Practice Saying "ACA"


The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

Medicare isn't Obamacare.

Medicare is for those 65 and over. Most Americans aren't on medicare. Medicare won't run out of funds. There is no law that says the federal government will stop funding medicare.

Please learn about what's going on before you post.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

Medicare isn't Obamacare.

Medicare is for those 65 and over. Most Americans aren't on medicare. Medicare won't run out of funds. There is no law that says the federal government will stop funding medicare.

Please learn about what's going on before you post.

Another far left poster that does not understand Obamacare. Also shows they do not understand anything beyond the far left programmed mantra of the day/week/year/decade..

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


The millioins doing the subsidizing might argue with you.

I for one have no interest in bankrolling someones healthcare for em and I'll think you'll find loads of taxpayer feel the same.

Why the hell should I pay 30% more for my benefits and then have to shoulder the burden of paying for all those who can't pay for themselves.

And how bout those high deductables?? Doubt folks are gonna like those either once they get a load of how much its going to cost them.

Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

Affordable Care Act my ass.

Yes, I'm one of the millions doing the subsidizing.

My point is that the millions who are getting help aren't going to be interested in giving it up.

Once help is given, good luck taking it away.

But the GOP had its chance, so both parties are responsible for the ACA.


Oh your right there. They will be more than glad to take someone elses money to pay for their healthcare. All that free stuff and all.

Wonder what happens when the 47 to 49 percent of folks who pay no Fed taxes turns into 50 percent or so.

Wonder where those clowns in DC think they will get the money to pay for all that subsidizing?? 8.6 billions worth??

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

Medicare isn't Obamacare.

Medicare is for those 65 and over. Most Americans aren't on medicare. Medicare won't run out of funds. There is no law that says the federal government will stop funding medicare.

Please learn about what's going on before you post.

Your right. I meant Medicaide not Medicare though the ACA took billions out of Medicare to fund that POS ACA.
Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

I really wish I could believe that. If ACA was actually just a matter helping those in need, it wouldn't bother me so much. But poor people are always last in line for these kinds of boondoggles

No one in the USA was denied medical care BEFORE obamacare. NO ONE. ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist.

That's odd. I was paid quite handsomely to deny health insurance to people for 50 years as Director and VP of Underwriting., including in New Orleans. If you think that emergency rooms will give you a heart bypass for free, think again, pal.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

Medicare isn't Obamacare.

Medicare is for those 65 and over. Most Americans aren't on medicare. Medicare won't run out of funds. There is no law that says the federal government will stop funding medicare.

Please learn about what's going on before you post.

"Medicare for Everyone" is what obamaScare is designed to produce.

Because, as everyone of reason, here and elsewhere, has noted... obamaScare is NOT FEASIBLE.

Sadly, socialism is not feasible... so, well, you know.
Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

I really wish I could believe that. If ACA was actually just a matter helping those in need, it wouldn't bother me so much. But poor people are always last in line for these kinds of boondoggles

No one in the USA was denied medical care BEFORE obamacare. NO ONE. ACA was a fix for a problem that did not exist.

That's odd. I was paid quite handsomely to deny health insurance to people for 50 years as Director and VP of Underwriting., including in New Orleans. If you think that emergency rooms will give you a heart bypass for free, think again, pal.

Oh COOL! So you've testified that you spent 50 years in the Health Insurance game... Would ya be so good as to take a moment and explain to the board the purpose of Insurance? How it works and why obamacare is not feasible?

I ask because you claimed that you spent 50 years in the business, then gloated that 'the business' was being forced to do what it cannot do and remain in business... expressing your joy over the mint ya made on stock which must now, inevitably, collapse. So I'm getting some mixed signals and would really appreciate some clarification.

FTR: this is the second time that I've posted this query and I will post it in response to every post you contribute to this thread, until you answer it.

But you should know, that I am only doing this to prove that you're being dishonest. So, feel free to ignore it. As the points being made, nonetheless.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.

