Potheads beware...

Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.

True, but what is the need for it???I could do without alcohol, but some potheads are annoying as shit about it......I'm all for fining people and letting it go....call it a large sin tax.......but if a business doesnt want a pot head, I have no problem with them firing people.....

An employer basically has a right to terminate an employee for any reason that doesn't coincide with their policy. More people are actually fired for moronic Facebook postings.

There is a big difference however between a pothead and an occasional user....

When did THAT happen??!!!

Back, in the late-60s....anyone who got high was considered a "head" (yeah...pot-head is that old).

All of these new variations, in the Pot-culture slang, are a waste of time. A person (either) gets "high"/"loaded"....or, doesn't. Why some people need to sub-divide (whatever) groups doesn't make a whole lotta sense....unless you're obsessed with some kind o' "us" & "them" "conservative"/tribal trip.
Oh boy, another pot paranoia thread with stupid generalizations about anyone who touches it, as if every person who smokes it is some glassy eyed idiot incapable of a coherent thought. How ironic in a drunken society, hooked on legal narcotics for every imagined ailment possible.
"Talk to your doctor to see if ______is right for you"

Overdoses for legal narcotics for several years now outnumbers all illegal drugs combined. Deaths attributed to marijuana? A big fat zero according to CDC and FDA websites. The drug war has been nothing but a 1 trillion dollar burden on taxpayers with absolutely no positive outcome.

Your employer can also fire you for nicotine and alcohol use, even if only done on your own time if it is deemed unacceptable behavior by an employer.

Oh boy.. the prototypical pot defense thread that looks like it was written by a pot user

....Primarily for the benefit o' you dinosaurs....who still don't understand that there's no difference (well...except for prices, paid) between getting your drugs from a doctor....and, other people getting the same drugs, on the street....specifically, your favorite pharmaceuticals.
Like Dave said, beer is legal, but you show up to work drunk you'll still get fired.

So if I smoke some buddha in my off time but come to work sober I'm good to go right?

No, you're not. THC stays in your system for about a week.

"Drug metabolites are compounds produced from chemical changes of a psychoactive substance in the body, but they are not necessarily psychoactive themselves. The presence of drug metabolites – not the presence of illicit drugs – is the primary indicator of drug use in workplace drug testing programs, such as urinalysis and hair testing."
If they fail a drug test, I don't have an issue with an employer having the right to fire them, as long as its not prescribed for a specific medical condition.

If pot is legal there, you have a problem with people smoking a joint in their time off? On weekends? On vacation?
Do I have a problem with it? Not at all.

Do I think failing a drug test should be grounds for termination? Yup.

You could fail a drug test for smoking on your day off or on vacation.
The problem with pot, is it can give you a contact buzz...beer doesnt and cigarettes are gross....but dont make me high.......

I just dont get the drug thing...if you need drugs...you need help, your life sucks....IMHO

Smoking some pot at the end of the day does not mean your life sucks. Does having a glass of wine or a beer with dinner mean that your life sucks?
To the same extent that coffee or tea in the morning does, perhaps.

The operative term is 'need'. Like power, money, sex, etc., the 'need' of a person for such things to make her/him complete 'sucks', but is, lamentably, quite common. In America, it is nearly 'pandemic'.
"Do I think failing a drug test should be grounds for termination? Yup."

Ridiculous statement when it lacks a definition of 'drugs'.

Heroin and marijuana are hardly comparable, as any rational human being must agree.
When are you silly worker-drones gonna get it? Big Brother and his Corporate buddies want to own you. They want to own you 24/7. Owning you for just 8hrs isn't good enough. Optimum worker productivity and increased profits, is what it's all about. And owning you completely will best achieve that. Your private personal life has to go. So, welcome to the New World Order's Global Economy. Enjoy.
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When are you silly worker-drones gonna get it? Big Brother and his Corporate buddies want to own you. They want to own you 24/7. Owning you for just 8hrs isn't good enough. Optimum worker productivity and increased profits, is what it's all about. And owning you completely will best achieve that. Your private personal life has to go. So, welcome to the New World Order's Global Economy. Enjoy.

