Practice Saying "ACA"

You already were paying for their care, just in the stupidest way possible. And are highly misinformed about who's doing most of the paying. And you have to get everyone involved and transparent competition as in O-Care to get the savings. That's why intelligent pre new bs Pubs were for this before Obama was. The GOP and their dupes are a disgrace- for different reasons.
Oh, yeah, no doubt Ravi.

Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is alive and posting up a firestorm.

... sis!

Edit - albeit Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is talking passionately about insurance, of all things. So maybe Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is PI's much more boring brother.
I wonder if part of his negotiation to return included the disappearance of the thread where he suffered the best meltdown of all time?

That made me sad.

Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

I really wish I could believe that. If ACA was actually just a matter helping those in need, it wouldn't bother me so much. But poor people are always last in line for these kinds of boondoggles
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

Now that is truly rich. What "we all pay for" is irresponsible fucks that don't have health insurance or who have crappy insurance. "We all payed" for the uninsured before the ACA, we just did it in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.

I am one of the lucky ones, I'm actually over insured. I have my employer provided plan (like the majority of the country) and I have my Tricare Prime (like very few in the country)
The ACA is already pretty worthless.

1. Got people kicked off of good plans and forced to buy more expensive ones that didn't cover as many essentials.
2. Still does not insure most of whom were supposedly "the problem" to begin with.
3. Was sold on a pack of lies.
4. Is become more unpopular all the time.
5. Key provisions delayed until after these elections. IF and when they kick in...the democrats can kiss their voice in government good-bye.

I don't even bother practicing "repeal ACA" anymore. It has shown it will repeal itself. In less than 24 hours, it will become evident that Harry "the liar of the senate (took Ted's place)" Reid will no longer be able to block bills that would repeal it. Obama will veto them and in the process secure the presidency for the GOP in 2016.

In 2016, the 10 million or so who are sucking on the government for healthcare (half of which don't want to be there) won't have a voice in saying good-bye to the legacy achievement of our Affirmative Action Failure of a POTUS (who undoubtedly will go down as the worst president in history).

You all have a good day. I am so looking forward to tonight.
Obamacare Unpopular as Ever National Review Online

Republicans are poised to retake the Senate, but panicky Democrats are assuring themselves that if that happens, it will have nothing to do with Obamacare. “Republican attacks on the health care law dominated the early months of the campaign, but now have largely receded from view,” the New York Times wrote over the weekend, suggesting that even GOP candidates have accepted that, as the White House tweeted in May 2013, “It’s. The. Law.”

But Republicans have not acquiesced to the president’s signature piece of legislation — and they certainly have not been quiet about it on the campaign trail. At The Weekly Standard, Jeffrey Anderson notes that during the week of October 6–12, Republican Senate candidates ran more than 11,000 anti-Obamacare ads, according to Kantar Media’s Campaign Media Analysis Group (CMAG). The next week, October 13–19, they ran just under 12,000. During both weeks, anti-Obamacare messages far outpaced other advertisement subjects, including budget concerns, unemployment, and immigration. Since Labor Day, reports Bloomberg, Republicans have run more than 51,000 anti-Obamacare television ads alone; since the beginning of the calendar year, more than three times that many.


With JakeTheFake (whose never been married) blathering about the right not being relevant, here we see that Obamacare is a cornerstone to the GOP taking the senate. The senate that shows up in 2015 will be more conservative than the current one and it is only going one direction (can you say Ben Sasse ?).

As I said, it won't need to be replealed. It will simply be ignored. It has caused more issues than it has solved and with doctors fleeing because of government control our health care system is going to degrade.

Practice saying ACA....that way you won't forget that it existed....once.
"Practice saying ACA"


Almost certainly true.

Once you dole-out bread and circuses to the Plebians, it is most unwise for the Senate, or any Emperor, to take it away.

They would be hurled off the Tarpian Rock.

( isn't that across the Tiber in Alexandria? )
Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

I really wish I could believe that. If ACA was actually just a matter helping those in need, it wouldn't bother me so much. But poor people are always last in line for these kinds of boondoggles

No one in the USA was denied medical care BEFORE obamacare. NO ONE. ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist.
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

Now that is truly rich. What "we all pay for" is irresponsible fucks that don't have health insurance or who have crappy insurance. "We all payed" for the uninsured before the ACA, we just did it in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.

I am one of the lucky ones, I'm actually over insured. I have my employer provided plan (like the majority of the country) and I have my Tricare Prime (like very few in the country)

'wrong again seabiscuit, Yes, those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not. Its exactly the same under obozocare, EXCEPT that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy that was created by ACA.
You already were paying for their care, just in the stupidest way possible.

By "the stupidest way possible" you're speaking of 'Medical Insurance tailored to my specific needs and within my means to pay?' which you, the cult, felt was 'unfair' because my means provided for such where other's did not... so you got together and decided the only way to make it 'fair' was to train-wreck the entire system, scuttle the economy and screw everyone?
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

Now that is truly rich. What "we all pay for" is irresponsible fucks that don't have health insurance or who have crappy insurance. "We all payed" for the uninsured before the ACA, we just did it in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.

I am one of the lucky ones, I'm actually over insured. I have my employer provided plan (like the majority of the country) and I have my Tricare Prime (like very few in the country)

'wrong again seabiscuit, Yes, those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not. Its exactly the same under obozocare, EXCEPT that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy that was created by ACA.

