Power Plant Closures

YOU made the posit dummy, YOU source it. THEN I'LL TEAR IT APART WITH THE TRUTH
So you can not answer the simple question yet you support Solar?

How much have we spent on Solar and Wind. The money has been spent, should be easy for you to account for the cost.

We can all see you ran to a Google and came back with anything but the answer.

When asked a simple question, the green energy supporters will never answer, because they have zero knowledge, it's what they believe, hence they search for answers related to their beliefs, they have not the knowledge to know the simple technical terms to search.

Like, Capacity Factor.

Weird, YOU set up a false premise, $500 billion spent on green energy' in 2 years, and claim failure THEN ask me to provide a link? lol

Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
So you can not answer the simple question yet you support Solar?

How much have we spent on Solar and Wind. The money has been spent, should be easy for you to account for the cost.

We can all see you ran to a Google and came back with anything but the answer.

When asked a simple question, the green energy supporters will never answer, because they have zero knowledge, it's what they believe, hence they search for answers related to their beliefs, they have not the knowledge to know the simple technical terms to search.

Like, Capacity Factor.

Weird, YOU set up a false premise, $500 billion spent on green energy' in 2 years, and claim failure THEN ask me to provide a link? lol

Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger
Weird, YOU set up a false premise, $500 billion spent on green energy' in 2 years, and claim failure THEN ask me to provide a link? lol

Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

So you keep throwing out garbage WITHOUT providing a CREDIBLE source. Got it. Yes, world wide there were about $400 billion spent

YOU posited THIS however

"Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return."


Yes, ALL you have is BULLSHIT

Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

So you keep throwing out garbage WITHOUT providing a CREDIBLE source. Got it. Yes, world wide there were about $400 billion spent

YOU posited THIS however

"Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return."


Yes, ALL you have is BULLSHIT


WOW! The far left poster who uses far left sources claiming they want "a CREDIBLE source" is beyond amusing..
Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

So you keep throwing out garbage WITHOUT providing a CREDIBLE source. Got it. Yes, world wide there were about $400 billion spent

YOU posited THIS however

"Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return."


Yes, ALL you have is BULLSHIT

400 billion, bullshit, you did not provide a credible source.

One project alone accounts for 2.1 billion $

I stated 500$ billion, now you claim a 100$ billion less? Yet my post was wrong?

You have not included the research and development, how come?
Some of us are better educated, having careers in energy.


  • 1413094183489.jpg
    262.9 KB · Views: 46
First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.

Nuclear could be the cheapest but is not.
First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.

Nuclear could be the cheapest but is not.
Yet, nuclear power in the usa is the cheapest, strange.
Decus -

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make - do you?

True, the Greens refused to back a nuclear project that was being funded by the Russian government. So what?

You really are a fraud. The Finnish Green Party refuses to back any nuclear project not just the Russian plant. Greens even in your country are as you say and to paraphrase: "ten years behind the times".

"A majority of the coalition government plans to approve a new permit for the construction of a nuclear plant on northwest Finland. However one of the government’s junior partners – the Green League – says it’s not backing down from its opposition to more nuclear power."

"Niinistö said that after the last election the Greens declared that one of the conditions for joining the administration was that no new permits would be granted to construct more nuclear power facilities."

Green Minister firm on anti-nuclear power stance Yle Uutiset yle.fi
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Close all those planet-killing coal plants.

Another jewel of stunning idiocy from Lakhota.

Liekhota means only US coal stations, meanwhile China is building one a week. People like Liekhota will only be happy when the US is dragged down to third world level.

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history on? lol

No, what you mean is one policy that the left agrees with. If the country was doing really well or something this president has done turned out really well then the left wing would have something to be smug about. But considering that nothing is going well in the country, unless someone thinks spending a whole lot more money providing health care is good, then the left should be ashamed not smug.
Decus -

Who do you mean?

A lot of Greens I know back nuclear energy all the way. Not all due, but then that is their choice. Personally I think nuclear is a big part of the solution, supported by tidal, solar thermal and wind where appropriate.

