POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.
PP is free to tell people where to get an abortion. They just won't be paid to do so by the government.
Abortion is legal. The government should have no right to pick and choose which legal services it pays for. The government needs to make abortion illegal if that is the wish of the people, not find back-door ways to put the abortion providers out of business.

You mean like DumBama did with roll your own cigarette shops?
POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Trump does not believe that poor people may need help in planning their parenthood.
What a rich sicko.
Let them eat cake!
I can’t believe the 90% don’t rise up against the Trump callousness & idiocy.

The 90% are paying for the abortions of the other 10% and maybe they're sick of it.

what? you do know that no fed money goes towards paying for abortion since the 70's, dont'cha ray ray?
Why are Dimms so dead set of supplementing abortions with taxpayer money?

Why not just start a straight up non profit charity and call it Abortions for All....and the liberals who are pro abortion can donate to the Free abortion charity?

All those billionaire Democrats could fund it as well. Many of them said they didn't need a tax cut, but none that I'm aware of ever sent it back.

Now they have a good place for their tax cuts--abortion clinics.
No, its the war to stop the senseless killing of life just because someone wanted to get their rocks off


Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea.

The war against women has been going on for some time. It remains unexplained.
quote: "Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea."​

Idiot. Birth control by chemical or physical means is a gateway drug to abortion as a rite of passage. Chemicals hurt women, and physical means can cause toxic shock in a shocking number of women. The maturation process means a woman grows up to meet the requirements of the job of being a mother, and she needs to be mature enough to see that a man must want to be the father and provider for their offspring first. If he doesn't, he is not mature enough to have sex that begets new American citizens. The only way to assure him he will participate in the creative process of fulfilling his part is sometimes just to simply kick his sorry ass. You can do that by putting him in a holding cell until he realizes sex with another guy's ass takes his dna and puts it in the toilet, literally. That's IDIOTIC in procreation necessary to bring society to full strength. Forget that one detail, and you're groveling somewhere between being yoked like cattle to a strongman with a whip or living in Siberia above the arctic circle where you can't bother anybody else who has to preside over a half-assed society missing men who were talked into this repugnant lifestyle that requires you to accept poop smells when you orgasm that never results in the joy of having a real son to father through helplessness of infancy and to carry through life to his adulthood when he becomes a man. I mean no harm to present gays to do not realize what happened to them to make them live the way they are. I'm just pointing out what ought to be in my opinion. Parents often miss the boat of telling their child of this danger, because they never heard of it. That's why no matter what the facts of dna get ignored by the gay community. They build attitudes around their choices, and that quite often separates them from horrified parents they ultimately abandon with insults on both sides. Maybe the Pilgrims I've heard belittled endlessly here as know-nothings had it right. Put the idiots in public stocks until they get the picture there might be something wrong with the behavior that put 'em there as many times as it takes to make them whole people when they come to the realization: when told to act like an adult, you better act like one or get the aching back you're causing your parents on you, not them.

And about this spoof that if a guy goes gay, it's his mama's fault. ---NOT! Gayness has never been associated with a gene issue either. It's a goddamn choice a person is usually coerced into by a lower-than-snakesnot NAMBLA idiot/warrior who has a deceptive persuasion superior to a sadistic rapist's spiel, who then leaves his victim to feeling humiliation that turns to lust for others of the same sex. This is a nation that has produced a lot of wayward people over losing the core meaning of freedom. People get introduced into deleterious lifestyles, and that's when the "change" occurs. It occurs because the victim who has no place to turn hides his shame is convinced by masters of deception that "it" doesn't matter. That's hubris. It does matter, and there are ways early on a young man can return to a heterosexual lifestyle by placing theoretical clouding of opinion into their proper perspective--they basically want to extract from you your sense of duty, honor, and financial support that doesn't require too much sexual fidelity. After a man accepts the lifestyle, the brain of him fools himself to trash his parents, old friends, having children with a wife, and if he is married, he trashes wife, children, in-laws. Everybody is out except his world of gay bars and taboo sex along with its unsavory side that sickens a lot of people who didn't go that way. Even so, we have no choice but to accept this miserable set of decisions, with a live and let live attitude that things acceptable to that person's peers life just got out of control due to bonding issues.

