Praise me or no ventilators for you

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
This was Trump revealing his true authoritarian instincts. Praise me or else. Trumpers are his bootlickers. Most real Americans would never bend a knee to wannabe dictators like Trumpers do. Trumpers will squeal like pigs if Trump asks them to. I found a video.

Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
You have quotes from Trump confirming your charge, right? You can substantiate everything, right?
Or would you rather not ruin a good story?

We are back to the days of Trump is Putin's lackey again and Trump threatening Ukraine if political dirt
isn't provided.

Apparently some leftist baboons just don't learn from past mistakes and lies.
Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
You have quotes from Trump confirming your charge, right? You can substantiate everything, right?
Or would you rather not ruin a good story?

We are back to the days of Trump is Putin's lackey again and Trump threatening Ukraine if political dirt
isn't provided.

Apparently some leftist baboons just don't learn from past mistakes and lies.
Trump minions facilitate a dysfunctional President. They are as much to blame as Trump is.

Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
You have quotes from Trump confirming your charge, right? You can substantiate everything, right?
Or would you rather not ruin a good story?

We are back to the days of Trump is Putin's lackey again and Trump threatening Ukraine if political dirt
isn't provided.

Apparently some leftist baboons just don't learn from past mistakes and lies.
Trump minions facilitate a dysfunctional President. They are as much to blame as Trump is.

So you have nothing to offer as proof. You facilitate idiotic drivel.
By the way, your own citation shows how you take quotes out of context. Trump told Pence that Inslee (governor of the state I used to be proud to be a native of) was non cooperative and contentious.
Nowhere did he say Inslee needs to praise and publicly fawn over me. That bullshit was all your
doing, jackass.
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Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
You have quotes from Trump confirming your charge, right? You can substantiate everything, right?
Or would you rather not ruin a good story?

We are back to the days of Trump is Putin's lackey again and Trump threatening Ukraine if political dirt
isn't provided.

Apparently some leftist baboons just don't learn from past mistakes and lies.
Trump minions facilitate a dysfunctional President. They are as much to blame as Trump is.

So you have nothing to offer as proof. You facilitate idiotic drivel.
I know you are very stupid, so let me help you.
I provided you a link in the last email:
Do you know how to copy and paste? If not get help. Copy and paste the link I provided into your browser. Do you know what a browser is? if not, ask someone.
If you do not know how to read, have someone read the newspaper article to you.
Stupidity is more deadly than the coronavirus.
I know you are very stupid, so let me help you.
I provided you a link in the last email: Do you know how to copy and paste? If not get help. Copy and paste the link I provided into your browser. Do you know what a browser is? if not, ask someone.
If you do not know how to read, have someone read the newspaper article to you.
Stupidity is more deadly than the coronavirus.
Did you see me referencing your citation? It was the part where I specifically said " your own citation shows".

I can't take you by your little monkey paw and show you. I gave you credit for reading what is plainly posted.
Looks like I over estimated your abilities by a long shot. Eff off!

Let me repeat the pertinent part:
Nowhere did he say Inslee needs to praise and publicly fawn over me. That bullshit was all your
doing, jackass.
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There are simply not enough ventilators to go around, can't you people get this through your fucking thick heads ?!!!!

It wouldn't matter who Trump chose to get them or not to get them, there aren't nearly enough for everyone who is going to need one !

As I've continually pointed to, there was an HHS study in 2005 that concluded if we got hit by a Spanish Flu size pandemic, we would need 740,000 ventilators.

Bush was president from the time of this study until 2009.
Obama was president from 2009-2017.
Trump has been president since 2017.
In addition a shitload of governors from 2005-2020.

All failed to build up a supply that would meet what was needed.
Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?
Hownya doing on those airplane emission ?
Praise me or no ventilators for you. Our great leader stated that he has not received appropriate appreciation and respect from the govenors of Washington and Michigan so he instructed his staff to not call the govenors and offer help for dealing with coronavirus.
The citizens of Washington and Michigan be damned, they will suffer for the disrespectful actions of their govenors.
Are you kidding me.
You may expect this from Kim Jong Un in North Korea but not in the United States of America. What are we turning into?

Oh look the Talking Points are fresh off the press today
There are simply not enough ventilators to go around, can't you people get this through your fucking thick heads ?!!!!

It wouldn't matter who Trump chose to get them or not to get them, there aren't nearly enough for everyone who is going to need one !

As I've continually pointed to, there was an HHS study in 2005 that concluded if we got hit by a Spanish Flu size pandemic, we would need 740,000 ventilators.

Bush was president from the time of this study until 2009.
Obama was president from 2009-2017.
Trump has been president since 2017.
In addition a shitload of governors from 2005-2020.

All failed to build up a supply that would meet what was needed.
There are not enough ventilators but Trump is implying that he will ration to states where the governor's provide proper respect and appreciation.
They should be rationed based on need.
Do not change the subject, jackass.
There are not enough ventilators but Trump is implying that he will ration to states where the governor's provide proper respect and appreciation.
Wrong! That's your spin!
Nowhere, as I already pointed out, can anyone honestly infer that from Trump's remark.
Don't be a dishonest prick, okay?

They should be rationed based on need.
Do not change the subject, jackass.
If you have proof to the contrary provide it.
Trump has bigger things to worry about than two backstabbing Governors. Everyone has favorites and these two assholes have made sure they are not going to be on the top of any list. A good leader would be smarter than to act like these two. That's why they will stay on the also ran list. The people of Michigan and Washington deserve much better.
He runs off at the mouth a lot, but that is just the way he talks. I don't think he will withhold ventilators from where they are needed, just because he is mad at a governor. Sure, he's a jerk. But, nobody is that big a jerk.
Trump has bigger things to worry about than two backstabbing Governors. Everyone has favorites and these two assholes have made sure they are not going to be on the top of any list. A good leader would be smarter than to act like these two. That's why they will stay on the also ran list. The people of Michigan and Washington deserve much better.
I agree wholeheartedly and I used to take pride in my home state, Washington.
Because of clowns like Inslee (the first person to drop out of the democrat president clown car) and how Seattle has been turned into a "shithole" (a cliche now but literally appropriate) I don't feel pride anymore.

At least not West of the Cascades. I don't and my relatives were all from Seattle. I used to love going there
on our semi annual trips from Spokane.

In no way can Trump saying that he told Pence that someone like Inslee (and whatever the Michigan governor's name is) are a pain to deal with can be construed as him holding out access to ventilators in a
"quid pro quo" arrangement (there's that lie again).

What can I say? Leftist dimwits are recycling their slanderous lies again. They are stupid, malicious and repetitious.
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