POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood is being forced to CHOOSE between providing health care to impoverished women and abortion.

Every time PP is forced to choose, they choose abortion over health care.

Every. Time.
nobodys forcing them,,,they choose it freely
They are forced to choose. Either give up abortion, or lose federal funding.
why is fed money going to a private company??
They pay for services women receive from PP
so he gives them 500 million then takes back 60 million that will most likely be stopped in the courts,,,not sure how that is defunding them
When did Trump give PP $500 million?
when he signed the budget bill last yr
You got that wrong.

PP receives about $500 million TOTAL from federal and state governments. However, the GOP health care bill last year cut funding to PP: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nati...37ddb6e813e_story.html?utm_term=.bf6c377adb6d
not that one,,, it was a funding bill
Congress betrays the preborn, passes spending bill with $500 million for abortion giant Planned Parenthood - Texas Right to Life
Planned Parenthood is being forced to CHOOSE between providing health care to impoverished women and abortion.

Every time PP is forced to choose, they choose abortion over health care.

Every. Time.
nobodys forcing them,,,they choose it freely
They are forced to choose. Either give up abortion, or lose federal funding.
why is fed money going to a private company??
They pay for services women receive from PP
yeah abortions
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

Less access to birth control equal more abortions.

And here I thought you people were against abortions.

One more thing the "right" lies about.
Title X is primarily intended to fund State and local health departments to provide birth control to the poor. The poor can still get their birth control from these institutions. Only companies like Planned Parenthood which refer people to get abortions lose out.
Why are Dimms so dead set of supplementing abortions with taxpayer money?

Why not just start a straight up non profit charity and call it Abortions for All....and the liberals who are pro abortion can donate to the Free abortion charity?
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.

Ahh, I see what you’re saying. I’m not sure.
Planned Parenthood is being forced to CHOOSE between providing health care to impoverished women and abortion.

Every time PP is forced to choose, they choose abortion over health care.

Every. Time.
nobodys forcing them,,,they choose it freely
They are forced to choose. Either give up abortion, or lose federal funding.
why is fed money going to a private company??
They pay for services women receive from PP
yeah abortions
Wrong again

Feds are prohibited from paying for abortions for thirty years
Why are Dimms so dead set of supplementing abortions with taxpayer money?

Why not just start a straight up non profit charity and call it Abortions for All....and the liberals who are pro abortion can donate to the Free abortion charity?
No money goes for abortions
How about a Match.com for abortions?

You sign up anonymously and request that someone pay for your abortion.

Liberals can sign up as donors and get matched to a dead baby in their area and finance the entire abortion themselves.
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.

I wish I could get someone to give me enough money to buy my food and pay my housepayment. . . . . I won't expect them to make my car payment. They might not like the car I choose to drive.

So, at least they won't have to pay for my car. . .

And I promise to not use their money for my car payment. Just for the house and food.
Planned Parenthood is being forced to CHOOSE between providing health care to impoverished women and abortion.

Every time PP is forced to choose, they choose abortion over health care.

Every. Time.
They should not be forced to choose.
Taxpayers should not be forced to support them.
Taxpayers' funds go to a lot of things they may not individually agree with. We can't pick and choose.
How about a Match.com for abortions?

You sign up anonymously and request that someone pay for your abortion.

Liberals can sign up as donors and get matched to a dead baby in their area and finance the entire abortion themselves.
Or a GoFundMe spinoff: GoAbortMe.com

Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood

Less access to birth control equal more abortions.

And here I thought you people were against abortions.

One more thing the "right" lies about.
Title X is primarily intended to fund State and local health departments to provide birth control to the poor. The poor can still get their birth control from these institutions. Only companies like Planned Parenthood which refer people to get abortions lose out.

A lot of the referrals the County health departments did (at least when I was there) was referring indigent women to Planned Parenthood because a lot of the HD’s do not have doctors on staff.

The real losers here are the women who depend on Title X
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.

I wish I could get someone to give me enough money to buy my food and pay my housepayment. . . . . I won't expect them to make my car payment. They might not like the car I choose to drive.

So, at least they won't have to pay for my car. . .

And I promise to not use their money for my car payment. Just for the house and food.

We have that; it’s called SNAP
I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.
PP is free to tell people where to get an abortion. They just won't be paid to do so by the government.
Abortion is legal. The government should have no right to pick and choose which legal services it pays for. The government needs to make abortion illegal if that is the wish of the people, not find back-door ways to put the abortion providers out of business.
Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.
PP is free to tell people where to get an abortion. They just won't be paid to do so by the government.
Abortion is legal. The government should have no right to pick and choose which legal services it pays for. The government needs to make abortion illegal if that is the wish of the people, not find back-door ways to put the abortion providers out of business.
All kinds of activities are legal. That doesn't mean the government should subsidize it.
This is basically what elections are about. What do the voters want supported by the taxpayers, and what do they not want supported by the taxpayers.

Trump's voters do not want abortionists supported. They want the uber-wealthy supported. And Putin.
This is basically what elections are about. What do the voters want supported by the taxpayers, and what do they not want supported by the taxpayers.

Trump's voters do not want abortionists supported. They want the uber-wealthy supported. And Putin.
Yup, the voters put in a Republican, and the Republicans' posture on abortion is NO. But making abortion illegal is not the will of the people. There were many reasons people voted for Trump, not all (or probably even most) voted on his abortion stance.

As of 2018, public support for legal abortion remains as high as it has been in two decades of polling. Currently, 58% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

Public Opinion on Abortion
nobodys forcing them,,,they choose it freely
They are forced to choose. Either give up abortion, or lose federal funding.
why is fed money going to a private company??
They pay for services women receive from PP
yeah abortions
Wrong again

Feds are prohibited from paying for abortions for thirty years
but once they give the money to PP its not the feds anymore and they can spend it as they please

would you be OK if the feds gave money to gun manufacturers???

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