Your post reminds me of those companies who move close to the border to create trailer communities of immigrants. Pay them nothing, make them live where you can keep an eye on them and once they are done with them...make a call to INS to get them deported.

Win, win win....for the companies.
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

If companies can choose to hot hire those who smoke cigarettes, they certainly would have the right not to hire those who smoke pot. What I don't like about it is that those who smoke maybe once per month or once every six months could be fired just as easily as the daily pothead, and smoking once per month is no different than having a few too many beers every now and then. The big difference is that pot stays in your system much longer and can be detected on a drug test long after a person has used. I guess this would be a good reason to push for a change in the federal law.
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When are you silly worker-drones gonna get it? Big Brother and his Corporate buddies want to own you. They want to own you 24/7. Owning you for just 8hrs isn't good enough. Optimum worker productivity and increased profits, is what it's all about. And owning you completely will best achieve that. Your private personal life has to go. So, welcome to the New World Order's Global Economy. Enjoy.

Your post reminds me of those companies who move close to the border to create trailer communities of immigrants. Pay them nothing, make them live where you can keep an eye on them and once they are done with them...make a call to INS to get them deported.

Win, win win....for the companies.

Controlling the worker-drones for just 8hrs isn't enough. Big Brother and his Corporate buddies need to control them 24/7. Your private personal life will have to be erased. You'll have to become a worker-drone 24/7.
Your want for that buzz, even if your state says it is 'ok', can still get you fired...

Colorado Court: Pot smokers can be fired - UPI.com

IMHO, this is a good ruling... As an employer, you don't want people who engage in illegal activity or who are potheads... as an employer, if you don't want employees who choose to engage in detrimental activities, that is a right you should have

....and smoking once per month is no different than having a few too many beers every now and then.
Actually, there's a huge difference between someone who's gotten "high"....and, someone who's had a few too many beers.

The dude, who's had a few too many beers, is the one who's slobbering-all-over every woman in the room.
Like Dave said, beer is legal, but you show up to work drunk you'll still get fired.

So if I smoke some buddha in my off time but come to work sober I'm good to go right?

No, you're not. THC stays in your system for about a week. If you test positive for THC when you go to work, you can be fired. If you smoke a joint tonight, you won't test clean until Thursday or Friday of next week.

I know before you said that you could fire someone if they do something against your company or your personal beliefs (I just jumped to the end so sorry if you changed that and I don't know) but I feel like that should only be to the company. Getting your personal feelings is almost never a good thing to do when you're running a company. So long as the company has no contradictions with itself it should be fine.

As for the stuff being in your system; even though you can still trace it it isn't making an effect anymore. I don't think people should drink or smoke pot or do anything that has a lasting effect during break time or right before going to work. I'm just saying that if whatever they did on their free time is no longer effecting them (basically they are sober when they are at work) then it should be ok. If it's legal where you are.
No Dave wants a world where everyone will be monitored by their employers. Any infraction means your job and if you don't like it go work somewhere else....and somewhere else...and somewhere else...until...there's no places left then go pick up your good employee monitoring bracelet and get to work
So if I smoke some buddha in my off time but come to work sober I'm good to go right?

No, you're not. THC stays in your system for about a week. If you test positive for THC when you go to work, you can be fired. If you smoke a joint tonight, you won't test clean until Thursday or Friday of next week.

I know before you said that you could fire someone if they do something against your company or your personal beliefs (I just jumped to the end so sorry if you changed that and I don't know) but I feel like that should only be to the company. Getting your personal feelings is almost never a good thing to do when you're running a company. So long as the company has no contradictions with itself it should be fine.

As for the stuff being in your system; even though you can still trace it it isn't making an effect anymore. I don't think people should drink or smoke pot or do anything that has a lasting effect during break time or right before going to work. I'm just saying that if whatever they did on their free time is no longer effecting them (basically they are sober when they are at work) then it should be ok. If it's legal where you are.

I don't know why it can't be as simple as performance; on-the-job.

If someone's getting their job done, who's business is it, what(ever) their vice might be. I've known plenty of engineers who were functioning-alcoholics.

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