Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

Unless the NG or police step up, it will happen..everybody I run into is chomping at the bit.
Everyone in that pic could be put down within 30 seconds with 5 men.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. The "protests" are increasing, not dying down, because nobody can figure out how to stop it. The old way is to mow down a couple hundred fools and leave their corpses to rot in the heat.....that smell is one you'll never forget. Short of that, maybe some dogs....nah, the media rodents would get hysterical if a German Shepherd lit into a looter...."how could they!?!" We could wait until all the stores are looted and there's nothing left to steal or until all the cities are on fire. OR, how about you boys with your AR-15s go out and stop it. The cops don't dare, the politicians couldn't care less as long as it ain't their neighborhoods. The communists love it, say nothing as it goes on, but are also in hiding from those they dream of as being "revolutionaries"....a fond distant memory of their antiwar days their leaders sent us to fight and then decided not to win. Seems pretty simple to will end when Americans have had enough and go total-vigilante. Don't think it can't happen....I'm just wondering why it hasn't happened already?

Because every place these ignorant Klansmen attack is democrat. Unfortunately, even the capital city of the entire country.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. ...
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole. There have been other periods of civil unrest in American history. We will talk this current wave of unrest to death, maybe some changes will come and maybe we will come out of it a more perfect union, but we will come through. It's a mistake to underestimate the strength and resiliency of America.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. ...
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole. There have been other periods of civil unrest in American history. We will talk this current wave of unrest to death, maybe some changes will come and maybe we will come out of it a more perfect union, but we will come through. It's a mistake to underestimate the strength and resiliency of America.

The "strength and resiliency of America" is about to be demonstrated to these animals....hide in your closet, fool....your kind is why it happened.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.

Kent State showed the Weather Underground what a revolution really looks like...and it stopped...just like that.
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.

Kent State showed the Weather Underground what a revolution really looks like...and it stopped...just like that.
Kent State action is more than warranted these days.
Every business owner who has his property stolen or destroyed, every worker who has to wade through piles of rubble to get to his job, every commuter whose bus or train is delayed by protests, every person who sees their city's infrastructure being ripped apart by thugs ... every one of those is another vote to re-elect President Trump,

I'm not inclined to stop them at all. If anything, I should be sending them money.
In case you haven't noticed or are firmly encased in bubble wrap, our second Civil War is now underway. ...
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole. There have been other periods of civil unrest in American history. We will talk this current wave of unrest to death, maybe some changes will come and maybe we will come out of it a more perfect union, but we will come through. It's a mistake to underestimate the strength and resiliency of America.
It's a mistake for leftist/Marxist know-it-alls to underestimate the strength and resolve of the American People.
I bet they make it anyway, they're just that arrogant.
People are seething, dude.
Because every place these ignorant Klansmen attack is democrat. Unfortunately, even the capital city of the entire country.

The 20 major cities it's happening in are all democrat and have been for years. And now they want to "defund" the cops and strip their legal immunity so they can be sued for even approaching a street thug. Let em do it....and the cities will empty and the thugs will be forced out into Whiteville....they won't last long in our world.
Every business owner who has his property stolen or destroyed, every worker who has to wade through piles of rubble to get to his job, every person whose bus or train is delayed by protests, every person who sees their city's infrastructure being ripped apart by thugs ... every one of those is another vote to re-elect President Trump,

I'm not inclined to stop them at all. If anything, I should be sending them money.

Secret agent eh? Soros is funding most of it....why ain't he been strung up from a light pole?
There's too many to jail. The only solution is to put them down. Will the people we pay taxes to do it, or do we have to get it done ourselves?

If we have to do it ourselves, the politicians go right along with the lawless rioters. They did nothing to protect us/supported the rioters, after all.
This post above is officially deemed Bootney's Kill A Commie For Mommy Freedom Prize.

Congrats, Duke.
Kent State action is more than warranted these days.

Don't forget Jackson State Mississippi happened at the same time...too bad the Ohio NG were such terrible shots....innocent folks killed instead of the scum that burned the ROTC building and were heading toward other buildings.
We are not involved in a "civil war." Excitable people always leap to hysterical hyperbole.
America, 2020. Reason and moderation not required.

That;s right asshat....the days of moderates debating their navel lint are long gone....Barry was supposed to fix all this while lowering the oceans and fueling our nation with sunshine and breezes....he talked and talked and stuttered and stuttered figuring that solved something. And now Trump is cleaning up the mess...thank God our man is in the WH....this won't end well for you commie humps.

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