As a democrat, and as a health insurance professional who spent 50 years in the business, I don't really care if the GOP "fixes" ACA or not. Frankly, I am making a mint on health insurance company stock since 2008. As an industry insider, I am delighted that my old job of turning people down who applied for health insurance is now illegal. However, the democrats do expect the GOP to "Fix" ACA, because we consider it a huge step up from the old system, where people routinely died, for being uninsurable and therefore could not pay for a bypass operation or lung transplant. That being the case, it is up to ACA's critics to "fix" what we consider a comparatively successful law. The GOP is, in fact, the ones who think that it needs "fixing" the most. I am pretty sure that the GOP would not like our idea of "Fixing" ACA. I would have simply lowered the age of Medicare eligibility to the date of birth.

Oh COOL! So you've testified that you spent 50 years in the Health Insurance game... Would ya be so good as to take a moment and explain to the board the purpose of Insurance? How it works and why obamacare is not feasible?

I ask because you claimed that you spent 50 years in the business, then gloated that 'the business' was being forced to do what it cannot do and remain in business... expressing your joy over the mint ya made on stock which must now, inevitably, collapse. So I'm getting some mixed signals and would really appreciate some clarification.

Well, as I wait for my stock to collapse, I am, in Liberace's words, "crying all the way to the bank."

Perhaps, you can explain why every industrialized nation on earth provides medical care on a universal basis, other than the USA? I don't give a rat's ass whether it is call "insurance" or "socialized medicine", if that is your hang up. My career was to turn down applications for health insurance for people who were going to cost the company more than they paid to the company. The end result of that was a lot of dead people. In fact, I sometimes received photographs of children who had died for lack of the money to fix a congenital hole in the heart, among other things. It was their parents way of telling me to fuck off, and I don't blame them. I know. Canada and Mexico, for example have terrible health care, right? So how come I cross the border on a regular basis to buy affordable prescription drugs and dental care in Nogales? Have you ever hear of a man from the United Kingdom coming to America to get better health care? If so, link, please. I fell off my motorcycle 2 months ago. The bill for ambulance, emergency room, x-ray and cat scan was $7,788.00. My HMO paid $813, with the contractual provision that they could not balance bill me. My copay was $345. Amount still due=$0. If I had not been insured, the hospital would have taking me to collections for $7,788. What a wonderful system we have had all these years!
I believe that what Keys is saying is that universal health insurance, which is in place in every industrialized country in the world other than the USA, is impossible.

Inviable, unfeasible... as you pointed out, such is being done, therefore it is possible, what is NOT possible that such can be done and be sustained.

Now you probably feel that because such "IS" being done, that this proves that such 'CAN' be sustained. Sadly, for your point, existence does not viability make. Take homosexuality as an example: There's simply no future in it.

Please don't tell Germany that their health care system can not be sustained. They have had it in place for about 100 years, and I am afraid that you will discourage them.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.

As a democrat, and as a health insurance professional who spent 50 years in the business, I don't really care if the GOP "fixes" ACA or not. Frankly, I am making a mint on health insurance company stock since 2008. As an industry insider, I am delighted that my old job of turning people down who applied for health insurance is now illegal. However, the democrats do expect the GOP to "Fix" ACA, because we consider it a huge step up from the old system, where people routinely died, for being uninsurable and therefore could not pay for a bypass operation or lung transplant. That being the case, it is up to ACA's critics to "fix" what we consider a comparatively successful law. The GOP is, in fact, the ones who think that it needs "fixing" the most. I am pretty sure that the GOP would not like our idea of "Fixing" ACA. I would have simply lowered the age of Medicare eligibility to the date of birth.

Oh COOL! So you've testified that you spent 50 years in the Health Insurance game... Would ya be so good as to take a moment and explain to the board the purpose of Insurance? How it works and why obamacare is not feasible?

I ask because you claimed that you spent 50 years in the business, then gloated that 'the business' was being forced to do what it cannot do and remain in business... expressing your joy over the mint ya made on stock which must now, inevitably, collapse. So I'm getting some mixed signals and would really appreciate some clarification.

Well, as I wait for my stock to collapse, I am, in Liberace's words, "crying all the way to the bank."