But most do not. The contrary: many hear the word "nuclear" and immediately shriek, "THE SKY IS FALLING!"

Some do, the German Greens certainly do...but I think you'd be surprised how many Greens and Green parties now back nuclear.

As is so often the case, a lot of posters here are really ten years behind what is really happening out there.

Sorry to learn the the Green Party in Finland is ten years behind.
First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.

Nuclear could be the cheapest but is not.
Yet, nuclear power in the usa is the cheapest, strange.

Cheaper then what?
First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.

Nuclear could be the cheapest but is not.
Yet, nuclear power in the usa is the cheapest, strange.

Cheaper then what?
Than banana peels, try and keep up.
First off, only ignorant fools support solar, wind, or geothermal. The three most expensive forms of power. All three increase consumption of oil and hydrocarbons, which is why the oil companies support all three.

Nuclear is by far the cheapest. I saw some idiot posted private companies are unwilling to invest because if risk. The risk and expense is endless lawsuits by activists, the courts and politicians.

Green energy has completely failed in europe. The cost is extreme, and always will be. No industry has spent so much on research and development and returned so little.

Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return.

The liberal democrats want the USA to fail, they want us weak.

Hence go Green.

Nuclear could be the cheapest but is not.
Yet, nuclear power in the usa is the cheapest, strange.

Cheaper then what?
Than banana peels, try and keep up.


The United States gets almost half its electricity from coal; it’s the cheapest source. Coal comes from inside the United States and there’s a lot of it. Coal’s affordability comes at hidden costs, like environmental degradation from mountain top removal, mercury-polluted water, acid rain, coal mining deaths, and so forth. If those factors are considered, coal starts to look costlier, but today, coal plant owners mostly only pay for equipment to reduce acid rain. They don’t have to pay for past pollution, or emitted airborne particulate matter, a difficult-to-measure but real contributor of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma. Additionally, it’s unclear how to add in the cost of climate change from carbon dioxide emissions, a substantial amount of which come from coal power worldwide. In 2009, natural gas gained some ground on coal as an inexpensive source of energy because natural gas prices dropped, coal prices increased, and environmental compliance is becoming more expensive for coal plants.
Close all those planet-killing coal plants.

Another jewel of stunning idiocy from Lakhota.

Liekhota means only US coal stations, meanwhile China is building one a week. People like Liekhota will only be happy when the US is dragged down to third world level.

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history on? lol

No, what you mean is one policy that the left agrees with. If the country was doing really well or something this president has done turned out really well then the left wing would have something to be smug about. But considering that nothing is going well in the country, unless someone thinks spending a whole lot more money providing health care is good, then the left should be ashamed not smug.

Weird, conservatives fought EVERYTHING that created the middle class, labor laws, union rights, SS, etc. It then went onto being on the wrong side of EVERYTHING that followed, be it womans rights, civil rights, environmental laws like clean air and water, etc

Of course they are first to want to go to war or cut taxes for those that don't need it too!

Nothing going well? You mean after 30+ years of 'trickle down' and conservatives going to the FARRRR right of Nixon, things aren't working the way conservatives said they would? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Third World countries. One of the things they all had in common was a small, very rich elite, small middle class, and a large lower class. They also shared very low economic growth as a result. This has been known for at least 50 years. The US has been going in this direction for at least the last 30 years as we have gradually de-industrialized and government policies (such as trickle down economics) have promoted the shift of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the economic elite
Close all those planet-killing coal plants.

Another jewel of stunning idiocy from Lakhota.

Liekhota means only US coal stations, meanwhile China is building one a week. People like Liekhota will only be happy when the US is dragged down to third world level.

ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history on? lol

No, what you mean is one policy that the left agrees with. If the country was doing really well or something this president has done turned out really well then the left wing would have something to be smug about. But considering that nothing is going well in the country, unless someone thinks spending a whole lot more money providing health care is good, then the left should be ashamed not smug.

Weird, conservatives fought EVERYTHING that created the middle class, labor laws, union rights, SS, etc. It then went onto being on the wrong side of EVERYTHING that followed, be it womans rights, civil rights, environmental laws like clean air and water, etc

Of course they are first to want to go to war or cut taxes for those that don't need it too!

