Practice Saying "ACA"

One of the clearest reasons he sucks. Too bad he wasn't defeated in the primary.

That you accept the abomination of ... Obamacare ... is another pretty good demonstration that it needs to go.
You know, my State has a Department of Health. I don't see why there even needs to be one of those at the federal level.

I'm having a hard time understanding what part of the Constitution authorizes that. The commerce clause?


It's the "I really don't give a s**t what the founding fathers wrote.....I want it so I'm gonna wipe my ass with the constitution clause".
I don tsee anythng resembling proof for that.
Companies will look at their new insurance bills and make their decisions. The fact is that paying the penalty is cheaper than offering insurance.
Bad logic.

Before ObamaCare, offering no insurance was cheaper than offering insurance. Yet employers offer insurance.
When do all the provisions of OBAMACARE kick in?
The employer mandate, to which you were obviously making a reference, kicks in next year. I've already explained several times on this forum why you tards who think it will result in 93 million people being disenrolled from grandfathered plans are wrong.
True. It will result in many more. The math is simple. Companies will do better dumping employees on the exchanges where the lower paid ones will get subsidies for new policies than by keeping their old systems. The penalties will be less than the expected premiums. It's pretty simple. Except if you're stupid
The 93 million figure was created by retards who thought that when an employer loses their grandfather status, they will automatically drop their employee insurance. This was one of the most retarded assumptions ever written down for all the world to mock. But the tards drank that piss like it was ambrosia!

The fact of the matter is that many employers have already lost their grandfather status, and have not dropped their employee insurance. And they meet or exceed the ACA requirements. They are choosing to keep insuring their employees.

This is why I have told all you tards to go and ask your HR people where you work if you don't believe me.
I don tsee anythng resembling proof for that.
Companies will look at their new insurance bills and make their decisions. The fact is that paying the penalty is cheaper than offering insurance.
Bad logic.

Before ObamaCare, offering no insurance was cheaper than offering insurance. Yet employers offer insurance.
Bad logic. There is no comparison there. Two totally different markets and circumstances. Not really comparable in any way.
I have said quite a few times on this forum that ObamaCare is here to stay. Some of the dumber rubes mistook that to mean I support Obama and/or ObamaCare. I was also ridiculed for thinking ObamaCare is here to stay.

But I was just looking at reality and forecasting the obvious. Well, what was obvious to any sane person, anyway. During the messy rollout, much hooting and hollerin forecasting ObamaCare's doom could be heard from the rubes who are not in touch with reality.

It should also be noted I said that once it finally sinks in with the GOP that ObamaCare really, really, really is here to stay, then they will stop calling it "ObamaCare" and will start calling it "the ACA".

As I explained back then, once they realize they can't kill it, they will be forced to try and fix all the shit that is broken in it. Finally. Instead of wasting years trying to repeal it, they could have been trying to fix the worst parts of it, but NOOOOOOOOoooo...

Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA. They will want to strip Obama's association from health reform as they go about patching it up and taking credit for "fixing" it.

Watch and see.

Like it, don't like it... doesn't matter. Sure, it's irrational and that alone is plenty to dislike about it. But setting that aside, obamacare is unsustainable. The US Economy will crash and burn if obama's-scare is not removed from law.

It should be noted that the LAST great Leftist idea, substituted sound, actuarial lending principle for their irrational notions of fairness... and we all know how well THAT worked out. And the damage that obamascare is doing is orders of magnitude greater than that.

SOoooo... well, you know.
The employer mandate, to which you were obviously making a reference, kicks in next year. I've already explained several times on this forum why you tards who think it will result in 93 million people being disenrolled from grandfathered plans are wrong.
True. It will result in many more. The math is simple. Companies will do better dumping employees on the exchanges where the lower paid ones will get subsidies for new policies than by keeping their old systems. The penalties will be less than the expected premiums. It's pretty simple. Except if you're stupid
The 93 million figure was created by retards who thought that when an employer loses their grandfather status, they will automatically drop their employee insurance. This was one of the most retarded assumptions ever written down for all the world to mock. But the tards drank that piss like it was ambrosia!

The fact of the matter is that many employers have already lost their grandfather status, and have not dropped their employee insurance. And they meet or exceed the ACA requirements. They are choosing to keep insuring their employees.

This is why I have told all you tards to go and ask your HR people where you work if you don't believe me.
I don tsee anythng resembling proof for that.
Companies will look at their new insurance bills and make their decisions. The fact is that paying the penalty is cheaper than offering insurance.
Bad logic.

Before ObamaCare, offering no insurance was cheaper than offering insurance. Yet employers offer insurance.
Bad logic. There is no comparison there. Two totally different markets and circumstances. Not really comparable in any way.
It is exactly the same thing. Most employer insurance already meets or exceeds the ACA minimum standards. This is why losing their grandfather status will have almost no impact on those who already offer it. Their insurance exceeded the minimum standards before anyone even heard of Obama.

Like I keep saying: Go and ask the HR people where you work if you don't believe me.
If your company has given six free puppies to its employees every year for the past 30 years, would it make a difference to them if a law was passed that every company had to give at least two free puppies to its employees or pay a fine?