Perhaps, you can explain why every industrialized nation on earth provides medical care on a universal basis, other than the USA? I don't give a rat's ass whether it is call "insurance" or "socialized medicine", if that is your hang up. My career was to turn down applications for health insurance for people who were going to cost the company more than they paid to the company. The end result of that was a lot of dead people. In fact, I sometimes received photographs of children who had died for lack of the money to fix a congenital hole in the heart, among other things. It was their parents way of telling me to fuck off, and I don't blame them. I know. Canada and Mexico, for example have terrible health care, right? So how come I cross the border on a regular basis to buy affordable prescription drugs and dental care in Nogales? Have you ever hear of a man from the United Kingdom coming to America to get better health care? If so, link, please. I fell off my motorcycle 2 months ago. The bill for ambulance, emergency room, x-ray and cat scan was $7,788.00. My HMO paid $813, with the contractual provision that they could not balance bill me. My copay was $345. Amount still due=$0. If I had not been insured, the hospital would have taking me to collections for $7,788. What a wonderful system we have had all these years!

So... despite a professed 50 years of experience working IN THE INSURANCE BUSINESS... you're telling this board that you've ABSOLUTELY NO MEANS TO EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF INSURANCE?

Now... you should know that THAT is, quite literally: IMPOSSIBLE.

Guess what that tells us?

Go ahead... guess.
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

Now that is truly rich. What "we all pay for" is irresponsible fucks that don't have health insurance or who have crappy insurance. "We all payed" for the uninsured before the ACA, we just did it in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.

I am one of the lucky ones, I'm actually over insured. I have my employer provided plan (like the majority of the country) and I have my Tricare Prime (like very few in the country)

'wrong again seabiscuit, Yes, those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not. Its exactly the same under obozocare, EXCEPT that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy that was created by ACA.

And you can show that in actual dollars, right? You can actually show how it has increased healthcare costs to insure the uninsured instead of paying for their care in emergency rooms, right? I'll me waiting for that link.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

Medicare isn't Obamacare.

Medicare is for those 65 and over. Most Americans aren't on medicare. Medicare won't run out of funds. There is no law that says the federal government will stop funding medicare.

Please learn about what's going on before you post.

Your right. I meant Medicaide not Medicare though the ACA took billions out of Medicare to fund that POS ACA.

Well now you're just posting lies.

Medicaid payments from the federal government will never go away. They will decrease slightly. It will decrease to 90% paid by the federal government in 2020. Here's the link for the information:

HHS finalizes rule guaranteeing 100 percent funding for new Medicaid beneficiaries

Here's the pertinent part:

Under the Affordable Care Act, states that cover the new adult group in Medicaid will have 100 percent of the costs of newly eligible Americans paid for by the federal government in 2014, 2015, and 2016. The federal government’s contribution is then phased-down gradually to 90 percent by 2020, and remains there permanently.

As for that very old and tired lie about Obamacare taking money from medicare, it's way too easy to prove as a lie. In fact romney was shredded in 2012 for repeating that lie many times.

Mitt Romney said Barack Obama robs Medicare of more than $700 billion to pay for Obamacare | PolitiFact

Debunking Romney's Viral Medicare Lie | Bob Cesca

Seriously here, you really need to stop repeating very old conservative lies.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.

As a democrat, and as a health insurance professional who spent 50 years in the business, I don't really care if the GOP "fixes" ACA or not. Frankly, I am making a mint on health insurance company stock since 2008. As an industry insider, I am delighted that my old job of turning people down who applied for health insurance is now illegal. However, the democrats do expect the GOP to "Fix" ACA, because we consider it a huge step up from the old system, where people routinely died, for being uninsurable and therefore could not pay for a bypass operation or lung transplant. That being the case, it is up to ACA's critics to "fix" what we consider a comparatively successful law. The GOP is, in fact, the ones who think that it needs "fixing" the most. I am pretty sure that the GOP would not like our idea of "Fixing" ACA. I would have simply lowered the age of Medicare eligibility to the date of birth.

Oh COOL! So you've testified that you spent 50 years in the Health Insurance game... Would ya be so good as to take a moment and explain to the board the purpose of Insurance? How it works and why obamacare is not feasible?

I ask because you claimed that you spent 50 years in the business, then gloated that 'the business' was being forced to do what it cannot do and remain in business... expressing your joy over the mint ya made on stock which must now, inevitably, collapse. So I'm getting some mixed signals and would really appreciate some clarification.

