Practice Saying "ACA"

Prior to the 2011 elections, Republicans were saying that this was their last chance to stop the ACA. If Obama was re-elected and implementation of the ACA went ahead, by 2014 it would be too late and
Never too late to kill bad legislation. Besides, when people said that they assumed Obama would actually follow the law and implement it fully.

I tend to agree, and I'd at least like to hope people will see we're on the wrong course and recant. But even most of the people who oppose ACA don't understand that their own attitudes toward government are what make it inevitable.

Joseph Sobran nailed it, years ago, when he observed that the defining characteristic of the modern attitude toward government is the ubiquitous assumption that government is the unquestioned authority in all things. He compared our view of government with the medieval commoners attitude toward the Church. People may have questioned its decisions, they may have complained about it, but they never questioned its role in dictating the direction of society.

That's where we are now with government. Even most "small government conservatives" still think that government should "do something" about most of the problems we face as a society. They just have different ideas about what it should do. And that pretty much loses the battle right there. Once we agree that government should be in charge of our health care - even if it's just licensing doctors and regulating insurance (which most conservatives are okay with) - we've already started down the road to ACA, and more. I *think* that's the point g5000 is trying to make here.
“Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA.”


It's a similar situation to when the democrats took control of Congress in 2007, where they were never able to garner the votes needed to end the war in Iraq, as it was the voters' opposition to the war that won democrats control of Congress to begin with.

And for much the same reasons the GOP will be unable to repeal the ACA:

Repealing the ACA will be seen as irresponsible, just like defunding the war. Republicans have nothing to replace the ACA with, just as democrats had no exit strategy for Iraq. And some republicans approve of the ACA, just as some democrats supported the war – enough at least to keep both in existence.
What will happen when the employer mandate kicks in next year? anyone have any ideas?

Surely Obama wouldn't have delayed this provision for purely political reasons, right?


I've already explained several times what will happen. Many employers who are not providing insurance will start to provide it to their employees. Other employers who do not meet the minimum standards of the ACA will improve the insurance they provide to their employees.

The reason Obama delayed it is because doing those things takes more time than was initially understood. Congress knew this, but chose not to extend the deadline.

They had no problem extending the Bush tax cut expiration deadline, though. Kosh seems to think extending deadlines is hard to do. It isn't. It is a political choice whether or not to do it. The mechanics of it are very simple.

The GOP chose not to extend the deadline so they could force a crisis. THERE are your "purely political reasons", tard.

WRONG!! BZZZZ!!! Shitting out of your mouth is not the correct answer BZZZZ!!

The correct answer is: "I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE EMPLOYER MANDATE KICKS IN. " You can hope for an outcome, but you don't know. Nobody does. I think a lot of employers will drop coverage, but I could be wrong. (see how easy that was?). I have no idea where the 93 million number you keep shitting from your mouth is coming from, but your continued use of the word "tard" and "retard" makes me think you have Tourettes syndrome or some kind of tick. get that checked out.

The correct answer to the second question is : "OF COURSE OBAMA CHANGED THE DATE FOR POLITICAL REASONS. That's an easy one, and you got it wrong.

Stop drinking the piss.Stop shitting from your mouth.
But they are right, the ACA is never going away.
I had a meeting with a VP and he made it clear that the dirty little secret is that NONE of the leadership on either side wants to "repeal" it.
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.
But they are right, the ACA is never going away.
I had a meeting with a VP and he made it clear that the dirty little secret is that NONE of the leadership on either side wants to "repeal" it.

Yup, the companies have learned how to make money and pad bonuses.
But they are right, the ACA is never going away.
I had a meeting with a VP and he made it clear that the dirty little secret is that NONE of the leadership on either side wants to "repeal" it.

Yup, the companies have learned how to make money and pad bonuses.

I can tell you Nebraska Companies did not fair well, I can also tell you that the numbers being bandied about talking about "average increases" is all bogus.

The ONLY plans that they should be showing the % of increase for are those that are the most populated.

This part is just my opinion, but as I have said forever the Single Payer thing was planned all along...
In conjunction with this I think that the big fight between insurance companies is who would survive and administrate the Gov program.

