Powell endorces Obama again

Powell goes on CBS and says Obama has kept us safe. I guess he didn't get the email about the Ambassador and 3 others. He ought to "do lunch" with Scarborough.

To be fair he probably just watches the mainstream media......was this before or after the debates? If it's after, then he's lying.....

This morning when he made his "big" announcement.

Colin Powell endorses Obama - CBS News Video

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here Colin:

He's an idiot.. and won't garner one single Conservative voter with his endorsement.. Earth to Powell - No one but you leftists give a crap!
And Harry Dresden has left the room.

The Left is inexcusable. They will spew the most vile insults at someone, impugning his character, parentage, and everything else when he doesn't share their views, and then turn around and laud him as a model citizen when he supports them. Witness the treatment of "General Betrayus" by Moveon.org, until Obama appointed him. Now he's "war hero General Petraeus."
Didnt the Left vilify Powell as an Uncle Tom when he was in BUsh's cabinet?

The left are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.


The left "vilified" him as a shill and a liar.

He destroyed his credibility by taking his juiced up intelligence to the UN..most of which he had to "edit' because it was so ridiculous.

Where upon..the "case" was so weak..that the US had to go it alone.

Unfortunately Powell says otherwise. From his appearance on Meet the Press on June 10, 2007:

GEN. POWELL: I spent five days out at the CIA going over every single piece of information that was going to be in my presentation. There were a lot of other pieces of information that different people would have wanted me to use and it was all rejected. Everything in that statement was blessed by the director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet; his deputy, John McLaughlin; and all of their senior officials. They believed it, too. George has said he believed it. And so I went to the UN having dumped a lot of stuff on the side of the road because it wasn’t multiple source. It might have been right, but it wasn’t multiple source and I wouldn’t use it. And the reason you see Director Tenet sitting behind me is because I wanted to make sure and he wanted to make sure that people understood I was not making a political statement. I was making a statement of the facts as we knew them.

Full transcript...MTP transcript for June 10, 2007 - Meet the Press | NBC News
"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs"
-CIA Director,George Tenet, 2/07/2001

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001
Here come the RINO comments or the attacks about "who cares what Powell thinks"...

Well all i will ask is the question that to his credit rush limbaugh (who i dont care for at all) asked in 2008 -- name one other liberal democrat that powell ever endorsed - one. and the implication is ovious; that this is solely a matter of the color of the man's skin. Some would call that just plain racism.
To be fair he probably just watches the mainstream media......was this before or after the debates? If it's after, then he's lying.....

This morning when he made his "big" announcement.

Colin Powell endorses Obama - CBS News Video

Colin Powell Endorses President Obama - YouTube

Here Colin:

He's an idiot.. and won't garner one single Conservative voter with his endorsement.. Earth to Powell - No one but you leftists give a crap!
But he will sway many undecideds who pay no attention to politics but still remember General Colin Powell favorably.

Continue to bitterly cling to your hatred of the military if they disagree with your extremist views.
No no.

You loons on the leftwingnut squad are absolutely right.

EVERYONE, of course, places great stock in what Powell says.



i would vote for Powell over anyone of the contenders going right now....

I would not.

I lost a ton of respect for him.

And he just doubled down on that by endorsing the incumbent for re-election.

why because he knew what a mistake it was going into Iraq the way Rumsfeld wanted too?......because he realized what kind of losers Bush and Rumsfeld turned out to be....so he said see ya........i never could figure out why the most experienced Military guy by far in Bush's circle was the sec of State and not Defense.....Rumsfeld was terrible....
Didnt the Left vilify Powell as an Uncle Tom when he was in BUsh's cabinet?

The left are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

did not the right start calling him a "RINO" when he did not tow the line?....

Do you honestly think those things are equivalent? That's the first problem. Even if some in the GOP called him a RINO (and as I recall he never expressed a party affiliation), does that excuse racism from the Left? Second, the Left called him an Uncle Tom merely for serving in the Bush Administration. Those in the GOP who opposed him did so because of views he took. See the difference?

Second, the Left called him an Uncle Tom merely for serving in the Bush Administration. Those in the GOP who opposed him did so because of views he took. See the difference?

wont deny that.....but some of those same GOPers, namely many Far Righties, call Obama names that reflect his skin tone and have nothing to do with his views.....so how is that any different?....
Powell a moderate republican??! LMFAO- No republican would EVER vote for a liberal who denied protection to Americans and left them on their own to die.. Especially an honorable military member. Powell is piece of shit.

so explain why Bush let our guys go to war with substandard equipment?....and dont tell me im full of shit.....many Iraqi war vets are now working in the PO and the 5 that i have talked to in my Office.....verified that....
Didnt the Left vilify Powell as an Uncle Tom when he was in BUsh's cabinet?

The left are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

did not the right start calling him a "RINO" when he did not tow the line?....

Do you honestly think those things are equivalent? That's the first problem. Even if some in the GOP called him a RINO (and as I recall he never expressed a party affiliation), does that excuse racism from the Left? Second, the Left called him an Uncle Tom merely for serving in the Bush Administration. Those in the GOP who opposed him did so because of views he took. See the difference?

The Left called him a Tom because they knew that Powell knew he was lying about WMD to the UN for Bush.

"Containment has been achieved, and we now believe Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction or the capability of producing them."
- Colin Powell, February 23rd, 2001
Unfortunately the major majority of Blacks are not loyal to America. He's a fine example.
The 5% who are, are a good start.
Didnt the Left vilify Powell as an Uncle Tom when he was in BUsh's cabinet?