Biblical authors are often criticized by scientists whose lives are lived in a theoretical cloud and not down where the rubber hits the road. What is freedom? Is it freedom from good behavior, replaced by all that's left--bad behavior? Doh, of course not. But because of arguments that should have failed winning in court, we're at the mercy of justice perverted from its context to mean something else.

This nation did not become a world power because of the ill-advised right to abort based on sexist irresponsibility. It became great because women and men exercised wisdom in family matters and focused on children becoming educated not only in the basic 3, reading writing and arithmetic, they were encouraged to adopt spiritual values, family responsibilities, and creative leadership.

Then along came televised evangelists who kept the limelight off their personal proclivities which when discovered were ascribed by people with Marxist enthusiasm as the reason society had problems as they bettered themselves politically at the expense of probity. TV evangelists got a lot of money promised to do good in the world, but actually were enriching themselves with lifestyles of playboys, and partnerships that skimmed off the profits, not to mention almost all of that money promised to do God's work, which became only nominal under self-serving ripoffs going on in those--gain, theoretical clouding of opinion.

Oh, and people who no longer wanted to live good lifestyles that produced a future for the nation turned away from churches. Their excuse was timely--obfuscating real life and blaming everything on anybody else handy to blame. The losers were those who sent money to liars, protected by the anonymity televised prophecies afford bad people and people with hidden agendas. Certain politicians adopted this credo. Lie on television, nobody catches on for a long, long time.

A beloved member of my family supported a televangelist to justify leaving her family's church, then her husband, her children, and everyone in her immediate family. She was indoctrinated into televangelism by a friend who wanted her to have no family ties and bragged about being a DNC governor's favorite cousin. Guess who she cheated with all that power she had over my beloved sister. Political people can use affiliation with a tv evangelist to tear someone else's responsible family apart. Democrats are vicious dog-eat-dog character assassins, devious to family ties to destroy everybody else they disagree with if you let them. Don't you let them.
Birth control has changed our society and liberated women from a lifetime of childbirth

Planned Parenthood was at the forefront of actually being able to discuss birth control and voluntary sterilization.

Prior to birth control, women had 6-12 children in their lifetime. Women were tied to maternity and were unable to enter the workforce

A lot of that had to do with either religion, work, or both. Many times people had kids because before long, they would grow up to work on the farm. Many Christian religions taught no birth control.

No, people had lots of children because they liked to fuk.

The more they did it, the more children they would have. Women would bear children from the time they were married until their 40s

It put a financial strain on the family and kept women barefoot and pregnant

Planned Parenthood changed all that

PP had noting to do with that. You think that the only reason people had children is because they were too stupid to practice caution when having sex?

PP was started to abort black babies. That was their primary goal.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.

Then don't take taxpayer money and they can't tell you to do anything.
Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.

I wish I could get someone to give me enough money to buy my food and pay my housepayment. . . . . I won't expect them to make my car payment. They might not like the car I choose to drive.

So, at least they won't have to pay for my car. . .

And I promise to not use their money for my car payment. Just for the house and food.

We have that; it’s called SNAP

Thanks for helping to make my point.

IG: Welfare Recipients Traded Food Stamps for Cash to Buy Drugs and Guns

What point was that little man?
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

Yes it is wrong because ABORTION IS LEGAL you stupid shit.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

PP can fund themselves just fine. I hear they are having a baby parts sale in the spring.
I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.

Then don't take taxpayer money and they can't tell you to do anything.

So, Mr OMG OMG OMG the government, is for the idea that the government will not reimburse a health provider because they can link to a legal procedure?

