Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

No. It’s what I say when you intentionally take posts out of context to try to play the gotcha game.

PV cells primarily convert visible light into electricity which is why I used visible light in my calculations. Calculations you have yet to refute.

PV cells absorb more visible light than sand does. That's why they result in a warmer planet.
Sure. So what?


So your claim was wrong.
Moving energy to the city and warming the air circulating over, under and between the panels
tends to cool the panels.
The widespread use of solar power is a bad idea in the middle of an ice age because converting photons into electricity reduces the effective solar radiation the earth receives. It’s based upon satellite measurements which measured less infrared radiation being emitted at six solar farms after PV cells were installed.

You have argued that when the electricity is used it heats the surface of the planet just like solar radiation striking the planet does which is stupid.

A large portion of electricity usage is used to perform work and the amount of energy used to perform that work must be subtracted from the total and that only the friction created from doing that work created heat. Furthermore what heat that is created from electricity usage doesn’t heat the surface of the planet. It heats the surrounding air. And what heat that is close to the surface doesn’t heat the surface like photons do. It radiates in all directions. So a good portion of that heat does not heat the surface of the planet.

And lastly even if waste heat from electricity usage heated the surface in exactly the same way as photons do that there would still be an incremental cooling effect because the waste heat is the same in both cases. Replacing fossil fuels with solar does not increase the amount of waste heat generated. But the generation of electricity effectively reduces the incoming solar radiation by converting photons into electricity that would have otherwise produced heat.
The landmass surface of the earth absorbs 163.3 W/m^2 of solar radiation. Back radiation adds 340.3 W/m^2. For an incoming grand total of 503.6 W/m^2.

398.2 W/m^2 is outgoing from the surface of the land. Another 18.4 W/m^2 is outgoing from conduction/convection. And another 86.4 W/m^2 outgoing from evapotranspiration. For an outgoing grand total of 503.0 W/m^2.

Subtracting the outgoing from the incoming (503.6 - 503.0) gives a 0.6 W/m^2 of net energy absorbed by the landmass surface of the planet.

So how much energy from photons being converted into electricity would it take to lower the present 0.6 W/m^2 of net warming to a net cooling of -0.1 W/m^2?

The landmass surface of the earth absorbs 163.3 W/m^2 of solar radiation.

45% of the incoming solar radiation comes from photons (light).

So since 45% of the incoming solar radiation comes from photons (light) we divide the 0.7 W/m^2 needed to change the planet from net warming to net cooling by 0.45. 0.7 W/m^2 divided by 0.45 equals 1.56 W/m^2.

1.56 W/m^2 divided by 163.3 W/m^2 we get 0.0096 or 0.96%.

So covering 1% of the planet’s landmass with PV cells will result in a net cooling.
45% of the incoming solar radiation comes from photons (light).
And the rest is from light (photons) outside the visible spectrum.
The spectrum is UV, visible and infrared.

Dude--- the photon is the force carrier for all wavelengths in the EM spectrum from radio to gamma! Please tell me, other than the solid charged particles outgassing in the solar wind, just what the hell the other 55% of the solar radiation is that is NOT electromagnetic?! :th_waiting:
Dude--- the photon is the force carrier for all wavelengths in the EM spectrum from radio to gamma! Please tell me, other than the solid charged particles outgassing in the solar wind, just what the hell the other 55% of the solar radiation is that is NOT electromagnetic?! :th_waiting:
It’s all semantics. When they say PV cells convert photons into electricity they mean primarily visible light even though they convert some of the infrared heat into electricity.

So in the context of solar power I am using photons interchangeably for visible light.

SMH at all the nitpicking going on.
45% of the incoming solar radiation comes from photons (light).

I even have light in parenthesis.

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