I tell ya...

obamaScare is the product which one would reasonably expect where one onto the 'little yellow bus' with some crayons and paper and asked the most special of children how they would fix the problem of medical insurance:

Kids: "Just make doctors do it and make rich people pay for it".

Socialists: "BY GOD! That's BRILLIANT!"
There's no way to repeal it as long as the Kenyan Marxist is President

True... but ya CAN defund it. And when the MSNBC rants n about "Government Shut down" own it and go on Fox and say "Yep... That's what it is. We in the government shut down this economy killing disaster that YOU the Democrats SHOVED DOWN OUR THROATS! We understand that you're slow learners, but do ya see how that works?"
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.

As a democrat, and as a health insurance professional who spent 50 years in the business, I don't really care if the GOP "fixes" ACA or not. Frankly, I am making a mint on health insurance company stock since 2008. As an industry insider, I am delighted that my old job of turning people down who applied for health insurance is now illegal. However, the democrats do expect the GOP to "Fix" ACA, because we consider it a huge step up from the old system, where people routinely died, for being uninsurable and therefore could not pay for a bypass operation or lung transplant. That being the case, it is up to ACA's critics to "fix" what we consider a comparatively successful law. The GOP is, in fact, the ones who think that it needs "fixing" the most. I am pretty sure that the GOP would not like our idea of "Fixing" ACA. I would have simply lowered the age of Medicare eligibility to the date of birth.

Oh COOL! So you've testified that you spent 50 years in the Health Insurance game... Would ya be so good as to take a moment and explain to the board the purpose of Insurance? How it works and why obamacare is not feasible?

I ask because you claimed that you spent 50 years in the business, then gloated that 'the business' was being forced to do what it cannot do and remain in business... expressing your joy over the mint ya made on stock which must now, inevitably, collapse. So I'm getting some mixed signals and would really appreciate some clarification.
I believe that what Keys is saying is that universal health insurance, which is in place in every industrialized country in the world other than the USA, is impossible.

Inviable, unfeasible... as you pointed out, such is being done, therefore it is possible, what is NOT possible that such can be done and be sustained.

Now you probably feel that because such "IS" being done, that this proves that such 'CAN' be sustained. Sadly, for your point, existence does not viability make. Take homosexuality as an example: There's simply no future in it.
the new Republican Senate has 55 defund Obamacare laws just waiting for them ... surely they can make one of those stick.

nah, never mind.

Actually they have to start all over again. Any bills passed this session are dead. They can't be voted on in the next one.

It won't be hard, they've probably got the legislation already written but it won't go anywhere in the senate. The democrats will start doing what the republicans have done for the last 6 years, filibuster.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


Dims know that once Americans are given a government program, they quickly get addicted to it, then scream bloody murder that they're being robbed if there's a threat that the program is being cut.

so why didn't 43 and the GOP come up with healthcare and have the people become addicted to them ?

Because we were living the health care system they created and love.

reagan deregulated the insurance companies and we've been suffering ever since.

The reason they didn't do anything is because they didn't want to and wanted exactly what we had to continue as long as possible.

While their system caused 45 thousand people to die yearly and leave millions of Americans without any access to health care.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


Dims know that once Americans are given a government program, they quickly get addicted to it, then scream bloody murder that they're being robbed if there's a threat that the program is being cut.

so why didn't 43 and the GOP come up with healthcare and have the people become addicted to them ?

Because we were living the health care system they created and love.

reagan deregulated the insurance companies and we've been suffering ever since.

The reason they didn't do anything is because they didn't want to and wanted exactly what we had to continue as long as possible.

While their system caused 45 thousand people to die yearly and leave millions of Americans without any access to health care.

"Their System" did not cause so much as even ONE PERSON to die.

That assessment is as subjective as it is ludicrous.

Although I have a wonderful experience, which I'll happily tell you if you'd like to hear it, wherein Medicare caused the death of one person I know... or knew.

Killed him DEAD!

Weeks and weeks in intensive care... not a cent in his pocket. BUT! He died with a brand new set of custom made, exquisitely installed titanium knees.

Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of a million dollars worth of medical treatment, which CAUSED HIM to spend his last couple of months in profound agony. BUT! "IT was FREE", so where's the crime, right?

I mean what 80 year old guy doesn't NEED a brand new set of knees?
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..
Nope. The federal subsidies go forever. The federal funding of the Medicare expansion decreases by ten percent in 2019.

Wrong as usual!

Prove it.

Just saying wrong doesn't make what you say correct.

Why should I prove something with actual facts that the goes against the far left mantra?

Also the far left OP proved my comments with their own links..

Once again showing the far left believes the religious leaders and propaganda over facts..

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


Dims know that once Americans are given a government program, they quickly get addicted to it, then scream bloody murder that they're being robbed if there's a threat that the program is being cut.

so why didn't 43 and the GOP come up with healthcare and have the people become addicted to them ?

Because we were living the health care system they created and love.

reagan deregulated the insurance companies and we've been suffering ever since.

The reason they didn't do anything is because they didn't want to and wanted exactly what we had to continue as long as possible.

While their system caused 45 thousand people to die yearly and leave millions of Americans without any access to health care.

More far left programmed propaganda..

The emergency room act was signed by Reagan, not sure how the far left programmed drones came up with this garbage..

But then again the far left posters here run on the narrative that if they post known bunk it is up to others to prove them wrong..

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