Really. so you are for over stepping government if it fits your agenda.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

PP can fund themselves just fine. I hear they are having a baby parts sale in the spring.
Not the baby parts bullshit again..
How the fuck do they do research without any tissue samples.
Not to go there again but I think it’s important to point something out….

The government doesn’t fund planned parent hood. Never has, never will.

What HHS does is make funding available through Title X for family planning services. It offers monies to those organizations that can provide those services. Planned Parenthood is a vendor who is awarded the grant. The county health clinic where you live is likely another. Theoretically Banner Health could qualify if it wanted to offer the services of it’s nurses, counselors, and navigators for much less than is standard and customary.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.

Then don't take taxpayer money and they can't tell you to do anything.

So, Mr OMG OMG OMG the government, is for the idea that the government will not reimburse a health provider because they can link to a legal procedure?

Really. so you are for over stepping government if it fits your agenda.

Overstepping? Stopping government funding is taking government out of it.
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

PP can fund themselves just fine. I hear they are having a baby parts sale in the spring.
Not the baby parts bullshit again..
How the fuck do they do research without any tissue samples.

ben carson took part in that very type of research back in the day.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.

Then don't take taxpayer money and they can't tell you to do anything.

So, Mr OMG OMG OMG the government, is for the idea that the government will not reimburse a health provider because they can link to a legal procedure?

Really. so you are for over stepping government if it fits your agenda.

Overstepping? Stopping government funding is taking government out of it.

google the hyde amendment ray ray....stop being a poorly educated dupe.
POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Trump does not believe that poor people may need help in planning their parenthood.
What a rich sicko.
Let them eat cake!
I can’t believe the 90% don’t rise up against the Trump callousness & idiocy.

The 90% are paying for the abortions of the other 10% and maybe they're sick of it.

what? you do know that no fed money goes towards paying for abortion since the 70's, dont'cha ray ray?

There is no possible way to segregate those funds.

Many years ago when our state was considering having a lottery, there were people for it and people against it. One of the selling points of the lottery was that some proceeds would go to fund our schools in this state. That made it a great idea.

So the lottery passed, and they did as they promised by sending funds to the schools. Problem was that whatever money they sent, the state decreased their contributions to the schools by the same amount. So in other words, the schools really didn't get shit. They got the same funding only through a different channel.

It's simply a shell game. Keep your eye on the magic ball.
The changes to Title X, which will prohibit federal funds to any organization that helps connect women with abortion providers,

So is this wrong, Candy? It doesn't sound as if this is about the reimbursement scale.

The Hyde Amendment prevents federal money from going to pay for abortions.
It doesn't say they are going to stop paying for abortions. It says it won't reimburse any organization that helps women connect with abortion providers.

That doesn't sound like a very kosher law, to me. But I hear he has already used it on organizations outside the US. Couldn't this almost be seen as a freedom of speech issue? As a provider, I'd be mad as hell if D.C. told me what I could counsel my patient.
Fuck that.
PP is free to tell people where to get an abortion. They just won't be paid to do so by the government.
Abortion is legal. The government should have no right to pick and choose which legal services it pays for. The government needs to make abortion illegal if that is the wish of the people, not find back-door ways to put the abortion providers out of business.

You mean like DumBama did with roll your own cigarette shops?
He signed a bill that passed the Republican Senate.

But hey, they were manufacturing cigarettes & should be held to the same standards of others.
POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Trump does not believe that poor people may need help in planning their parenthood.
What a rich sicko.
Let them eat cake!
I can’t believe the 90% don’t rise up against the Trump callousness & idiocy.
maybe its you and not the 90% that has the problem
You don’t think parenthood should be planned??
not by the federal government
Nobody claims the government gets involved in parenting decisions
never said they did, but why is a private company getting tax money??
They get paid for services performed
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

PP can fund themselves just fine. I hear they are having a baby parts sale in the spring.
Those baby parts can save your life
POTUS Has Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood

Trump does not believe that poor people may need help in planning their parenthood.
What a rich sicko.
Let them eat cake!
I can’t believe the 90% don’t rise up against the Trump callousness & idiocy.