One of the clearest reasons he sucks. Too bad he wasn't defeated in the primary.

That you accept the abomination of ... Obamacare ... is another pretty good demonstration that it needs to go.
You know, my State has a Department of Health. I don't see why there even needs to be one of those at the federal level.

I'm having a hard time understanding what part of the Constitution authorizes that. The commerce clause?

Jesus H. Christ.....A bunch of restaurant inspectors doesn't make a health care plan.

First of all, Departments of heath are responsible for many more things at the State level, they are responsible for what ever citizens at the state level decide to make them responsible for. That is the beauty of republican representative democracy. Not the autocratic corporatocratic welfare state that has been foisted upon the several states.

Where is the Federal Government responsible for making health care plans in the Constitution? From my reading of it, and most sane folks. . . We read it as. . .
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.

"We" Democrats? Really, Jammie-Jake, come out of the Democloset and into the light.

Son, we don't let tools in the hands of false teachers from the far social con right make the definitions anymore. In less than 30 hours, the influence of the far right dissipates like moon beams.
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.

Who is we? You and the Green party? Face it Fakey, you're a liberal c*nt! and the biggest joke on this board...
“Now that the GOP is going to control Congress, but not ever have enough votes to repeal it, they will begin to start calling it the ACA.”


It's a similar situation to when the democrats took control of Congress in 2007, where they were never able to garner the votes needed to end the war in Iraq, as it was the voters' opposition to the war that won democrats control of Congress to begin with.

And for much the same reasons the GOP will be unable to repeal the ACA...

Yep. Because neither gang want's to let go of new power.
There was no way that we could get single payer through congress, because that would have made it possible to bypass the private insurance industry. ACA, with all of it's faults, incorporates private insurers into a win/win partnership with the government. The people are happy, because they get guaranteed issue insurance. Private insurers are happy, because their target market just expanded to 100% of the American population. Employers are happy, because they know that sooner or later they will be relieved of the burden of having to pay for employee group health insurance benefits (which was economically insane, in the first place). America thus joins the rest of the industrialized world in providing for health insurance for everybody, and the extreme Right is Sooooooo screwed.

My best advice for them is to stick with trying to deport Juan Valdez, as their major issue upon which to run a political campaign. After all, Juan does not vote.
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.

Who is we? You and the Green party? Face it Fakey, you're a liberal c*nt! and the biggest joke on this board...

Zander, your are the pin cushion of the Board. We, the mainstream, will make you the far right reactionaries shit in your own mouths if you won't work with the rest of the party on the tough issues of ACA, immigration, and education.
Sorry, Zander, not only are you a curse to the Dodgers, the whole far right has been a shitten puppy curse on the GOP.

We will compromise next year on ACA, and you guys are out in the cold. Don't ever doubt it.

Who is we? You and the Green party? Face it Fakey, you're a liberal c*nt! and the biggest joke on this board...

Zander, your are the pin cushion of the Board. We, the mainstream, will make you the far right reactionaries shit in your own mouths if you won't work with the rest of the party on the tough issues of ACA, immigration, and education.

Shut up Fakey. You and your "mainstream" faggots can't force anything.

Boner (yep...that's how I spelled it) wouldn't be whining about the far right if he didn't need them.
Obamacare will die out as soon as the subsidies die out.. Which by the way the law is written in about three more years..

You need to read up on the law. The most states will ever have to pay is like 10% of the cost. States that took the Medicare expansion aren't going to stop.

I am sure you enjoy the welfare that the rest of us pay for.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Go ahead and dismantle it. Then watch everyone's rates double and triple.

The GOP had their chance and they blew it.

You want to take subsidized health insurance away from millions?

Good luck with that.


It is written into the law that way as a phase out..

This year is the biggest subsidize that anyone will get from being in the Obamacare exchanges. That is provide that the language used in the law is not undone by some radical far left judges legislating from the bench.

Also those that are in the Obamacare exchanges that are not run by the states may not get said subsidizes..

Go ahead and dismantle it. Then watch everyone's rates double and triple.
With millions of Americans losing access to affordable healthcare.

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