Potheads beware...

I'd like to know what action smoking off the clock will cause on the clock when not high?

It's like saying that you don't like ppl who watch cartoons because they can fuck up on the clock...what?

ps...the ppl who watch cartoons are most likely the ones smoking too lol

Use of a mind altering substance is not like cartoon watching.. it is best compared with alcohol off the clock and testing positive for it while on the clock...

And as stated.. if other behaviors and choices that are publicly seen or known are of a detriment to your business in your opinion and you fire because of it, so be it.. whether I agree or not

while you have freedom to choose and act a certain way, your employer does too...
So you think it's ok for a guy to operate a crane or a train when he's high?

I drove trains high when I worked for the railroad in my 20s. Hell, some of the engineers were stone drunks, they were the dangerous ones.

If pot is legal there, you have a problem with people smoking a joint in their time off? On weekends? On vacation?

But it is still against the law of the land... it is still against federal law...

There may not be a law specifically against disturbing a bald eagle nest in your state, but there is a federal law that trumps it... it is, in effect, still against the law... you may indeed pass a law saying it is legal in your town to have sex with a beagle, but your state may still have a law saying otherwise... your local law does not negate the state law

I personally do have a problem with people using illegal drugs for recreational use.. it just so coincides my stance is in line with law.. but if I did disagree, my personal choice does not negate the law, even if I choose not to act upon my freedom to discriminate upon those who do engage in that criminal behavior

Look... if a business chooses not to discriminate because of it, that is their freedom.. they are not law enforcement... I may not agree, but I don't have to... if you decide to discriminate against a religious zealot in your place of business because of their behavior, how they appear to your customers, etc. I do not have to agree with you to embrace your freedom to do so

I do not think the federal government is going to be bothering people because of the federal laws. They tried that in Alaska and were set straight.

If they do they do, if they don't they don't.. but I will still stand for both entities and their freedoms.. if you choose to act against the law, that is on you... and if the employer chooses to discriminate against a choice and action, that is on them....

You don't get to cry freedom on one side and hinder it on the other
It's an idiotic ruling. Can I fire someone if they had a few beers in their off time? Can I fire someone if they're on medication for depression?

What people do in their time off is none of the concern of they're employer. If they're performance slips then fire them for that. But it's idiotic to fire someone just for having residue of a legal substance in their body.

Not at all an idiotic ruling. What people do in their time is none of my concern. If that employee is driving a company truck, has THC or alcohol in their system and causes a wreck, my company becomes liable. The company has a no tolerance policy.

THC stays in your system for months.

Yes it does and it doesn't necessarily mean that you're intoxicated but companies have to comply with federal laws. If my company tests a person who had THC in his system during an accident, my company could be liable for criminal and civil damages hence the no tolerance policy....no matter what the state rules.
> Is this a new conservative value...

There hasn't been an important conservative Republican in America since Goldwater died and he was out of his mind in his later years supporting NeoConRon; so, no, it has nothing to do with conservative anything.

The approaching media war on drugs is corporate America ramping up partisan halfwits on both sides of the divide. This is going to be entirely bipartisan, one set of halfwits against the other set as there are easily as many preposterously well educated fake liberals supporting the drug war as there are white trash nutballs.
Not at all an idiotic ruling. What people do in their time is none of my concern. If that employee is driving a company truck, has THC or alcohol in their system and causes a wreck, my company becomes liable. The company has a no tolerance policy.

THC stays in your system for months.

Yes it does and it doesn't necessarily mean that you're intoxicated but companies have to comply with federal laws. If my company tests a person who had THC in his system during an accident, my company could be liable for criminal and civil damages hence the no tolerance policy....no matter what the state rules.

You sure? Idk just asking. I know it does with government contract jobs, my new company does not drug test at all, heck they even let us smoke on the factoy floor while were working.
THC stays in your system for months.

Yes it does and it doesn't necessarily mean that you're intoxicated but companies have to comply with federal laws. If my company tests a person who had THC in his system during an accident, my company could be liable for criminal and civil damages hence the no tolerance policy....no matter what the state rules.

You sure? Idk just asking. I know it does with government contract jobs, my new company does not drug test at all, heck they even let us smoke on the factoy floor while were working.

Of course not for every company. Depends on the industry. My solution would be to find a scientific test to determine if the person is intoxicated since THC in your body doesn't necessarily mean that you are intoxicated AND have this court approved, same as a breathalyzer. By doing this, the employee and employer are protected.
Listen up Slaves, enjoying your private personal time is unimportant and unacceptable. Your sole purpose in this life is to work to increase Government/Corporate fatcat profits. You're just another Slave in the Global Economy. So to Hell with your 'Personal Time.' Now get back to work!
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I drove trains high when I worked for the railroad in my 20s. Hell, some of the engineers were stone drunks, they were the dangerous ones.

But it is still against the law of the land... it is still against federal law...