The 90% are paying for the abortions of the other 10% and maybe they're sick of it.

what? you do know that no fed money goes towards paying for abortion since the 70's, dont'cha ray ray?

There is no possible way to segregate those funds.

Many years ago when our state was considering having a lottery, there were people for it and people against it. One of the selling points of the lottery was that some proceeds would go to fund our schools in this state. That made it a great idea.

So the lottery passed, and they did as they promised by sending funds to the schools. Problem was that whatever money they sent, the state decreased their contributions to the schools by the same amount. So in other words, the schools really didn't get shit. They got the same funding only through a different channel.

It's simply a shell game. Keep your eye on the magic ball.

PP gets audited by an independent agency every year, ray ray.
Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea.

The war against women has been going on for some time. It remains unexplained.
quote: "Birth control prevents abortion. Simple idea."​

Idiot. Birth control by chemical or physical means is a gateway drug to abortion as a rite of passage. Chemicals hurt women, and physical means can cause toxic shock in a shocking number of women. The maturation process means a woman grows up to meet the requirements of the job of being a mother, and she needs to be mature enough to see that a man must want to be the father and provider for their offspring first. If he doesn't, he is not mature enough to have sex that begets new American citizens. The only way to assure him he will participate in the creative process of fulfilling his part is sometimes just to simply kick his sorry ass. You can do that by putting him in a holding cell until he realizes sex with another guy's ass takes his dna and puts it in the toilet, literally. That's IDIOTIC in procreation necessary to bring society to full strength. Forget that one detail, and you're groveling somewhere between being yoked like cattle to a strongman with a whip or living in Siberia above the arctic circle where you can't bother anybody else who has to preside over a half-assed society missing men who were talked into this repugnant lifestyle that requires you to accept poop smells when you orgasm that never results in the joy of having a real son to father through helplessness of infancy and to carry through life to his adulthood when he becomes a man. I mean no harm to present gays to do not realize what happened to them to make them live the way they are. I'm just pointing out what ought to be in my opinion. Parents often miss the boat of telling their child of this danger, because they never heard of it. That's why no matter what the facts of dna get ignored by the gay community. They build attitudes around their choices, and that quite often separates them from horrified parents they ultimately abandon with insults on both sides. Maybe the Pilgrims I've heard belittled endlessly here as know-nothings had it right. Put the idiots in public stocks until they get the picture there might be something wrong with the behavior that put 'em there as many times as it takes to make them whole people when they come to the realization: when told to act like an adult, you better act like one or get the aching back you're causing your parents on you, not them.

And about this spoof that if a guy goes gay, it's his mama's fault. ---NOT! Gayness has never been associated with a gene issue either. It's a goddamn choice a person is usually coerced into by a lower-than-snakesnot NAMBLA idiot/warrior who has a deceptive persuasion superior to a sadistic rapist's spiel, who then leaves his victim to feeling humiliation that turns to lust for others of the same sex. This is a nation that has produced a lot of wayward people over losing the core meaning of freedom. People get introduced into deleterious lifestyles, and that's when the "change" occurs. It occurs because the victim who has no place to turn hides his shame is convinced by masters of deception that "it" doesn't matter. That's hubris. It does matter, and there are ways early on a young man can return to a heterosexual lifestyle by placing theoretical clouding of opinion into their proper perspective--they basically want to extract from you your sense of duty, honor, and financial support that doesn't require too much sexual fidelity. After a man accepts the lifestyle, the brain of him fools himself to trash his parents, old friends, having children with a wife, and if he is married, he trashes wife, children, in-laws. Everybody is out except his world of gay bars and taboo sex along with its unsavory side that sickens a lot of people who didn't go that way. Even so, we have no choice but to accept this miserable set of decisions, with a live and let live attitude that things acceptable to that person's peers life just got out of control due to bonding issues.

