Potheads beware...

Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.

Oh boy.. the prototypical pot defense thread that looks like it was written by a pot user
The problem with pot, is it can give you a contact buzz...beer doesnt and cigarettes are gross....but dont make me high.......

I just dont get the drug thing...if you need drugs...you need help, your life sucks....IMHO

So what you just posted says you dont have a clue. what it does to your body? guess you think caffeine is good for you and dont make you high? A statement like this tells me one of two things. You just drink water and hunt and grow your own food or your ignorant which is it?
Business should be able to set health guidelines for its employees concerning tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Personally my opinion is that most drug use should be decriminalized, regulated, and taxed.

That would increase revenue, decrease violence dramatically, and absolutely upset the private prison corporations and the prison guard unions.

You have Americans lobbying for mass incarceration so their pocket books can be filled with government money.

They are far more the criminals than the occasional pot user.
Business should be able to set health guidelines for its employees concerning tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Personally my opinion is that most drug use should be decriminalized, regulated, and taxed.

That would increase revenue, decrease violence dramatically, and absolutely upset the private prison corporations and the prison guard unions.

You have Americans lobbying for mass incarceration so their pocket books can be filled with government money.

They are far more the criminals than the occasional pot user.

what does health guidlines have anything to do with running a company? So I could push what you said even further. " i dont want anyone working for this company unless they are blond hair. blue eye 30 year old males, the master race" give me a fucking break

"The U.S. is one of 185 countries that signed the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, an international treaty that limits marijuana and 118 other drugs to medical and scientific uses. According to the United Nations, the statutes in Colorado and Washington put the U.S. in violation of that treaty. They “undermine the humanitarian aims of the drug-control system and are a threat to public health and well-being,” Raymond Yans, president of the UN’s International Narcotics Control Board, said at a press conference this week. He also decried medical marijuana laws as “a backdoor” to wholesale legalization.

Yans has been protesting the laws ever since voters passed them in November. In a speech at the time he said the statutes were cause for grave concern, pointing to studies that show pot abuse can cause cognitive problems and mental disorders."


Colorado is getting ready to change their minds. It hasn't worked out very well and there are enough people who want the legalization law repealed.

Government manages to fuck most things up. So why do Potheads think it won't fuck up legalizing Marijuana? Government only serves itself these days. It doesn't serve the People anymore. Big Brother will legalize it at some point, but there will be a price to pay. They'll profit off it, but still find a way to imprison Marijuana users. It will be a Win/Win for Big Brother. Potheads would be very wise to be wary of Government control. It won't likely be the Utopia fantasy they think it's gonna be.


Government manages to fuck most things up. So why do Potheads think it won't fuck up legalizing Marijuana? Government only serves itself these days. It doesn't serve the People anymore. Big Brother will legalize it at some point, but there will be a price to pay. They'll profit off it, but still find a way to imprison Marijuana users. It will be a Win/Win for Big Brother. Potheads would be very wise to be wary of Government control. It won't likely be the Utopia fantasy they think it's gonna be.

Personally, I think that they are currently profiting off of prohibition MUCH more than they ever would from legalization.

Somehow, the DEA thinks they have some kind of Divine Right to job-security.
Like Dave said, beer is legal, but you show up to work drunk you'll still get fired.

So if I smoke some buddha in my off time but come to work sober I'm good to go right?

No, you're not. THC stays in your system for about a week. If you test positive for THC when you go to work, you can be fired. If you smoke a joint tonight, you won't test clean until Thursday or Friday of next week.
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

We agree on almost everything DiamondDave, but I'm going to disagree on this one, and as an employer who's smoked the mighty herb for over 30yrs, I'm glad I don't have to answer to anyone.
A right I should have is the right to grow and smoke my own herb as I grow old and harmless. Trafficking is another story all together.

I'm in construction, and don't care what my employees do on their time, as long as they are sober and ready to work when they arrive for their work day, and don't partake during the work day. The only fella I've had to send home was because of alcohol.

That is plain idiotic... You do not get to FORCE the employer.. they have the freedom to discriminate on actions and choices just as you have the freedom not to work for an employer who may seem too strict for your tastes...

You can see why this is troubling no? If not that's fine but I'll know that you don't think ahead of whats in front of you

No.. it is NOT disturbing.. we discriminate against the behavior of others ALL THE TIME....


Most hypocrites DO!!!!

"The U.S. is one of 185 countries that signed the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, an international treaty that limits marijuana and 118 other drugs to medical and scientific uses. According to the United Nations, the statutes in Colorado and Washington put the U.S. in violation of that treaty. They “undermine the humanitarian aims of the drug-control system and are a threat to public health and well-being,” Raymond Yans, president of the UN’s International Narcotics Control Board, said at a press conference this week. He also decried medical marijuana laws as “a backdoor” to wholesale legalization.

Yans has been protesting the laws ever since voters passed them in November. In a speech at the time he said the statutes were cause for grave concern, pointing to studies that show pot abuse can cause cognitive problems and mental disorders."



your a dick head poster. but you do have a clue.lol
It's an idiotic ruling. Can I fire someone if they had a few beers in their off time? Can I fire someone if they're on medication for depression?

What people do in their time off is none of the concern of they're employer. If they're performance slips then fire them for that. But it's idiotic to fire someone just for having residue of a legal substance in their body.

Not at all an idiotic ruling. What people do in their time is none of my concern. If that employee is driving a company truck, has THC or alcohol in their system and causes a wreck, my company becomes liable. The company has a no tolerance policy.

THC stays in your system for months.


That's not true.

If they fail a drug test, I don't have an issue with an employer having the right to fire them, as long as its not prescribed for a specific medical condition.

If pot is legal there, you have a problem with people smoking a joint in their time off? On weekends? On vacation?

But it is still against the law of the land... it is still against federal law...

Not to worry!!!

Feel free to sit around on your dead-ass, while everyone else does the (actual) work to eliminate stupid, fuckin' laws. There are PLENTY of Patriots to fill-in, for you!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E96vow07OJc]True History of Marijuana Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]​
Business should be able to set health guidelines for its employees concerning tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Personally my opinion is that most drug use should be decriminalized, regulated, and taxed.

That would increase revenue, decrease violence dramatically, and absolutely upset the private prison corporations and the prison guard unions.

You have Americans lobbying for mass incarceration so their pocket books can be filled with government money.

They are far more the criminals than the occasional pot user.

what does health guidlines have anything to do with running a company? So I could push what you said even further. " i dont want anyone working for this company unless they are blond hair. blue eye 30 year old males, the master race" give me a fucking break

Nah, that's loony talk. Go back and read my reasoned and reasonable statement.
I'd like to know what action smoking off the clock will cause on the clock when not high?

It's like saying that you don't like ppl who watch cartoons because they can fuck up on the clock...what?

ps...the ppl who watch cartoons are most likely the ones smoking too lol

Use of a mind altering substance is not like cartoon watching..


...As if some chickenshit, "conservative" pussy, like you, would know.
This thread really showcases how DD is for states rights except when he disagrees with them, then he wants the Fed to step in.

Good stuff.

Hell...he's a gutless, garden-variety opportunist.

He's the type o' person who has ZERO self-respect, in whatever workplace....and, figures everyone-ELSE has some obligation to KISS AS MUCH ASS AS HE DID, if they expect to get ahead in Life.

He's a fuckin' dinosaur....and, resents others ENJOYING Life....rather-than being a bitter, ol', pessimistic prick, like him.

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