Well, as I wait for my stock to collapse, I am, in Liberace's words, "crying all the way to the bank."

Perhaps, you can explain why every industrialized nation on earth provides medical care on a universal basis, other than the USA? I don't give a rat's ass whether it is call "insurance" or "socialized medicine", if that is your hang up. My career was to turn down applications for health insurance for people who were going to cost the company more than they paid to the company. The end result of that was a lot of dead people. In fact, I sometimes received photographs of children who had died for lack of the money to fix a congenital hole in the heart, among other things. It was their parents way of telling me to fuck off, and I don't blame them. I know. Canada and Mexico, for example have terrible health care, right? So how come I cross the border on a regular basis to buy affordable prescription drugs and dental care in Nogales? Have you ever hear of a man from the United Kingdom coming to America to get better health care? If so, link, please. I fell off my motorcycle 2 months ago. The bill for ambulance, emergency room, x-ray and cat scan was $7,788.00. My HMO paid $813, with the contractual provision that they could not balance bill me. My copay was $345. Amount still due=$0. If I had not been insured, the hospital would have taking me to collections for $7,788. What a wonderful system we have had all these years!

So... despite a professed 50 years of experience working IN THE INSURANCE BUSINESS... you're telling this board that you've ABSOLUTELY NO MEANS TO EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE OF INSURANCE?

Now... you should know that THAT is, quite literally: IMPOSSIBLE.

Guess what that tells us?

Go ahead... guess.

Ok, I was hoping to avoid personal observations, but if you insist.

It tells me that you are an undereducated jerk with a radical right wing agenda who does not know jack shit about a business in which I spent 50 years at mid to high level management.
I believe that what Keys is saying is that universal health insurance, which is in place in every industrialized country in the world other than the USA, is impossible.

Inviable, unfeasible... as you pointed out, such is being done, therefore it is possible, what is NOT possible that such can be done and be sustained.

Now you probably feel that because such "IS" being done, that this proves that such 'CAN' be sustained. Sadly, for your point, existence does not viability make. Take homosexuality as an example: There's simply no future in it.

Please don't tell Germany that their health care system can not be sustained. They have had it in place for about 100 years, and I am afraid that you will discourage them.


You're speaking of Germany... which just a hundred years ago was such a belligerent cult that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? And is that the SAME GERMANY that only 70 years ago again became such a belligerent that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? Both times sending Germany into decimation on every level, throughout its culture... its economy thoroughly crippled, it's currency so horribly inflated that it literally was impossible to pay for a sufficiently large device to carry enough money to pay for the device? THAT GERMANY? The one that is on the continent that couldn't get through ONE CENTURY without causing TWO WORLD WARS? The Socialists? You're speakings in terms of 'VIABILITY', using GERMANY as an example of such?


Pretend that 'viability' doesn't exist and use "Germany" to PROVE IT!

LOL! Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!
I believe that what Keys is saying is that universal health insurance, which is in place in every industrialized country in the world other than the USA, is impossible.

Inviable, unfeasible... as you pointed out, such is being done, therefore it is possible, what is NOT possible that such can be done and be sustained.

Now you probably feel that because such "IS" being done, that this proves that such 'CAN' be sustained. Sadly, for your point, existence does not viability make. Take homosexuality as an example: There's simply no future in it.

Please don't tell Germany that their health care system can not be sustained. They have had it in place for about 100 years, and I am afraid that you will discourage them.


You're speaking of Germany... which just a hundred years ago was such a belligerent cult that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? And is that the SAME GERMANY that only 70 years ago again became such a belligerent that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? Both times sending Germany into decimation on every level, throughout its culture... its economy thoroughly crippled, it's currency so horribly inflated that it literally was impossible to pay for a sufficiently large device to carry enough money to pay for the device? THAT GERMANY? The one that is on the continent that couldn't get through ONE CENTURY without causing TWO WORLD WARS? The Socialists? You're speakings in terms of 'VIABILITY', using GERMANY as an example of such?


Pretend that 'viability' doesn't exist and use "Germany" to PROVE IT!