There may not be a law specifically against disturbing a bald eagle nest in your state, but there is a federal law that trumps it... it is, in effect, still against the law... you may indeed pass a law saying it is legal in your town to have sex with a beagle, but your state may still have a law saying otherwise... your local law does not negate the state law

I personally do have a problem with people using illegal drugs for recreational use.. it just so coincides my stance is in line with law.. but if I did disagree, my personal choice does not negate the law, even if I choose not to act upon my freedom to discriminate upon those who do engage in that criminal behavior

Look... if a business chooses not to discriminate because of it, that is their freedom.. they are not law enforcement... I may not agree, but I don't have to... if you decide to discriminate against a religious zealot in your place of business because of their behavior, how they appear to your customers, etc. I do not have to agree with you to embrace your freedom to do so

I do not think the federal government is going to be bothering people because of the federal laws. They tried that in Alaska and were set straight.

If they do they do, if they don't they don't.. but I will still stand for both entities and their freedoms.. if you choose to act against the law, that is on you... and if the employer chooses to discriminate against a choice and action, that is on them....

You don't get to cry freedom on one side and hinder it on the other

States making it legal is the beginning of universal legalization and acceptance the federal government will get I step.
This thread really showcases how DD is for states rights except when he disagrees with them, then he wants the Fed to step in.

Good stuff.
It's an idiotic ruling. Can I fire someone if they had a few beers in their off time? Can I fire someone if they're on medication for depression?

What people do in their time off is none of the concern of they're employer. If they're performance slips then fire them for that. But it's idiotic to fire someone just for having residue of a legal substance in their body.

Employees aren't owed a job. Employers should be able to fire them for any reason that the employee is not acting in the best interest of the company, and the company should be able to decide what's in their best interest. And good employees would do nothing but benefit from such a system. The idea that government can protect workers from their own stupidity is stupid and all government causes by trying to prevent that is harm.
If they fail a drug test, I don't have an issue with an employer having the right to fire them, as long as its not prescribed for a specific medical condition.

If pot is legal there, you have a problem with people smoking a joint in their time off? On weekends? On vacation?
Do I have a problem with it? Not at all.

Do I think failing a drug test should be grounds for termination? Yup.
The problem with pot, is it can give you a contact buzz...beer doesnt and cigarettes are gross....but dont make me high.......

I just dont get the drug thing...if you need drugs...you need help, your life sucks....IMHO
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

Old news. Matter of fact, people are still being charged with possession here.
Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.
Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.

True, but what is the need for it???I could do without alcohol, but some potheads are annoying as shit about it......I'm all for fining people and letting it go....call it a large sin tax.......but if a business doesnt want a pot head, I have no problem with them firing people.....
Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.

True, but what is the need for it???I could do without alcohol, but some potheads are annoying as shit about it......I'm all for fining people and letting it go....call it a large sin tax.......but if a business doesnt want a pot head, I have no problem with them firing people.....

An employer basically has a right to terminate an employee for any reason that doesn't coincide with their policy. More people are actually fired for moronic Facebook postings.

There is a big difference however between a pothead and an occasional user, much like a social drinker verses an alcoholic. I find it hypocritical that most think a co-worker with a hangover is hilarious while a person who last smoked days or a week or two before is assumed to be a chronic drug user. Most assume that it is your stereotypical idiot that the media perpetuates as a user when you would be surprised that many who use it are normal, hard working, intelligent people who benefit society. They may be your relative, friend, co-worker, and you wouldn't even know it as they have to live in secrecy due to the common "pothead" misconception.
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have
Here's a lil' news, from the civilized/PROFITABLE World.

"Marijuana use is “extremely common” among tech workers, says Mark Johnson, 34, chief executive officer of Zite, based in San Francisco. The company, owned by Time Warner, produces an application that offers a personalized news stream on smartphones and tablets. “People just don’t care,” says Johnson, who adds that he smokes pot daily. “If you do, you don’t need to hide it; and if you don’t, you accept that there are people around you that do.”

None of this abundance should obscure the fact that companies don’t want employees getting high at work. Cisco forbids use or possession of “illegal drugs while on Cisco-owned or leased property, during working hours, while on company business, or while using company property,” says Robyn Jenkins-Blum, a company spokeswoman. Adobe has a similar policy, according to a company statement. Neither company screens potential hires for drug use, which is probably just as well. “The Silicon Valley data support recent news reports citing some employers who say they are having a hard time finding candidates that can pass the preemployment drug test,” says Barry Sample, director of science and technology for Quest Diagnostics Employer Solutions.

Johnson says that Silicon Valley’s predilection for marijuana shouldn’t come as a surprise. The tech industry employs a lot of intelligent people, he reasons, and a lot of smart people smoked marijuana in college and never lost the habit. “Pot is an extremely functional drug. Coders can code on it, writers can write on it,” he says. “I see good days ahead for pot.”

"Another major marijuana stereotype just got blown totally out of the water -- this time the idea that consuming cannabis is for unemployed slacker types. In fact, pot is wildly popular in one of America's economic centers, Silicon Valley. According to a new report in Bloomberg's Businessweek, the "physical toll" of computer coding has made Silicon Valley workers key consumers in the medical marijuana industry."

I think it's safe-to-say this will never impact the Teabaggers' shit-shoveling empire!!

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