Practice Saying "ACA"


The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Go ahead and dismantle it. Then watch everyone's rates double and triple.
With millions of Americans losing access to affordable healthcare.


Yeah millions
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

Of course it's here to stay. Any politician who voted to repeal could kiss their ass goodbye in the next election.

Just fix the damn thing.
And yet again: conservatives are at liberty to repeal the ACA provided they replace it with something that realizes the same results. Returning to conditions prior to the Act is not an option.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

Of course it's here to stay. Any politician who voted to repeal could kiss their ass goodbye in the next election.

Just fix the damn thing.

Fix a system based upon insurance, which rejects the fundamental purpose of AND the principles that DEFINE insurance?

ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

obamacare is INVIABLE...

I know you claim to be a well educated gal, but let me help you through this:

Inviable: not viable

Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible

So even a well educated gal such as yourself should see that inviable systems, are not capable of working.

Insurance does not work where the liability for loss is an axiomatic CERTAINTY. And where one uses LAW to force insurance to underwrite those who are KNOWN TO REQUIRE SUBSTANTIAL MEDICAL CARE: To be VIABLE, the cost of such a policy must AT LEAST EQUATE TO 100% of the liability plus 100% of the overhead it cost to service that account.

Now... you must now claim that such liabilities are offset by the forcing of those who DO NOT NEED INSURANCE TO BUY INSURANCE. Fine... Where do they get the money to PAY FOR A POLICY WHICH IS: BY LAW ALREADY SUSTAINING THE FULL LIABILITY FOR OTHERS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RISK?

You must now claim that such will be paid for by the Federal Gov't. Who gets its money from whom? thOSE BEING FORCED TO PAY MORE THAN THEY CAN AFFORD TO PAY FOR THEIR INSURANCE..

Now... this is inviable in the BEST OF ECONOMIC TIMES... what happens when the economy is set into sustained stagnation, by say counter-productive socialist economic policy?

You're advocating for FIXING a system which is designed to EAT ITSELF...

I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

Of course it's here to stay. Any politician who voted to repeal could kiss their ass goodbye in the next election.

Just fix the damn thing.

Fix a system based upon insurance, which rejects the fundamental purpose of AND the principles that DEFINE insurance?

ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

obamacare is INVIABLE...

I know you claim to be a well educated gal, but let me help you through this:

Inviable: not viable

Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible

So even a well educated gal such as yourself should see that inviable systems, are not capable of working.

Insurance does not work where the liability for loss is an axiomatic CERTAINTY. And where one uses LAW to force insurance to underwrite those who are KNOWN TO REQUIRE SUBSTANTIAL MEDICAL CARE: To be VIABLE, the cost of such a policy must AT LEAST EQUATE TO 100% of the liability plus 100% of the overhead it cost to service that account.

Now... you must now claim that such liabilities are offset by the forcing of those who DO NOT NEED INSURANCE TO BUY INSURANCE. Fine... Where do they get the money to PAY FOR A POLICY WHICH IS: BY LAW ALREADY SUSTAINING THE FULL LIABILITY FOR OTHERS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RISK?

You must now claim that such will be paid for by the Federal Gov't. Who gets its money from whom? thOSE BEING FORCED TO PAY MORE THAN THEY CAN AFFORD TO PAY FOR THEIR INSURANCE..

Now... this is inviable in the BEST OF ECONOMIC TIMES... what happens when the economy is set into sustained stagnation, by say counter-productive socialist economic policy?

You're advocating for FIXING a system which is designed to EAT ITSELF...


Who said fixing it wouldn't require dramatic changes? Oh , that's right, no one.

Now, off to sleepy time with you junior.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

UACA (unaffordable care act) sucks.

Funny how everyone expects the GOP to fix Obamacare. The Dems had their heads firmly up their asses when they passed it and still don't know what the hell is in it. But they've already blamed the disaster on Republicans because they didn't help the idiots write it.

As a democrat, and as a health insurance professional who spent 50 years in the business, I don't really care if the GOP "fixes" ACA or not. Frankly, I am making a mint on health insurance company stock since 2008. As an industry insider, I am delighted that my old job of turning people down who applied for health insurance is now illegal. However, the democrats do expect the GOP to "Fix" ACA, because we consider it a huge step up from the old system, where people routinely died, for being uninsurable and therefore could not pay for a bypass operation or lung transplant. That being the case, it is up to ACA's critics to "fix" what we consider a comparatively successful law. The GOP is, in fact, the ones who think that it needs "fixing" the most. I am pretty sure that the GOP would not like our idea of "Fixing" ACA. I would have simply lowered the age of Medicare eligibility to the date of birth.
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The only thing wrong with it is Pub and crony insurer obstruction of it and not waiting for full implementation before fear mongering the chumps. What's wrong with transparent competition again?