LOL! Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Oh, excuse me, Keys. I was not aware that universal health care is a NAZI concept. Consider me educated, now. And, that probably applies to my brother's BMW as well, so I will tell him to get rid of it immediately.
I'll tell you what, Keys. Since you simply do not have the brain cells to grasp universal health care (because you can't get past the definition of "Insurance"), I will simply declare victory, and head to my volleyball game, since ACA is here to stay, and will never be repealed.

eat your heart out, Keys.
I believe that what Keys is saying is that universal health insurance, which is in place in every industrialized country in the world other than the USA, is impossible.

Inviable, unfeasible... as you pointed out, such is being done, therefore it is possible, what is NOT possible that such can be done and be sustained.

Now you probably feel that because such "IS" being done, that this proves that such 'CAN' be sustained. Sadly, for your point, existence does not viability make. Take homosexuality as an example: There's simply no future in it.

Please don't tell Germany that their health care system can not be sustained. They have had it in place for about 100 years, and I am afraid that you will discourage them.


You're speaking of Germany... which just a hundred years ago was such a belligerent cult that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? And is that the SAME GERMANY that only 70 years ago again became such a belligerent that it caused the entire world to join together to kick its collective ass? Both times sending Germany into decimation on every level, throughout its culture... its economy thoroughly crippled, it's currency so horribly inflated that it literally was impossible to pay for a sufficiently large device to carry enough money to pay for the device? THAT GERMANY? The one that is on the continent that couldn't get through ONE CENTURY without causing TWO WORLD WARS? The Socialists? You're speakings in terms of 'VIABILITY', using GERMANY as an example of such?


Pretend that 'viability' doesn't exist and use "Germany" to PROVE IT!

LOL! Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!

Oh, excuse me, Keys. I was not aware that universal health care is a NAZI concept. Consider me educated, now. And, that probably applies to my brother's BMW as well, so I will tell him to get rid of it immediately.

Oh Sweety... The Nazis were only relevant to the 2nd time Germany's belligerence caused the world to join together to KICK THEIR COLLECTIVE ASS. Universal Healthcare is a function of socialism... (which is the specious set of unfeasible ideas in which NAZISM falls...).

I hope that helps.
Oh, excuse me, Keys. I was not aware that universal health care is a NAZI concept. Consider me educated, now. And, that probably applies to my brother's BMW as well, so I will tell him to get rid of it immediately.

Volkswagen is a Nazi concept. Keep the BMW.

I'll tell you what, Keys. Since you simply do not have the brain cells to grasp universal health care (because you can't get past the definition of "Insurance"), I will simply declare victory, and head to my volleyball game, since ACA is here to stay, and will never be repealed.

eat your heart out, Keys.

Well, that sounds about right for you... as that is what those of limited intellect would reasonably be expected to do.

(Now if it helps... "Insurance" is irrelevant to Universal Healthcare. Insurance is however the core around which obamaScare is built. Universal Healthcare is what that is designed to install, after it cripples the Health Insurance Industry. And it is THAT which 'the definition of Insurance' is relevant.)

See how that works?
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Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

Now that is truly rich. What "we all pay for" is irresponsible fucks that don't have health insurance or who have crappy insurance. "We all payed" for the uninsured before the ACA, we just did it in the most expensive and ineffective way imaginable.

I am one of the lucky ones, I'm actually over insured. I have my employer provided plan (like the majority of the country) and I have my Tricare Prime (like very few in the country)

'wrong again seabiscuit, Yes, those of us who had insurance paid for those who did not. Its exactly the same under obozocare, EXCEPT that now we also have to pay for a huge inefficient government beaurocracy that was created by ACA.

And you can show that in actual dollars, right? You can actually show how it has increased healthcare costs to insure the uninsured instead of paying for their care in emergency rooms, right? I'll me waiting for that link.

We didn't pay for the uninsured before ACA. I can point to dozens of folks I know (mostly in their 20's) who pay for their health care as they take it and chose not to have insurance.

You morons wouldn't take on HealthMyths thread about the truly uninsured. They were fewer, by far, than what you blathering fools claimed.

What is more funny is that Obamacare does not come close to getting a substantial number of those original uninsured the insurance you claim they want (but they keep telling you they don't).

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