Even if they decided to scale down to four free puppies each year, and thus lost their grandfather status under the law, would that law make a difference to them? Would they decide to stop giving puppies altogether because of the law?

If your company has given six free puppies to its employees every year for the past 30 years, would it make a difference to them if a law was passed that every company had to give at least two free puppies to its employees or pay a fine?

If you were mandated that instead of six free puppies your company had to give 6 pedigreed horses or pay a penalty guess what.
Now...if a company has been giving out ONE free puppy each year, they now have to decide if they will give out two free puppies or pay the fine.

Some will give two puppies, some will pay the fine.
If your company has given six free puppies to its employees every year for the past 30 years, would it make a difference to them if a law was passed that every company had to give at least two free puppies to its employees or pay a fine?

If you were mandated that instead of six free puppies your company had to give 6 pedigreed horses or pay a penalty guess what.
The ACA does not do that. The minimum standards are below what most companies already provide.

I say again: Ask your HR people if you don't believe me.
Now...if a company has been giving out ONE free puppy each year, they now have to decide if they will give out two free puppies or pay the fine.

Some will give two puppies, some will pay the fine.
It all depends on the relative costs. In this case the costs for providing insurance have skyrocketed, well beyond the rate of inflation. For many companies it is not even feasible anymore.
That's the part your'e missing.
If your company has given six free puppies to its employees every year for the past 30 years, would it make a difference to them if a law was passed that every company had to give at least two free puppies to its employees or pay a fine?

If you were mandated that instead of six free puppies your company had to give 6 pedigreed horses or pay a penalty guess what.
The ACA does not do that. The minimum standards are below what most companies already provide.

I say again: Ask your HR people if you don't believe me.
I have. I've asked two people involved with those decisions at their companies. The answer is the same. And btw if a company's plan actually does exceed ACA standards then it risks becoming a "cadillac plan" and then also subject to taxation. And the formula for determingin that is excruciating.
Now...if a company has been giving out ONE free puppy each year, they now have to decide if they will give out two free puppies or pay the fine.

Some will give two puppies, some will pay the fine.
It all depends on the relative costs. In this case the costs for providing insurance have skyrocketed, well beyond the rate of inflation. For many companies it is not even feasible anymore.
That's the part your'e missing.
How ironic. This is exactly the problem I have said time and time again which the GOP chose to ignore.

Those companies who cannot provide insurance any more did not drop their employees because of ObamaCare. They dropped them because the costs are too high for insurance. This is the problem ObamaCare was trying to address!

If costs keep going up, companies will drop their employees whether or not ObamaCare exists.

That is why I have asked time and time again, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!"

If you do not have a solution to rising costs, then you are more useless than a kickstand on a tank, and that defines the modern day GOP. They had their shot, and chose to do nothing.

And that is why we have ObamaCare.
Prior to the 2011 elections, Republicans were saying that this was their last chance to stop the ACA. If Obama was re-elected and implementation of the ACA went ahead, by 2014 it would be too late and the country would be stuck with the law.

There are fundamental changes to the structure health care funding within the ACA that cannot be reversed once set in motion. It can be amended, tweaked or changed, but it cannot be scrapped.
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look at this way, if the far left can have their Obamacare, it will wipe out the unions in the US..
Ironically the unions have now figured out Obamacare is really bad for them. Suck it.
The unions have discovered their employer health insurance is not eligible for subsidies. That's the biggest thing pissing them off. They wanted ALLLLLL the gifts.

I am very much against employer-sponsored health insurance. If it went away everywhere, that would be a good thing. It would bend the per capita cost curve for health care down.

Employer-sponsored health insurance is a giant labor union boondoggle. Obama further entrenched it into the clusterfuck that is our health care system as a giant stop to the unions.

Now the unions are learning it was not that big a gift as they thought it was going to be.
I haven't read this thread...just skimmed...where are all the personal stories of how Obabblecare saved my life? I don't pay attention to this because I'm covered by tricare for life. Fuck with dat and I'll kill you.
Now...if a company has been giving out ONE free puppy each year, they now have to decide if they will give out two free puppies or pay the fine.

Some will give two puppies, some will pay the fine.
It all depends on the relative costs. In this case the costs for providing insurance have skyrocketed, well beyond the rate of inflation. For many companies it is not even feasible anymore.
That's the part your'e missing.
How ironic. This is exactly the problem I have said time and time again which the GOP chose to ignore.

Those companies who cannot provide insurance any more did not drop their employees because of ObamaCare. They dropped them because the costs are too high for insurance. This is the problem ObamaCare was trying to address!

If costs keep going up, companies will drop their employees whether or not ObamaCare exists.

That is why I have asked time and time again, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!"

If you do not have a solution to rising costs, then you are more useless than a kickstand on a tank, and that defines the modern day GOP. They had their shot, and chose to do nothing.

And that is why we have ObamaCare.
NO, Obamacare caused the increase in costs. Plans that were previously fine suddenly were not fine. That's why companies like McDonald's have been getting waivers right and left. But not all companies got waivers.
Prior to the 2011 elections, Republicans were saying that this was their last chance to stop the ACA. If Obama was re-elected and implementation of the ACA went ahead, by 2014 it would be too late and
Never too late to kill bad legislation. Besides, when people said that they assumed Obama would actually follow the law and implement it fully.

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