The rise in actual premiums for 2015 is 5.9 %.

Everyone needs coverage and preventive care, no more irresponsible freeloaders.

The hypocrisy of Pubs fighting this Pub plan is incredible.
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.

Who is we? You and the Green party? Face it Fakey, you're a liberal c*nt! and the biggest joke on this board...

Zander, your are the pin cushion of the Board. We, the mainstream, will make you the far right reactionaries shit in your own mouths if you won't work with the rest of the party on the tough issues of ACA, immigration, and education.

Shut up Fakey. You and your "mainstream" faggots can't force anything.

Boner (yep...that's how I spelled it) wouldn't be whining about the far right if he didn't need them.

Boehner and the rest of the sane part of the party do not need the far right after today's vote. It's over for you folks. Practice saying, ACA.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

Of course it's here to stay. Any politician who voted to repeal could kiss their ass goodbye in the next election.

Just fix the damn thing.

Fix a system based upon insurance, which rejects the fundamental purpose of AND the principles that DEFINE insurance?

ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

obamacare is INVIABLE...

I know you claim to be a well educated gal, but let me help you through this:

Inviable: not viable

Viable: capable of working successfully; feasible

So even a well educated gal such as yourself should see that inviable systems, are not capable of working.

Insurance does not work where the liability for loss is an axiomatic CERTAINTY. And where one uses LAW to force insurance to underwrite those who are KNOWN TO REQUIRE SUBSTANTIAL MEDICAL CARE: To be VIABLE, the cost of such a policy must AT LEAST EQUATE TO 100% of the liability plus 100% of the overhead it cost to service that account.

Now... you must now claim that such liabilities are offset by the forcing of those who DO NOT NEED INSURANCE TO BUY INSURANCE. Fine... Where do they get the money to PAY FOR A POLICY WHICH IS: BY LAW ALREADY SUSTAINING THE FULL LIABILITY FOR OTHERS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RISK?

You must now claim that such will be paid for by the Federal Gov't. Who gets its money from whom? thOSE BEING FORCED TO PAY MORE THAN THEY CAN AFFORD TO PAY FOR THEIR INSURANCE..

Now... this is inviable in the BEST OF ECONOMIC TIMES... what happens when the economy is set into sustained stagnation, by say counter-productive socialist economic policy?

You're advocating for FIXING a system which is designed to EAT ITSELF...

I doubted this was Pubes Toro but no more.
Oh, yeah, no doubt Ravi.

Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is alive and posting up a firestorm.

... sis!

Edit - albeit Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is talking passionately about insurance, of all things. So maybe Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum is PI's much more boring brother.
I wonder if part of his negotiation to return included the disappearance of the thread where he suffered the best meltdown of all time?

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Yup and when the Fed Medicare runs out the States will have to shoulder the burden.

Doubt the taxpayers will like that one bit. I know I won't.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


The millioins doing the subsidizing might argue with you.

I for one have no interest in bankrolling someones healthcare for em and I'll think you'll find loads of taxpayer feel the same.

Why the hell should I pay 30% more for my benefits and then have to shoulder the burden of paying for all those who can't pay for themselves.

And how bout those high deductables?? Doubt folks are gonna like those either once they get a load of how much its going to cost them.

Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

Affordable Care Act my ass.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


The millioins doing the subsidizing might argue with you.

I for one have no interest in bankrolling someones healthcare for em and I'll think you'll find loads of taxpayer feel the same.

Why the hell should I pay 30% more for my benefits and then have to shoulder the burden of paying for all those who can't pay for themselves.

And how bout those high deductables?? Doubt folks are gonna like those either once they get a load of how much its going to cost them.

Nope. The only winners in the ACA are those the rest of us are going to have to pay for.

Affordable Care Act my ass.

Yes, I'm one of the millions doing the subsidizing.

My point is that the millions who are getting help aren't going to be interested in giving it up.

Once help is given, good luck taking it away.

But the GOP had its chance, so both parties are responsible for the ACA.

And yet again: conservatives are at liberty to repeal the ACA provided they replace it with something that realizes the same results. Returning to conditions prior to the Act is not an option.
Of course it's an option. Not one they'll likely choose - they're as fond of the coercive state as you are - but it is an option. It would be the first step in turning things around.

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