The left are the biggest fucking hypocrites to walk the planet.

did not the right start calling him a "RINO" when he did not tow the line?....
Harry, the reason I didn't call Powell a "RINO" is because I think men and women are entitled to their own opinions. Powell took a lot of flak for serving his country. IMHO, George W. Bush did not hire people to serve their country and put their convictions and families out to dry. He tried to bring out the best in them to be all that they could be. Powell spoke well for this nation at the UN, and while I'm sorry he's changed parties, I respect his decision because of all the good he did this country when he was called upon to do so, and he may think of the Obamas as personal friends worthy of his support. It's a man's decision to vote as he sees fit. Our forefathers gave us the Bill of Rights. We just have to sort things out within our experiences and as we see fit.

However we vote, the majority rules. I will cancel his vote with mine because of Obama's rifling the U.S. Treasury with demands the taxpayers cannot meet with throwing all the money in the world at bad ideas such as failure to get a budget passed by pissing into the wind at wisdom.
i always heard that Powell took the job with Bush because of his friendship and respect with his Dad.....but he started seeing what kind of a terrible sec of def. Rumsfield was and how Bush was listening to people like Wolfowitz and this is one thing that made him give it up.....at least he had enough balls to stand up and say enough....
Powell a moderate republican??! LMFAO- No republican would EVER vote for a liberal who denied protection to Americans and left them on their own to die.. Especially an honorable military member. Powell is piece of shit.

Powell is a moderate republican, just like Joe and fakey. :badgrin:
And Harry Dresden has left the room.

The Left is inexcusable. They will spew the most vile insults at someone, impugning his character, parentage, and everything else when he doesn't share their views, and then turn around and laud him as a model citizen when he supports them. Witness the treatment of "General Betrayus" by Moveon.org, until Obama appointed him. Now he's "war hero General Petraeus."

i did....its been what a fucking hour?.....unlike you rabbie who sits on your ass chatting in this forum some of us actually have other things to do....i know its hard to believe....now back to our program......and for every bit of Hypocrisy on the Left....there is just as much on the Right.....and if you cant see that.....its because your a die hard Righty.....just like your buddy Dean is a die hard Lefty.....he cant see the Hypocrisy on the left....see the similarities?....
Colin Powell had a choice and chose Obama over Romney - the decision is significant per what would have been the impact had he chosen Romney as well his reasoning why he did not.

the undecided middle will be swayed by the decision.
did not the right start calling him a "RINO" when he did not tow the line?....

Do you honestly think those things are equivalent? That's the first problem. Even if some in the GOP called him a RINO (and as I recall he never expressed a party affiliation), does that excuse racism from the Left? Second, the Left called him an Uncle Tom merely for serving in the Bush Administration. Those in the GOP who opposed him did so because of views he took. See the difference?

Second, the Left called him an Uncle Tom merely for serving in the Bush Administration. Those in the GOP who opposed him did so because of views he took. See the difference?

wont deny that.....but some of those same GOPers, namely many Far Righties, call Obama names that reflect his skin tone and have nothing to do with his views.....so how is that any different?....

Who in the GOP does that? I want names. I want to see an equivalent of Moveon.org on the right calling Obama an Uncle Tom, or a field ****** or whatever. there isn't one. You've made up an equivalnce that doesnt exist because you are projecting your own views on your opposition. This is classic leftist crap: I think such and such so everyone else must think that too.
So do you think it is OK that the Left vilified Powell as an Uncle Tom when he was in Bush's administration?
And Harry Dresden has left the room.

The Left is inexcusable. They will spew the most vile insults at someone, impugning his character, parentage, and everything else when he doesn't share their views, and then turn around and laud him as a model citizen when he supports them. Witness the treatment of "General Betrayus" by Moveon.org, until Obama appointed him. Now he's "war hero General Petraeus."

i did....its been what a fucking hour?.....unlike you rabbie who sits on your ass chatting in this forum some of us actually have other things to do....i know its hard to believe....now back to our program......and for every bit of Hypocrisy on the Left....there is just as much on the Right.....and if you cant see that.....its because your a die hard Righty.....just like your buddy Dean is a die hard Lefty.....he cant see the Hypocrisy on the left....see the similarities?....

You're making an equivalence that doesn't exist. There is no equivalent of the leftist media and related lobbying orgs and their vitriol directed at women, blacks, and anyone else who disagrees with them.
And Harry Dresden has left the room.

The Left is inexcusable. They will spew the most vile insults at someone, impugning his character, parentage, and everything else when he doesn't share their views, and then turn around and laud him as a model citizen when he supports them. Witness the treatment of "General Betrayus" by Moveon.org, until Obama appointed him. Now he's "war hero General Petraeus."

i did....its been what a fucking hour?.....unlike you rabbie who sits on your ass chatting in this forum some of us actually have other things to do....i know its hard to believe....now back to our program......and for every bit of Hypocrisy on the Left....there is just as much on the Right.....and if you cant see that.....its because your a die hard Righty.....just like your buddy Dean is a die hard Lefty.....he cant see the Hypocrisy on the left....see the similarities?....

You're making an equivalence that doesn't exist. There is no equivalent of the leftist media and related lobbying orgs and their vitriol directed at women, blacks, and anyone else who disagrees with them.
no doubt good news for obama but not game changer of 2008. just thankful he did not go to romney.

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