Practice Saying "ACA"

I haven't read this thread...just skimmed...where are all the personal stories of how Obabblecare saved my life? I don't pay attention to this because I'm covered by tricare for life. Fuck with dat and I'll kill you.
I am also on Tricare, and it has been fucked with. Every retiree in my state was kicked off Tricare Prime a year ago by an act of Congress. My family's medical bills literally went up by a factor of 10.

That act of Congress affected vets all over the country. Are you not paying attention?

I had to do flips and twists to get back on Prime.

Paul Ryan has been doing his level best to fuck with Tricare. You better start paying attention.
Prior to the 2011 elections, Republicans were saying that this was their last chance to stop the ACA. If Obama was re-elected and implementation of the ACA went ahead, by 2014 it would be too late and
Never too late to kill bad legislation. Besides, when people said that they assumed Obama would actually follow the law and implement it fully.
When the Bush tax cuts were enacted, everyone assumed the Republicans would actually follow the law and implement it fully.

They didn't. They extended the deadline.

They could easily have done the same for the employer mandate. Employers create jobs, right?
Prior to the 2011 elections, Republicans were saying that this was their last chance to stop the ACA. If Obama was re-elected and implementation of the ACA went ahead, by 2014 it would be too late and
Never too late to kill bad legislation. Besides, when people said that they assumed Obama would actually follow the law and implement it fully.
When the Bush tax cuts were enacted, everyone assumed the Republicans would actually follow the law and implement it fully.

They didn't. They extended the deadline.

They could easily have done the same for the employer mandate. Employers create jobs, right?
I don tsee anythng resembling proof for that.
Companies will look at their new insurance bills and make their decisions. The fact is that paying the penalty is cheaper than offering insurance.
Bad logic.

Before ObamaCare, offering no insurance was cheaper than offering insurance. Yet employers offer insurance.

The employer mandate had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts deadline was extended. For YEARS.

The employer mandate deadline was not.

Of course it was, by Executive Fiat.
The employer mandate had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts deadline was extended. For YEARS.

The employer mandate deadline was not.

Of course it was, by Executive Fiat.
And now we have completed the circle around to what I said at the beginning.

The Republicans could have easily extended the employer mandate deadline. But they chose to act like pouty children instead and force a constitutional crisis.

Winning the battle, losing the war.
I see Kosh has ducked out since she could not provide evidence for her bogus claim the subsidies "die out" in three years.
ACA will become as widely known as KKK.

And....about equally popular.
The ACA will cause the people to rise up and cry out for single payer.

I have been saying that longer than anything else I have been saying about this subject. :D

Winning battles, losing the war. That's the GOP. Retards.
The employer mandate had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts had a deadline.

The Bush tax cuts deadline was extended. For YEARS.

The employer mandate deadline was not.

Of course it was, by Executive Fiat.
And now we have completed the circle around to what I said at the beginning.

The Republicans could have easily extended the employer mandate deadline. But they chose to act like pouty children instead and force a constitutional crisis.

Winning the battle, losing the war.

You remember "The People"?

"We the people" did not WANT them to aid the ACA and it is STILL opposed by the majority of American's.

That is a fact that you like to ignore.
You remember "The People"?

"We the people" did not WANT them to aid the ACA and it is STILL opposed by the majority of American's.

That is a fact that you like to ignore.
People hate the ACA for a variety of reasons. Some hate it for not going far enough.

Some want it fixed, not repealed.

I have mentioned many times that RomneyCare was extremely unpopular in the beginning, but five years later a supermajority of 70 percent wanted it to stay, even though 60 percent said it needed to be fixed.

So it will be with the ACA.

So, yes. I remember the People. I know the realities on the ground very well.
I see Kosh has ducked out since she could not provide evidence for her bogus claim the subsidies "die out" in three years.

Three years? Subsidies have been scratched in every state that didn't set up the 'communal exchange'.

There's nothing legitimate about the ACA... it is bad law shoved on us by bad people. To accept it is foolish.

Guess what that makes you?

One of the clearest reasons he sucks. Too bad he wasn't defeated in the primary.

That you accept the abomination of ... Obamacare ... is another pretty good demonstration that it needs to go.
You know, my State has a Department of Health. I don't see why there even needs to be one of those at the federal level.

I'm having a hard time understanding what part of the Constitution authorizes that. The commerce clause?

Jesus H. Christ.....A bunch of restaurant inspectors doesn't make a health care plan.
I see Kosh has ducked out since she could not provide evidence for her bogus claim the subsidies "die out" in three years.

Three years? Subsidies have been scratched in every state that didn't set up the 'communal exchange'.

There's nothing legitimate about the ACA... it is bad law shoved on us by bad people. To accept it is foolish.

Guess what that makes you?
Accepting it and realizing it is here to stay are two different things. Something pointy heads like you repeatedly fail to grasp.
I see Kosh has ducked out since she could not provide evidence for her bogus claim the subsidies "die out" in three years.

Three years? Subsidies have been scratched in every state that didn't set up the 'communal exchange'.

There's nothing legitimate about the ACA... it is bad law shoved on us by bad people. To accept it is foolish.

Guess what that makes you?
Accepting it and realizing it is here to stay are two different things. Something pointy heads like you repeatedly fail to grasp.

Let's go back over the math once more:

Unsustainable: not able to be maintained.

Ok... now that we understand what that means, do you still 'believe' that such is 'here to stay'?

big word ... so is opinion... you're using both. Impressive, for a rock.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.
Why the concern? Obamacare or Affordable Care Act. Which is MORE accurate?

You know the idiocy of people who STILL probably like YOU think there were 46 million uninsured which was used to PASS Obamacare
should show any one ANYONE that has a smidgen of common sense it was PASSED under FALSE Pretenses!
Even the name "Affordable Care"... stupid.
First of all do you think it was "FAIR" that 10 million people NOT Americans were counted by Obama as part of the 46 million he frequently used?
Second is it FAIR that the CENSUS use 14 million people that qualified for Medicaid and they ADMIT it they didn't determine these people were
qualified for Medicaid and due to the gross inefficiency of Obama's administration WERE NEVER REGISTERED!!! This was totally stupid then
to count them as part of the 46 million uninsured!
Finally why should 18 million people who don't need health insurance under 34, who can afford (make over $50,000) be forced to buy insurance?
Totally insane that idiots don't comprehend that 42 million people counted as uninsured were NOT but there truly are less then 4 million!
4 MILLION instead of 46 million! Now honestly do you think ACA would have passed if more people UNDERSTAND there were never
46 million uninsured that were citizens, that were already covered by Medicaid AND that don't want insurance!
STUPID to have such a bill passed on such false pretenses.
healthmyths's assertions have refuted over and over.

He does not get "just once more." Ignore his argument. Think.

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