it is discrimination on an action or choice.. not discrimination on something genetic... and where you have the freedom to make the choice, the employer has the freedom to make their choice as well
All part of the Government/Corporate/Media Complex. They want to own you. And in some respects, they already do. Your 'personal life' is rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Big Brother wants in on it. You will work for the State 24/7. Personal life will no longer be tolerated. What a country we're becoming. Fun times, hah?
So whats the point of legalizing the Ganja if it gets you fired? :dunno:

That is why I said this who state legalization thing was nothing more than 'blowing smoke' (pun intended).. it is still illegal under federal law

It does seem like theres too much red tape, the only people who can enjoy smoking are people who don't have jobs apparently.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-kFlVcg-cU]Marijuana smoking grandparents - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvPk813tQ3g]Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to So. Cal. Retirees: "Legalize all drugs." - YouTube[/ame]
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Employers can do whatever they want. That's their right.

But it's my opinion that if they fire someone for smoking pot sometime within the last few months, they should also fire people who have consumed alcohol in the past few months.

I would like to see the stigma that pot is somehow worse than alcohol dissipate.


People get fired for alcohol all the time, I'm not sure if you are deliberately omitting that fact, or if you honestly believe they don't.

Obviously, yes, that's true.

My point was that a person can get fired for smoking pot "sometime in the last few months" whereas someone won't get fired for drinking sometime in the last few months (unless they are drunk on the job).

You are at risk of loosing your job if you smoke recreationally (outside of work) whereas that's not the case with alcohol.

Make sense?

I guess you have to choose your drugs more carefully if you want to endanger people at work.
People get fired for alcohol all the time, I'm not sure if you are deliberately omitting that fact, or if you honestly believe they don't.

Obviously, yes, that's true.

My point was that a person can get fired for smoking pot "sometime in the last few months" whereas someone won't get fired for drinking sometime in the last few months (unless they are drunk on the job).

You are at risk of loosing your job if you smoke recreationally (outside of work) whereas that's not the case with alcohol.

Make sense?

I guess you have to choose your drugs more carefully if you want to endanger people at work.

I smoke recreationally on the weekend and work at a desk during the weekday..

...who is in danger exactly?

Government manages to fuck most things up. So why do Potheads think it won't fuck up legalizing Marijuana? Government only serves itself these days. It doesn't serve the People anymore. Big Brother will legalize it at some point, but there will be a price to pay. They'll profit off it, but still find a way to imprison Marijuana users. It will be a Win/Win for Big Brother. Potheads would be very wise to be wary of Government control. It won't likely be the Utopia fantasy they think it's gonna be.
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Like Dave said, beer is legal, but you show up to work drunk you'll still get fired.

So if I smoke some buddha in my off time but come to work sober I'm good to go right?

I work with alot of dqngerous equipment on my job. No way I would hire a known pot smoker or anyone I thought drank to the point it impaired their motor skills.

Gramps favorite words: I.I.I.Me.Me.ME. I.I.I....

Do you seriously believe law should be based on what YOU PERSONALLY think or believe instead of what can be proved? Are you aware there are a lot of folks working jobs where the greatest danger to others is breaking wind?
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Government manages to fuck most things up. So why do Potheads think it won't fuck up legalizing Marijuana? Government only serves itself these days. It doesn't serve the People anymore. Big Brother will legalize it at some point, but there will be a price to pay. They'll profit off it, but still find a way to imprison Marijuana users. It will be a Win/Win for Big Brother. Potheads would be very wise to be wary of Government control. It won't likely be the Utopia fantasy they think it's gonna be.

Personally, I think that they are currently profiting off of prohibition MUCH more than they ever would from legalization.

Think all of the prisons, think all of the legal work, police stations, weapons, swat teams, ect, ect.

Though the gov't always will win, I think legalization will be the lesser of two evils.

Just shut up and be a good little worker drone for Big Brother. Government/Corporations want to own you. It's time for Americans to wake up and understand that. Your private personal life only interrupts worker productivity and profit. Therefore, they need to own and control it. We really are becoming Orwell's 1984. It's not just paranoia. It is happening.
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Government manages to fuck most things up. So why do Potheads think it won't fuck up legalizing Marijuana? Government only serves itself these days. It doesn't serve the People anymore. Big Brother will legalize it at some point, but there will be a price to pay. They'll profit off it, but still find a way to imprison Marijuana users. It will be a Win/Win for Big Brother. Potheads would be very wise to be wary of Government control. It won't likely be the Utopia fantasy they think it's gonna be.

Personally, I think that they are currently profiting off of prohibition MUCH more than they ever would from legalization.

Think all of the prisons, think all of the legal work, police stations, weapons, swat teams, ect, ect.

Though the gov't always will win, I think legalization will be the lesser of two evils.


We'll see i guess. I'm not so optimistic.
Obviously, yes, that's true.

My point was that a person can get fired for smoking pot "sometime in the last few months" whereas someone won't get fired for drinking sometime in the last few months (unless they are drunk on the job).

You are at risk of loosing your job if you smoke recreationally (outside of work) whereas that's not the case with alcohol.

Make sense?

I guess you have to choose your drugs more carefully if you want to endanger people at work.

I smoke recreationally on the weekend and work at a desk during the weekday..

...who is in danger exactly?


Have to blame mother nature for letting weed stay in your system for 30 days on pee tests. And booze only a few hours. But I was told by a guy that they now have Alcohol tests that can detect if you used it in the past few days. He is on probation for a D.U.I and can not drink. never looked it up though to see if it was true.
I guess you have to choose your drugs more carefully if you want to endanger people at work.

I smoke recreationally on the weekend and work at a desk during the weekday..

...who is in danger exactly?


Have to blame mother nature for letting weed stay in your system for 30 days on pee tests. And booze only a few hours. But I was told by a guy that they now have Alcohol tests that can detect if you used it in the past few days. He is on probation for a D.U.I and can not drink. never looked it up though to see if it was true.

Yea, definitely realize that these drugs are processed differently in our bodies and that this of course will lead to different results in the way we measure/detect when a person is using.

I'm just kind of sounding off on my frustrations of how pot is socially unacceptable in the business world while alcohol is. Seems a bit of a double-standard.


Just shut up and be a good little worker drone for Big Brother. Government/Corporations want to own you. It's time for Americans to wake up and understand that. Your private personal life only interrupts worker productivity and profit. Therefore, they need to own and control it. We really are becoming Orwell's 1984. It's not just paranoia. It is happening.

Thanks for this. ^^

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