Biblical authors are often criticized by scientists whose lives are lived in a theoretical cloud and not down where the rubber hits the road. What is freedom? Is it freedom from good behavior, replaced by all that's left--bad behavior? Doh, of course not. But because of arguments that should have failed winning in court, we're at the mercy of justice perverted from its context to mean something else.

This nation did not become a world power because of the ill-advised right to abort based on sexist irresponsibility. It became great because women and men exercised wisdom in family matters and focused on children becoming educated not only in the basic 3, reading writing and arithmetic, they were encouraged to adopt spiritual values, family responsibilities, and creative leadership.

Then along came televised evangelists who kept the limelight off their personal proclivities which when discovered were ascribed by people with Marxist enthusiasm as the reason society had problems as they bettered themselves politically at the expense of probity. TV evangelists got a lot of money promised to do good in the world, but actually were enriching themselves with lifestyles of playboys, and partnerships that skimmed off the profits, not to mention almost all of that money promised to do God's work, which became only nominal under self-serving ripoffs going on in those--gain, theoretical clouding of opinion.

Oh, and people who no longer wanted to live good lifestyles that produced a future for the nation turned away from churches. Their excuse was timely--obfuscating real life and blaming everything on anybody else handy to blame. The losers were those who sent money to liars, protected by the anonymity televised prophecies afford bad people and people with hidden agendas. Certain politicians adopted this credo. Lie on television, nobody catches on for a long, long time.

A beloved member of my family supported a televangelist to justify leaving her family's church, then her husband, her children, and everyone in her immediate family. She was indoctrinated into televangelism by a friend who wanted her to have no family ties and bragged about being a DNC governor's favorite cousin. Guess who she cheated with all that power she had over my beloved sister. Political people can use affiliation with a tv evangelist to tear someone else's responsible family apart. Democrats are vicious dog-eat-dog character assassins, devious to family ties to destroy everybody else they disagree with if you let them. Don't you let them.
Birth control has changed our society and liberated women from a lifetime of childbirth

Planned Parenthood was at the forefront of actually being able to discuss birth control and voluntary sterilization.

Prior to birth control, women had 6-12 children in their lifetime. Women were tied to maternity and were unable to enter the workforce

A lot of that had to do with either religion, work, or both. Many times people had kids because before long, they would grow up to work on the farm. Many Christian religions taught no birth control.

No, people had lots of children because they liked to fuk.

The more they did it, the more children they would have. Women would bear children from the time they were married until their 40s

It put a financial strain on the family and kept women barefoot and pregnant

Planned Parenthood changed all that

PP had noting to do with that. You think that the only reason people had children is because they were too stupid to practice caution when having sex?

PP was started to abort black babies. That was their primary goal.
Lying fuck. So you know anything that is true?????
Another promise kept


On Friday, President Trump kept another one of his campaign promises by signing off on an administrative rule change that will effectively eliminate roughly $60 million in federal family-planning money for Planned Parenthood and instead direct it toward faith-based institutions that are opposed to abortion.

Dems Threaten To Sue As Trump Cuts Funding For Planned Parenthood
I have a feeling this is not going to have the effect he's hoping for.
Please, tell us more

I agree with Lysistrata. To cut down on abortions, we need to cut down on unplanned/unwanted pregnancies. Planned Parenthood does that better than any other organization. So taking money from PP is going to increase unwanted pregnancies and the abortions that take place because of them.:

PP can fund themselves just fine. I hear they are having a baby parts sale in the spring.
Those baby parts can save your life

They also influence providers to encourage people to have more abortions as well.

It's like child porn. What's the harm in somebody watching a video of kids having sex? After all, they already had it. The harm is that you create a market for it and it encourages sickos to drug up more kids to make more magazines and films.

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