Nothing going well? You mean after 30+ years of 'trickle down' and conservatives going to the FARRRR right of Nixon, things aren't working the way conservatives said they would? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

Third World countries. One of the things they all had in common was a small, very rich elite, small middle class, and a large lower class. They also shared very low economic growth as a result. This has been known for at least 50 years. The US has been going in this direction for at least the last 30 years as we have gradually de-industrialized and government policies (such as trickle down economics) have promoted the shift of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the economic elite

Once again the far left goes straight to far left blog site for their "facts"..
YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

So you keep throwing out garbage WITHOUT providing a CREDIBLE source. Got it. Yes, world wide there were about $400 billion spent

YOU posited THIS however

"Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return."


Yes, ALL you have is BULLSHIT

400 billion, bullshit, you did not provide a credible source.

One project alone accounts for 2.1 billion $

I stated 500$ billion, now you claim a 100$ billion less? Yet my post was wrong?

You have not included the research and development, how come?

YOUR posit was in the US it was $500 billion over 2 years, at least implying that, AND it gave 'Zero in return'

NOW you want me to give you my sourcing AFTER you said we spent $500 billion in 2 years with "Zero in return'? lol

Weird you are not honest. Oh right, you are a conservative
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

So you keep throwing out garbage WITHOUT providing a CREDIBLE source. Got it. Yes, world wide there were about $400 billion spent

YOU posited THIS however

"Over 500 billion dollars spent on renewable green energy in two years. Zero in return."


Yes, ALL you have is BULLSHIT

400 billion, bullshit, you did not provide a credible source.

One project alone accounts for 2.1 billion $

I stated 500$ billion, now you claim a 100$ billion less? Yet my post was wrong?

You have not included the research and development, how come?

YOUR posit was in the US it was $500 billion over 2 years, at least implying that, AND it gave 'Zero in return'

NOW you want me to give you my sourcing AFTER you said we spent $500 billion in 2 years with "Zero in return'? lol

Weird you are not honest. Oh right, you are a conservative

Next the far left will ignore that they got rich off these fail ventures that made the American workers suffer so the far left white rich elite could get richer.
Weird, YOU set up a false premise, $500 billion spent on green energy' in 2 years, and claim failure THEN ask me to provide a link? lol

Okay, I am wrong, how much was spent, I mean you are saying I am wrong and you can only know I am wrong if you know the correct answer, so go ahead and just tell us how much was spent.

YOU made the posit, you pulled it out of your ass, why should I need to prove anything?
Oh, sorry, I was simply treating you like you knew what you are talking about.

It is clear to all of us, that you tried to find the cost of solar, and could not.

The total cost of Solar is never published.

Those who support Solar can not state the cost nor admit the cost.

Over 500$ billion in two years spent on green energy. One solar plant alone cost 2.1 billion, Ivanpah, that is the easy number on one solar project, likely it cost twice as much if we could account for all the costs and subsidies.

1 solar project, over 2 billion dollars, and there are hundreds of solar power projects.

So you think I am wrong, based on what, your imagination. You obviously have yet to produce one number.

Ivanpah, 2.1 billion, that is one solar project.

There are 100's

So NO, you will not give us a credible source for your numbers, we are supposed to trust you? lol

Is this supposed to be in the US? World wide? What time frame (WHEN)? AND you claimed NO PAY OFFS? lol
You support Solar, why, you don't even know the cost.

I say over 500 billion, one project cost 2.1 billion. Ivanpah.

There are over 700 projects just in the usa.

On top of that if we include residential there are over 500,000,000 million projects.

797 commercial projects, one which cost 2.1 billion.

your figure thus far, 0.

I think I am a bit closer to the truth.

The cost is so extreme nobody will admit the cost, all they can do is attack the messenger

China is the world leader in clean energy investment , with $54 billion in investments in renewables in 2013, well above total U.S. investment of $36.7 billion.

U.S. Lags Behind China in Renewables Investments Climate Central

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